13 December, 2020

December 15th 2020 is Sakura's annual Holiday Ball!

In two days, Bellefleurs will be the site of Sakura's annual Holiday Ball. Considering the flurry of chaos everywhere this year, and the fact that last year was the first year in some time we didn't have one...it's good to know it's coming back.


There will technically be two--one from noon to two pm, SLT, and one from seven to nine pm, SLT, in the hopes that everyone who wants to can attend. Remember, the Twist of Fate sim is still a homestead sim, so it has that enforced limit on attendees. Still, we're hoping.


It's winter now at Bellefleurs, with gentle snowfall. The peacock's a tad bit upset, but the sheep are fine.


The front hall is lined with wreaths of fragrant evergreen and potted poinsettias, and Duchess Canning's puppy is very excited.


In fact, the only thing Duchess Canning has to decide is...shall she leave up this tree, or have the staff bring in the more Victorian one? I guess we'll learn at the ball!

We do hope to see you there. Remember Twist of Fate is an Adult sim, but the Ball will be perfectly safe for those unwilling to engage in adult activities. The grounds of Bellefleurs are cuddles only.

And happy holidays!