14 October, 2007

then it all came unglued

First off all, we beat the scavenger hunt in Octoberville! Now let me tell you about the sim.

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Octoberville is put on for three years now by Pixeltrix, the people who bring you nifty new ways to store textures, notecards and more in unassuming office furniture. It's an entirely haunted sim--haunted house, graveyard, tunnels, creepy hills, black trains...and a scavenger hunt.

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(Attack of the giant ant!)

The scavenger hunt consists of one hundred discrete items, plus eight clues and two notes you have to find. You travel around with a VERY large HUD--thankfully, it minimizes--so that anything you find, can be properly recorded. At the end--once you've found everything--you touch the sign in front of the scoreboard and your name will go up!

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(After you've been to all the *other* rooms in the haunted house, you have to go down to the tunnels. Painfully.)

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(Ask her, she'll tell you. Oh, wait, she doesn't use words anymore...)

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(In the tunnels? Spiders. LOTS and lots of spiders.)

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(Part of the hunt through the haunted house? Involves tunnels. And *lots* of them. And EXPLOSIVES!)

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(Of course, I had to try and get everyone with the flames. This is Mr. Fawkes Allen after setting off the first charge. He got too close and his hair lost all color.)

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(And Miss Neome, wondering if there's a safe exit through the blaze.)

All in all, the search will take you in and out of all businesses; their night club; their very intricate haunted house; their even more baffling tunnel system; their graveyard, their pumpkin patch....it's an entire haunted sim! They have a troll house! They have a black train! (Pictures forthcoming.) They have just about everything.

And just about everything is a clue.

If you want to go, I highly recommend it. Just keep in mind it took three people FIVE DAYS to find everything!