So, this one starts off...sort of normal...and goes downhill REALLLLLY quickly.
[Zone] Kyriev@mitani02: Hrm, do people actually buy gold these days?
Don't you mean 'buy diamonds', the in-game currency bought with real money?
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: not anyone that values their account....
Also true. Also that response makes me think they made that same connection, too.
[Zone] Kyriev@mitani02: One thing doing campaigns does, is give you a ton of crap items, which you sell..and end up with the 1.6k gold I have.
[Zone] Fraggle@hashthetag: make bank
[Zone] Kyriev@mitani02: its really sad
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: but theres one born every minute...
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: i would sooner buy gold from a dethroned nigerian prince....
[Zone] Mettyk@cagedrat: yes, those poor unfortunates
[Zone] Sinbad@Quetzaqoatl: right
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: thats zamundian...
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: scream it out loud peoplee
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: really...?
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: hollywood blvd Pervy, cost you a fiddy....
[Zone] Pervy@pervygh: ._.
[Zone] Baszun@baszun67: bout tree fitty
[Zone] Mara Shadowskiss@damnataanimus: but if its not worth real money... why do people buy it with real money? Why do gold sellers exist? If people will pay for something its not just a pixel xD
Yeah, so, that's a bigger question, and I think there's really two main reasons involved: laziness (because anything you can gain by buying diamonds from a gold spammer you can gain by buying them from Cryptic Studios, or just earning them on your own) and ignorance (because few new users of gold-spammer services realize that by buying from these services, they're giving them access to their credit-card numbers, addresses, any electronic data the thieves are able to skim out of the info given, et cetera and so on.)
[Zone] Lil ShinShank@cerialshank: WTB thunderfurry!!
...What's a 'thunderfurry'??
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: follow the yellow brick road
[Zone] ExiT@mynwacct: its entertainment
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: Pearl, i followed the yellow brick road once, it ended in rehab...
[Zone] CmdrValance@cmdrvalance: gold is useless in this game
Actually, it's not, it can be very useful, especially for restocking crafting supplies.
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: google show me the money it will appear for sure
[Zone] Blunder Thud@drartwhodent: gold is used for potions, kits and removing stones from gear
[Zone] Mara Shadowskiss@damnataanimus: and that was not q uestion to the people who msged me... it was more a musing at that person who said its just a pixel -.-
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: la internet mijo
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: its not wise to anger the interweb.....
[Zone] Haldir of Lorien@WanKokWai: theres no ppl selling zen at the ad-exchange, is it a problem for long time to come?
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: el internet?
[Zone] Exanim4@fugamerck: si el interne
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: lol
[Zone] rat@cagedrat: people are selling, post your offer and get in line with the rest of us
[Zone] Valindramelapimpla@acroponix: Sizas pirobo
[Zone] Valindramelapimpla@acroponix: viva colombia
[Zone] Valindramelapimpla@acroponix: hijueputas
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: moo goo gai pan
Really? Uncalled for. Also stupid.
[Zone] Valindramelapimpla@acroponix: viva el perico AMERICANS!
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: beef enchilada
Cue aggrieved sigh. (But hey, I found two new recipes I'll have to try, so I guess demi-thanks are in order?)
[Zone] Sylindryll@sbeecraft: serously... is anyone stupid enough to buy sh** off that internet site spam crap
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: click click bloody click pancakes!!!
[Zone] Malyc@cagedrat: lots of people are that stupid
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: like MAlyc
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: hey just cause i went to that site doesn't make me stupid
Actually, kind of by definition, it does, yes.
[Zone] Malyc@cagedrat: a good deal are very young kids with their parent's cards
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: OMG haddock
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: it does indeed
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: lol
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: in that case the parents deserve it, dont give your kids your cc
Truer words...
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: who the hell spends real money for game money?
Lots of people, all the time, in all the games, every day.
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: :D
[Zone] Malyc@cagedrat: on the bright side, f*ck you, pearl
[Zone] Diva@divalords: Not me
[Zone] Diva@divalords: Never will I ever do that again
Wait. "Again"? Change your passwords, Diva, NOW.
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: so youre going to fk me? ew no thanks
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: what's the point on playing if you're gonna pay for the stuff instead of... play for it
[Zone] Diva@divalords: after Evercrack and that other WoW game... no thnaks
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: if you kids gotta buy something online, get them a prepaid giftcard
Well, heck, these days that works for anyone. Pre-paid cards are common, easy to use, can be purchased on and offline, and are accepted in many places. There's even services that can act as Mastercards or VISAs. Truly, it is the future.
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: sony please share more of your wisdom, sensei
[Zone] Dropdose@ronniedow: is your deighty important?
You mean..."deity"? That is horribly mispelled.
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: that way no matter how stupid they are, the exposure is limited
[Zone] Dardra@morithan: Are you an idiot? If people didnt spend real money on this gaem THERE WOULD BE NO GAME
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: haah thanks man that was more enlightning than what i said
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: ok here's one: which npc do you consider to be most annoying in this game
[Zone] Rha Klaatu@alansweet: If its fresh haddock, a little wine tartar suace
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: The Town Cryer, all he does is cry
[Zone] Malyc@cagedrat: dedicated to his job
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: neverwinter commoner
[Zone] SONY@mtronco: he's such a pushy a**hole
[Zone] Lil ShinShank@cerialshank: Rofl
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: to me it's the linkletters, followed closely by private wilfred, and then rhix
Okay, Rhix can be annoying, but I think that's mostly because of the voiceover. He's a small kobold who hangs out behind the Seven Suns Coster Market, beside the Tarmalune bars trader. Still, even that annoyance is worth something--he pays well, offering daily quests in exchange for Astral Diamonds.
[Zone] Dropdose@ronniedow: are certain gods better for each class type or does it not really matter?
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: i was rooting for rahzad
[Zone] Rha Klaatu@alansweet: Elimiester is the worse
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: who is Elimiester
I think you both mean Elminster, an NPC who offers up fabulous foods and trinkets for seasonal events. He's also occasionally an NPC for other events, either introducing the quest lines or offering payment for completing event quests.
He's something of a crotchety old man--think Gandalf, but more annoying--but again, he pays well, and he's not that hard to deal with.
[Zone] Lomax@volsuoft: god u choose doesnt make a difference
[Zone] Fauxlivia@zantosa1881: Poor wilfred
So not kidding. Private Wilfred has one of the most tragic storylines in the entire game. That link doesn't go into all of them, so let's just say that his pointless and entirely avoidable death on the Sleeping Dragon Bridge is only the start of his troubles.
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: Gods have no bearing Drop, its just a backstory thing and occasionally a logo on certain cloaks....
A-ha, is that why my main cleric has the suns all over her cloak now? Because the sun is the symbol of Tymora. It all makes sense!
[Zone] Dropdose@ronniedow: ty for the info
[Zone] Mabondal@tjlongshot: in game god doesnt really make a difference
[Zone] Melanie Malachite@imapercent: I always shout "Praise Cthulu!" before prayer and it gives me boons, exp, ad, and potions. Cthulu is the bestest god of all! :D
[Zone] Keeroh@tinykeeroh: Who's up for a cuddle puddle?
In this game? What?
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: That which is dead doth eternal lie
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: for with strange eons even death may die...
[Zone] cosmos@moltenofficial: team_leave
[Zone] Xan@themastercreator: go for the eyes boo...GO FOR THE EYES!!! RHAAAAAH!!!!
[Zone] Keeroh@tinykeeroh: If you're into that mopey sadness and bad eyeliner
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: Don't teach my hamster to suck eggs!
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: o.o
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: That was a baaaaad statement to log in on.
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: I do not like the tone of your voice, Dark Elf. The face I have is the face the ladies love! Boo loves Minsc's face, too! Don't you, Boo?
[Zone] Keeroh@tinykeeroh: So about this cuddle puddle
Yeah, think that's a no, on further consideration. Without even one functional chair, let alone bench, bed or pile of pillows, the concept of "cuddling" while standing, in full armor, just lacks all appeal.
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: El Minster has fled to Mexico with the neverwinter renown. Pursue him and recapture the renown. Coming soon in Module 4
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: so how come the disk isnt displayed on the shaundakul stables?
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: Because it's not a horse.
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: Silly pearl
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: its still a mount
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: But it's not a horse.
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: yet it's a mount
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: But it's not a horse!
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: however it's a mount
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: theres a friggin spider there
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: and the beetle...
[Zone] Kerensa Loreweaver@abell39: IT'S A MAGIC HOCKEY PUCK.
[Zone] Ellestia@poisonyann1: Rust monster is still on display too, instead of the floating skull
Also, both of the last two are companions, not mounts...
[Zone] Lady Gaga@iniark: why my bow is be colorido?
What? Why is your bow--what, exactly?
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: omg lady gaga, kill it with FIREEEEE
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: what's with the creepy people
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: oh come on, it's zone
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: creepy is the status quo in zone
To be fair...much as we might wish otherwise.
[Zone] Lyralei@twitchhhyyy: haha you're short
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: moob = creepy
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: and i'm a bigot.
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: as are you!
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: yay!
[Zone] Jenn Trickfoot@emerald695: yay for moobs
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: and youre explosively backward
[Zone] Zerkkin@zerkkin: thx
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: i'm a bigot, you're a bigot. we're all rush limbaughs in some way
[Zone] Rilla Turtledove@abell39: Okay that one was actually clever
To a small extent, which was why I left it in. And it is true--we're raised, in general, to categorize and label because it helps us understand our world, but that all too easily leads to restrictions, bias, and separation.
[Zone] Mabondal@tjlongshot: Hello, We are guild Defiant | Actively run T2/MC/CN/VT daily, strong presence in PVP as well as Gauntlgrym | Teamspeak Required | Active | Reply if you are interested and I will send an invite.
I usually trim out the guild join requests, but I'm leaving this one in for a specific reason. More on that below.
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: some people. sheesh.
[Zone] Rilla Turtledove@abell39: Beats me.
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: i do have to say chat is relatively lively tonight
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: use the guild finder and ask
[Zone] Mabondal@tjlongshot: defiant is recruiting but we are mostly looking for female voices to fill our teamspeak
...that's the reason. Seriously, people? You just want more girls to talk to?? And note, they're not asking for more female characters--because this is Neverwinter, so 80% of player characters are female already--but more females willing to talk to them. No other qualifications in the second part, though the first does state strong skills are required in end-game PvP battles.
I somewhat suspect, how'ver, that those requests for active dungeon-running and end-game guild-versus-guild warfare are only for Teh Mens; they just want girls to talk to them and tell them how awesome they are at gaming.
[Zone] Pearl Of Lutetium@ad282707: lol
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: i'm sure he can put a wig on. seems the type.
[Zone] Roujin@NighthawkICH: crap i forgot im here to play a game, brb
[Zone] Eliza Urthadar@naddasleepy: OK
[Zone] Moob@niko9er: gg you won. for meeeoow.
[Zone] Eliza Urthadar@naddasleepy: WHOSE PET ASKED IF IT HURT TO BE SO UGLY?
[Zone] Haddock@haddock000: Apparently the Urthadars are a prominent family in NW
And prolific, don't forget prolific. Actually, Urthadar's one of the 'standard' last names for Neverwinter. When making up a character, you can make up your own name from scratch, pick a premade first name and an original last name, premade last name with an original first name, or just hit 'Random' for the luck of the draw.
(Continued in part two.)
10 January, 2015
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