01 January, 2023

I cannot move, I close my eyes

I usually don't make New Year's resolutions. For one, they're usually all aspirations beyond most peoples' ken. For two, they're far too easy to break.

I made one this year. Just the one.

And nearly broke it as we draw closer to midnight.

So--I have no strong guarantee this will work, but the resolution was: one entry every day of 2023. It probably won't work. But I am going to try.

In the meantime, while I sort that out, there is some reshuffling of estate things, while we reconfigure, which means the cats are tucked in wherever I can find room for them! So have this shot of Eratosthenes, the former library cat, sleeping in a large part of the new shop space. Well, he is a mega. He takes up a large amount of terrain. :D

Erato sleeping.