09 November, 2020

a total eclipse in the teeth of the risk

So, we've been dealing with this person off and on in one of my groups:
[10:45] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Are Japanese travelers dressed tightly in your country? I am a Japanese housewife who loves traveling.
[10:46] Axxxxxx Bxxxxx: Hi [Yxxx]
[10:46] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: u can dress loosely too
[10:46] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I think what she means is, her clothes are constricting, someone should probably help her out of them :p
I mean, am I wrong? That is a fun way to put it, and since her grasp of English doesn't seem that complete, I could see it happening. And let's be frank--this is a group for a sim that lets members come and play with each other? So sensual flirtation is hardly out of bounds.

But then...
[10:47] lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: haaahhahhhah
[10:47] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I like clothes that show off my body line.
[10:47] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: body line?
Curves. I think. Is what she means.
[10:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh, you just meant tight clothes, then. Never mind.
[10:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I thought you were being clever.
[10:47] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Carry on.
Kind of depressing, really. Such opportunity there. Squandered.

Her usual interaction with the group is far more direct. On the 31st of October, for instance:
[11:48] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi my name is [yxxx]. im japanese housewife. i like travel. japanese travellar is hot?
She always sends some iteration of this statement, and I have no idea anymore if she's just roleplaying, or serious about wanting to travel to India and "be hot".
[11:52] jxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Don't travel till there is a vaccine, [Yxxx]
[11:52] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LOL
[11:54] Sxxxxxxxxxxx Qxxxxx: lol [Jxxxx] :)
[11:56] Jxxxx Fxxxxxxx: lol
[11:58] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi
[12:15] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im hot in india travel?
[12:16] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You keep making these questions.
She does. It's always presented as, "I'm hot in Japan?" or "I'm hot in India?" or "I'm hot traveler?" Like...it's never just a statement. It's always a question. And they're weird questions.
[12:16] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im hot in india travel?
Case in point.
[12:17] sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kxxxx: blocked :(
[12:17] Jxxxx Fxxxxxxx: poor [yxxx]
[12:18] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Blocked? Has she done something worthy of blocking?
[12:19] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ?
[12:20] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I don't know either, [Yxxx]! I thought you were just asking if there was interest.
[12:22] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mmm
But that was all she said, then, so who knows?

Later, on November 3rd:
[15:44] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi my name is [yxxx]. im japanese housewife. i like travel. japanese travellar is hot?
Who knows? Could be? It's a mystery for the ages.
[15:44] Yxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: smiles
[15:45] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Maybe? I'm sure someone will be able to answer that question in time.
[15:46] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: Japanese Travelers can be hot...
[15:46] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello [yxxx]
[15:46] mxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: nice to meet u
[15:46] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello
[15:47] Hxxx Sxxxxxx: depends on the selfie...
[15:47] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: me?
Well, anyone really, but yes, Ms. Y, you were the one being discussed, so...
[15:52] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: im hot in travel?
[16:02] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i like india
[16:03] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [yxxx] then why dont you come and stay in India since you like India and are hot in travel too
[16:04] Nxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lool
[16:05] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i like alone travel
[16:07] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, I'm confused. You like to travel alone, so you're not asking for company?
[16:10] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: my real travel photo
[16:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Run that past me again?
Because who knows what she meant? Her profile has her RL photo? She sent her RL photo to someone? Who knows?

Then, on the 4th of November:
[09:05] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi my name is [yxxx]. im japanese housewife. i like travel. japanese travellar is hot? me?
[09:05] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello Namste [yxxx]
[09:05] pxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: namasty ji
"Namaste". Traditionally.
[09:05] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hello
[09:06] Rxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hi everyone
[09:06] Rxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: where you all
[09:06] Rxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: can any one tp me
[09:06] dxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hey [yxxx] ask [yxx] he is good guy help you about your fantasy travel to india
[09:06] yxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yes
[09:06] Rxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tp me
And again, conversation trailed off. So I really have zero idea what she's actually after.