04 November, 2020

because with that look I know so well I fall completely under your spell

The sim was called The Apartments. The blurb was just as strange:
"Hallways, endless rain and cats
lots and lots of cats."
Right. Let's go see.


Well, I see the cats. I also see the rain.


And apparently occasional catfights.


What the hell is that outside??


The cats don't like it either.


There's a lot of Blade Runner feel to this sim. Blade Runner, Fifth Element, techno-noir designs, some actual brand names used, some mock brand names. It definitely presents a defined look. Not just cyberpunk, but that specific, the-air-is-water, we-never-see-true-sunlight setting.


All in all, if anyone needs a vaguely futuristic urban setting for photographs or roleplay, this may be ideal? It's a mildly interesting wander, if nothing else, with the rain pouring steadily outside, the occasional meows heard, and the mazelike narrow warren of interconnecting hallways of a multiple-unit, multiple-floor, multiple-block apartment building.

Go see if you're curious. Bring catnip.