30 June, 2017

every kid knows they'll just throw this stuff away

Omigosh, ALL the Hair Fair demos dropped today. So I'm going to be busy for a while...

"Calania" from EMO-tions. A simple updo shown in my token reds, this tone "Crimson".

"Dessia" is pretty, I might be tempted to get it. Shown in "Darkblonde" from the Blondes hud.

"Lulu" shown in "Mahogany" from the Brunettes hud. Comes with detachable beads in a simple pearl tone, or a silver metal version.

And "Tragedy", a short, pixie cut shown in "Mint" from the Pastels hud.

You'll be able to find EMO-tions on Redhead at Hair Fair.

From .EscalateD. we get "Jaina" in "Knallbunt":

"Kara" in "Dunkelbunt":

"Lauren" in "Astral":

And "Lizzy" in "Inferno":

You'll be able to find .EscalateD. on the Noirette sim at Hair Fair.

More shots coming! And this year's going to be rushed; I just don't have TIME with all the demos to cover each one in-depth. Apologies for that, and for the fact that this is likely part one of two thousand.


WordsPoeticallyWorth said...

Lovely images.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

Emilly Orr said...

Thanks! I truly don't do much post-processing, so I will bask in the compliment.