05 October, 2018

but you can weave the unraveled strings

This listing is none of the things it says it is. It's not Victorian, it's not busty, what on earth, people? I am disappoint.

Anyway, let's talk a new event, this month's iteration of Secret Affair, where the theme is "Asylum". So I full expect some cringe-worthy offerings, but at least one maker's doing something really fun.

These are Adam n' Eve's "Straight Jacket" shoes, in white (plain), from the event. Just for full revelation, I loathe peeptoe shoes. I don't know why--I like sandals, I like painting my nails, some styles are definitely cooler in the summer...but...peeptoes. Most of them deeply bug me.

These are the white shoes (bloody). Which are really well done. And these peeptoes...I can handle. I think they're really fun, they could so fly with a 'sexy nurse' costume, or even just a bloody dress for an evening out!

According to Seraphim's entry on the event, each shoe will retail for L$290 a pair, I think each pair comes with just one plain shoe, or one bloodied shoe, but I'll check and follow up on that when I go. I'm definitely interested in other colors, though. These have potential.

There are thirteen different colors in all, and the fatpack is only L$860 for everything. Sounds like a good deal to me!