19 January, 2023

dream on, the moon is on the wane

There are times with extended illness where we try to hide it as much as possible. Keep things light, laugh it off, downplay it. Dress up for guests so they don't worry.

Other times we sink into it, and the inner becomes the outer in cracked reflection.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

I'm at the House of the Crimson Wings, a mixed therian nation/Japanese haunted house, depending on which direction one goes. I've covered it before--I had to go back to 2019 to find the actual post--and now I'm wondering how it's changed, or if it has.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

I'm also showing off another /Vae Victis\ product. These are the "Astaroth" Cosmic Glasses, and they have mastered the arch look with zero effort.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

This is as close as my cam skills will let me get--the eyeglasses chain? If you look close, they're not chain links, they're eyes.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis, with HUD.

The house is whispering to me again. And this isn't really the outfit for pinks, but...the pinks must be shown! It's tradition at this point.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

And if you just want to completely goth out? There's a black option for all pieces.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

There are eleven shades for the lenses, and seven shades each for the other sections. I'm going to have to find more superlatives beyond "gorgeous" and "beautiful", but these really are. I love the eye detail on the chain, and the pen-nib bridge is so clever.

The 'Astaroth' Cosmic glasses from Vae Victis

You can find these at the Warehouse event starting January 23rd for L$360!