27 December, 2020

it's time for us to lose our weary minds

People get odd in quarantine. Let me tell you a story of several unsettling eggs. It started here:


This was followed by a very Seussian breakfast (I don't want to know how they got the ham steak that green):


and screaming eggs:


which were followed by very sad eggs


before someone decided to make cloud eggs in the shell.


This was followed by...an all-egg Bundt cake??


But they weren't done yet. The next day someone posted eggs so overcooked they should have been served in a funerary urn:


Following that, double-double yolks were seen:


followed by the owl of doom:


And the thread finished with "holy" eggs:


accompanied by a somewhat suitable reaction pic.


Gods help you all, you mad desecrators of breakfast. May you live through all your creations.

26 December, 2020

lost in your current like a priceless wine

This is another case of losing the photos until recently, but I was invited to the odori by the High Priestess of the Companions' Guild a few weeks back. The more formal events always throw me a little--kimono is traditional, yes, but not geisha trappings, because I'm not one. The closest I feel I can come is oiran, traditionally equally well trained, but in different ways, and with a vastly different goal. And even there, I feel as if my makeup must be alluding to, not directly indicative of.

I don't know if other people fret over these things. I do.


We were led to a small room with a low table and zaisu chairs, and were asked to please sit, offered tea or sake as we chose, and spoke a few moments with the perfomer as the servers brought in the first course.
[13:26] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic): "While you enjoy your appetizer, please allow me to perform."
[13:26] Toshiha Magic: : おおきにぃ (Thank you)
Our geisha performer, Ms. Magic, I am leaving named, because she does formal geisha and kabuki performances professionally in SL. She's very good.
[13:26] Bxxxxxx Gxxx turns to watch the geiko
[13:26] Bxxx 1xxxx knocks at the door
[13:27] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) smiles, picking up the chopsticks.
[13:27] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic) carefully walks to the stage and takes her place, preparing a dance fan.

She took the stage, and I still don't know if the recording we heard then was her, or was someone else? "Momiji no Hashi" means "bridge of autumn leaves", which was the song playing, so...
[13:28] Momiji no Hashi Singer: Near the bridge of maple leaves 紅葉の橋のたもとから
[13:28] Txxx Tx 统体 after pouring, passes Jx Dxxxo and Nxx Jxx their fresh tea with a bow of head
[13:28] Momiji no Hashi Singer: I rest a sleeve on the railing. 袖を垣根の言いずてに
[13:28] Momiji no Hashi Singer: For a moment, my ears hear a magpie ちょっと耳をばかささぎの
[13:29] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hello, [Axxxx]!
[13:29] Bxxx 1xxx bows respectfully "Greetings."
[13:29] Momiji no Hashi Singer: Upon the frost a sudden clarity of light, 霜もいつしか白々と
[13:29] Dr. Dxxx Vxx Axxxx enjoys Toshiha's graceful movements.
[13:29] Momiji no Hashi Singer: It accumulates deeply, piling up 積もるほどなお深くなる
[13:30] Momiji no Hashi Singer: My dancing hands surround the snow 雪をめぐらす舞の手や
[13:30] Momiji no Hashi Singer: Yoi yoi yoi yoi yoi yasa. ヨイヨイ、ヨイヨイ、ヨイヤサー

She drew the eye, her slim figure moving through patterns made traditional hundreds of years ago, and, if you count that this was loosely part of Firefly RP, thousands of years back, with her delicately spinning fans.
[13:31] Bxxxxxx Gxxx: Hello [Axxxx]!
[13:31] Vxxxxx Lxxxx leans against the pillar, listening to the familiar song
[13:31] Bxxx 1xxx: How is every one?
[13:31] Zxxx Axxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx knock at the door
[13:31] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hello, [Zxxx]!
[13:31] Bxxxxxx Gxxx applauds!
[13:31] Dr. Dxxx Vxx Axxxx nods politely to Alice. "No complaints. Yourself?"
[13:31] Bxxxxxx Gxxx: Thank you!
[13:31] Zxxx Axxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: may i come in?
[13:31] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) claps politely
[13:31] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx claps for Toshiha.
[13:31] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That was lovely!

She dipped, she turned, she hid her face coyly one moment, and spun the fans out to reveal it the next.
[13:31] Dr. Dxxx Vxx Axxxx: Of course, feel free to join us, [Zxxx].
[13:32] Mxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx claps enthusiastically as she motions to [Zxxx] with a nod
[13:32] Zxxx Axxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx smiles and remove his gettas at the entry taking a seat
[13:32] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic): "Oideyasu, [Nxx Jxx] niisan!"
[13:32] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic) bows politely.
[13:32] Bxxx 1xxx: up right and breathing which is a good thing in our day and age
Especially this year.
[13:32] Vxxxxx Lxxxx clears the table of the old incense plate and takes it into the kitchen for a good clean
[13:32] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic): "Ookini! I hope you were all able to enjoy the feel of the season in that song."
[13:33] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Beautfully performed, and yes, very autumnal.
[13:33] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That was beautiful
[13:33] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i was actually hearing it from behind the door, it was very lovely Toshiha.
[13:33] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic): "Hei, today is the last day I could perform it for the year, so, I am pleased to dance it one more time." She smiles to [Nxx Jxx], too.

Apparently, the fall dance is the Gion Odori; there's a spring version as well, the Miyako Odori, performed every year.
[14:39] Toshiha とし葉 (toshiha.magic): ((This song, will be played like the first one, on "Sounds", ookini!))
[14:39] Txxx Tx 统体 after grasping a cloth to pick up the urn of bathing water, staggers, pausing ever few steps, panting, in hauling it's weighty volume
[14:40] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: The heart of the fan for you, a promise; 君に扇のナ 要の契り
This one was harder to figure out. Google Translate happily tells me it means either "Mysterious fan" or "Your fan mystery"; neither I think are accurate.
[14:40] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx starts nibbling away happily at her cake.
[14:40] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: The snow's white background on the edge of the fan 雪の白地は扇の縁
[14:41] Beeflin Grut smiles radiantly at the poise of the dance
[14:41] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: The flower decorated fan in Hanjo's bedroom. 班女が閨の花扇
[14:41] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: That leopard lily hairpiece in your sleeve その桧扇のかざしの袖に
[14:41] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: Lightly, lightly ひらり ひらり
[14:42] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: The rich color of trees 木々の錦や
[14:42] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: are drawn in a picture with sakura-covered mountains 絵に画く山の桜花
[14:42] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: They fall, scattering, a soothing pleasure forever and ever 散らぬ嬉しさいつまでも
[14:43] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: A swirling of fans 扇車のくるり
[14:43] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: The ritual dance of ceremonial fans inviting prosperity 品よくまわれ末広かけて
[14:43] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx watches Toshiha's graceful movements while pacing herself with her cake so it doesn't disappear too quickly.
[14:43] Kimi ni Ougi Singer: With open tines, for eight-thousand years. ひらく八千代の手なれ草
ozeshiki6 At which point, she bowed deeply, the performance complete. We were all stunned for a few moments, then...
[14:44] Bxxxxxx Gxxx has temporarily completely forgotten his cake
[14:44] Bxxxxxx Gxxx applauds!
[14:44] Vxxxxx Lxxxx shouts: beautiful tones up to the bathroom!!
[14:44] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx applauds!!
[14:44] Fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow!
[14:44] Kxxxxx Rxxxxxxx 金葉 applauds
ozeshiki7 Of course, SL being SL, couldn't have a dinner party break up without some technical glitch, but still, all in all, it was a brilliant performance, and I was honored and touched to be invited.

25 December, 2020

and here we stand, the sweet arresting duality

(Light roleplay entry.)

The uplift is complete.


Also, there's something mystical and lovely about dancing with a group of known pagans, heathens and atheists, whose sole intent is to dance, chat a bit, and leave all the nonsense behind in a very accepting, mellow setting. I'm really starting to like the Wandering Star.

At any rate..."On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..." SNAKES, apparently.


No, it's only Christmas today, actually, and no one had to give me evil snakes, they come with the territory. In this case, the territory being the snowy moon of Haven. And I'm the idiot who decided tromping around in the snow looking for ores to sell was a great idea.


Get away get away get AWAY! I thought the "Anti-Arc" was supposed to keep them off me!


Did I also mention Haven has feral wolves? That will attack if I get close enough? Note how I'm not getting close enough.


Oh, great, now there's two snakes near me! Find someone else to harass!

Also, I am curious--did this particular wolf suffer an injury? And someone patched up the leg, and wrapped it in jolly holiday red? Why??

In other news...


I put a dance floor in Gearhaven's garden. Right now, it's not scripted to do anything but rotate, but I'm fond of it.


And NuTanis is coming along swimmingly.

To that end--the Gearhaven end, not the cyber-city end--we may have to delay the first Gearhaven prize. We'd targeted that for somewhen in January, and we may still be able to, but the holidays have proven busier than expected, plus, the Duke's planning at least a "soft" open for Gearhaven in January. We've had some time to discuss potential candidates, so there are names in the hat, it's just...time, and availability, and lack of holiday stress...it's...somewhat daunting.

23 December, 2020

have we put these childish things away? have we lost the magic that we once had?

(Quasi-RP entry, or...it's a roleplay entry, but it deals with things beyond the 'Verse, as well.)

So, Haven's an interesting place. We're still settling in, and up until the happenings I'm going to relate, I had managed to avoid most of the dangers (though I was bitten by a cave spider, and that...was not fun.)


No one told me the electrified snakes on Haven had a winter form.


I mean, look at that thing. The fact that the eyes glow doesn't even register in their normal, desert-hide appearance. But patterned with slow gloss and dapple? Those eyes really stand out.


Thankfully, a friend tipped me to a Blue Sun product, the "Anti-Arc". You can just make it out strapped to my ankle. It gives off a low, not precisely pleasant subsonic hum, but it keeps the snakes away, and I'm perfectly happy with that.

In the meantime, the Duke had an interesting idea I wanted to test out. Considering we're pretty much limited by what we can ship past the UAP, legally, and what's on Haven itself, we're doing a lot of reconsideration on what we can offer the population that they'd want or need. And he suggested it might be possible to harvest Haven's toxic mushrooms and distill them into alcohol. First, it would clear patches of the fungus from places where people need to go, namely the mines, and second, we've done it before with toxic substances, subsuming the toxic elements in alcohol and aging the results.

I figured I'd be the perfect person to check on the toxicity levels, because I was still very comfortable with toxic mushrooms from the pregnancy potion. So off I traipsed to the mines to check. This...was not my best idea.


As it happens, the mushrooms are very toxic, even to a demifae, even to someone who spent the larger part of several weeks inhaling vapors from aconite, death caps, destroying angels and cloud agarics. And here's how it goes: stand too close, and your health drops by half (green to yellow). Stay in place, and it drops by half again. Still stand there, the health bar divides by yet another half and goes red...and that's when I started walking away, but I wasn't fast enough.

Dropped like a rock.


Now, thankfully, I'm still fairly durable, but it unnerved me a bit. I'll have to report back to the Duke that they're too toxic to brew, I think.

One more thing, though...and this one could get tricky.

Lady Justine is trying to teach me to mine asteroids (and I'm horrid at it, is anyone surprised?), but in order to stay completely within the force shield on the little rock hoppers Port Hope provides, she recommended I change out of Haven winter gear into something a little more close-fitting? Well, I happened to have a skinsuit, so changed quickly, but when I caught my reflection...


...I am definitely looking pregnant at this point. Which, to be fair, isn't that surprising--gestation for most leopards is 90 days, so if the Duke's genetics hold, it'll be the first week or two of January when I give birth. (Though if mine hold, as said, everything's out the window.) And that wouldn't be a problem, per se, except...

We're playing human on Haven. Because they have no place in their perceptions for a demifae ex-Phouka and a magically shapeshifting synthesized intelligence and occasional demigod. There's not even vocabulary that exists to explain.

So now, the big decision becomes--do I prop up my illusion spells again, as I've been doing at work, and proceed on as if nothing's changing? Do I just go with it but gently deflect questions? Because the one thing I do know, is the kittens cannot visit Haven. Not the least of which is that they will be kittens, at least until we figure out if they've inherited my natural shapeshifting, or not, and that will take some time for them to grow into whatever they'll become. And I do not want to field questions on why the human CSO of a shipping company has given birth to two leopard cubs. Thanks, but no.

19 December, 2020

through the trees I will find you, I will heal the ruins left inside you

Announcement came over the wires, that new favorite find of mine, the Aruba Deep merfolk, was holding a Druid ritual circle. Really? I was intrigued. Dress requested was tribal, or ritual, and I figured I'd rather wear something more or less resembling ritual gear, than leather and furs; nothing wrong with the latter, I just wanted a different look. And time ticked down until the ritual, where I ported in to a ton of people holding torches. Fun.
[11:59] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: ready [jxxx] ?
[11:59] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: aye!
[12:00] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: ok lets go

The ritual itself was simple and effective, and after that, the circle dance began. All the pictures for this entry were taken during the dance.
[12:01] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx shouts: I light this fire in your honour Mother Goddess. You have created life from death, warmth from cold.
[12:01] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx lights the left incense with the torch, waiting to see the smoke curl. Leaning over, she lights the right one, smiling to see it burn.

Faces old and new, familiar and never glimpsed before, spun with me around the central fire.
[12:02] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: Since the beginning of time, we have gathered in this season to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun. On the Winter Solstice, the darkest of nights,
[12:02] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: The Goddess becomes the Great Mother and once again gives birth to the Sun and the new yearly cycle,
Bringing new light and hope to all on Earth.

The torches were an interesting touch. Some brought walking or working staffs. Some wore modern clothes, some wore bones and beads, but we all shared a purpose.
[12:02] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: On the longest night of winter,
and the dark night of our souls,
[12:02] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: there springs the new spark of hope,
[12:02] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: the Sacred Fire, the Light of the World.

Curses, I was caught taking pictures! Though the thought does occur--how was I caught? I guess he's just that good.
[12:03] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: We gather tonight to await the new light.
[12:03] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: On this night, the Maiden, who is also Mother and Crone, prepares to welcome the Sun.
[12:03] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx: Let's now prepare to welcome the new light within.

The fellow behind Aruba Deep surprised me again--in addition to human and merman, he also does a fair imitation of Herne. Considering my other favorite new find, the Wandering Star, is a genial pagan club, and its owner and main DJ, Verdant Homewood, is a perpetual horned satyr...

Okay, Horned One, I'm listening. I thought you stopped talking.
[12:03] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx takes the sprig of mistletoe, cut that day in the sacred grove, and places it on the fire, raising her arms, she invokes the blessing:
[12:03] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx shouts: The Sun lives once again, the time of light is waxing.
We invite you, Great Mother, to our circle.
Bring us new light, the light of your glorious Son."

And Crim Mip was the DJ again for this event, and it was the first time I'd seen him human. Interesting. He played a great set for the event, too--everything from Omnia, XTC and Jethro Tull to Spiral Dance, Nox Arcana and the HU. Impressive.
[12:04] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx turns, smiling to the people gathered, opening her arms wide to them all, "Come, let us dance in celebration of the Light!"
[12:04] Jxxxxx Kxxxxx smiles wide
[12:04] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx shouts: ok lets dance
[12:05] Jxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: please join the circle
And dance we did, welcoming the return of the virtual sun at least, which is prelude to the RL celebration for me, in a few days. Still, it felt good. Even dancing on virtual earth reaffirms our connection to earth, sea and sky. I was glad I went.

And remember...


16 December, 2020

take a chance, we can dance up in mid-air (part two)

More from the ice-skating event in Christmas Town!


Skating through Whoville brought us to the rather infamous National Lampoon movie--and while it and Christmas Story aren't my favorite holiday films by a long shot, I know a great many people are nostalgic for them. And while this is mostly artfully posed cutouts, and the shortest section of any of them, it demonstrates the film's highlights very well.


And then...Polar Express. And while I admit the CGI used in this film gets more and more Uncanny Valley every year, it's still such a heartwarming piece.


And then Frozen, because of COURSE Frozen, why wouldn't there be Frozen? And the Frozen set they really put some work into, it's...magical.

Now, this is where it got odd for me...Past Frozen, you skate past a big WAKE UP sign, and that part's okay, nothing wrong there, you fell asleep to start this, but...


...then you pass paparazzi?? And...cheering crowds?? The huh?


And then you're back on the lake.

Now, you can get off there, and be happy with the trip. Or, you can stay in pose, and you'll skate through the whole town in a huge curving loop, which makes the whole thing--from the front pad with the pose sets to the end of the ride after the town finale--about twenty or thirty minutes, all told. It's not a short piece.

But probably because of that, it is an experience, and one I heartily recommend. The rating is moderate, and there's nothing unsafe for even the littlest of littles or the most venerable of the aged to be offended at. It's just charming start to finish, and a great deal of fun.

Five out of five candy canes, do go if you get the chance!

15 December, 2020

take a chance, we can dance up in mid-air (part one)

So let me tell you about an ice-skating event in Christmas Town. Lady Justine tipped me to this--walk (carefully) across the frozen lake from the flagstones to the big glowing castle, and pick your choice of journey--single skating, or couples. They're equipped for both. Turn off your music, say yes to the HUD control (it's small, you won't even see it), and off you go.


See? Big glowing BRIGHT blue castle.

So, the conceit of this is that you've fallen asleep somewhere, and you're dreaming about various holiday movies. There's a great bit of moving-clock action as you go into the first film...


...which is of course "It's a Wonderful Life", and they did a great job with very muted colors and lots of shades of grey.


Next up: Christmas Story, and while the cut-outs of the characters are a bit pale and reflective, it gets the point across. Past the flagpole, we skate into the house, and out into...


...Charlie Brown! Which was all bright colors and Schultz drawings against shadow, VERY effective.


Charlie Brown leads us to the Grinch, and again, the cut-out's a bit reflective and static, but the Whohomes of Whoville are lovely little structures, and it's a fun moment.

Next up: the rest of the skating tour!

14 December, 2020

show me the places where the others left you scars

Cue today's disappointment, which at the very least was short, and why yes, it IS from that one freebies and sales group I've posted about before:
[10:27] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: didn't you see the CHOUGH?
[10:27] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: COUGH even
[10:27] Mxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yep
[10:28] txxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what's this ?
[10:28] Xxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [rxxx] has sore throat
Fine so far, right?
[10:31] txxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it's not Cov19... all that stuff is fake.. is SL Dust since we had are last Updates... cough.. cough...
Meet Ms. A/T (considering she's called by both letters in this short transcript). I really did not need this nonsense this morning.
[10:36] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Can we not, [Axxxxxx]?
Yeah, can we really not? Just...please. It's a freebie group. Let it go.
[10:37] txxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not what ?
[10:37] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Not get into COVID-19 being fake in a freebies and offers group?
[10:39] txxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I was avoiding the '19' lies to give you clothes... You want to get into it ?
[10:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No.
[10:39] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Nope.
[10:39] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Really, really don't.
Still standing by that.
[10:40] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O boy
[10:40] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We ain't doing this.
THANK you.
[10:40] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxxx: nope muted moving on
[10:40] Atlanta (transatlanta): thank god for that... Truth Hurts... Let's just do freebs ;p
Die on fire.
[10:41] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I said end it.
[10:41] txxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we did..
[10:42] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I hereby apologize for trying to keep the focus on freebs and sales, here. Obviously I am in the wrong.
I didn't even care at that point that the sarcasm may not be read. I just blocked Ms. A/T and kept my head down. I don't even. Some people I no longer have patience for. 300,000 dead in the US, and one in every thousand US citizens dying every day? And she wants to blather on about how it's fake? No. All my patience is gone.

13 December, 2020

December 15th 2020 is Sakura's annual Holiday Ball!

In two days, Bellefleurs will be the site of Sakura's annual Holiday Ball. Considering the flurry of chaos everywhere this year, and the fact that last year was the first year in some time we didn't have one...it's good to know it's coming back.


There will technically be two--one from noon to two pm, SLT, and one from seven to nine pm, SLT, in the hopes that everyone who wants to can attend. Remember, the Twist of Fate sim is still a homestead sim, so it has that enforced limit on attendees. Still, we're hoping.


It's winter now at Bellefleurs, with gentle snowfall. The peacock's a tad bit upset, but the sheep are fine.


The front hall is lined with wreaths of fragrant evergreen and potted poinsettias, and Duchess Canning's puppy is very excited.


In fact, the only thing Duchess Canning has to decide is...shall she leave up this tree, or have the staff bring in the more Victorian one? I guess we'll learn at the ball!

We do hope to see you there. Remember Twist of Fate is an Adult sim, but the Ball will be perfectly safe for those unwilling to engage in adult activities. The grounds of Bellefleurs are cuddles only.

And happy holidays!