03 October, 2007

oh hear my cries for help and mercy

((New tag--"haunted houses". If you just want to see the haunted house posts as the month goes by, click that link.))

(Why yes, I did post four entries today. Why?)

And then, Gloomy Sunday in StormWind.

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Gloomy Sunday takes a long, long time to load. Once we got in, we knew why.

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Rain of frogs. And Cthulhu in the corner.

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One little, two little, three little tentacle beasts...

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And their granddaddy. (Note: frog in upper right quadrant.)

We found a narrow switchback trail leading up from the rain of frogs, and the graveyard. We were watched going up the stairs...

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...it's a good thing she heals fast.

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"You're too young, Lili."

Actually, the thing was? The patch below with the rain of frogs was infinitely cooler than the haunted house itself. Still, a lot of work and effort went into it, and there are a lot of lovely little places to sit and look out over the sim. The view is spectacular from some of these balcony nooks.

Plus? Up in the house proper was the one thing that really creeped both of us out. And it was so innocuous on the surface--a DJ station, two speakers, a dance ball--touch to dance. The usual, right?

Until we read the color text floating over it.

We were the only two people in the sim going through.

It said, 28 out of 16 people are dancing.


Let that sink in.

Only two people in the sim. And we weren't dancing.

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I would say, for the rain of frogs if nothing else, Gloomy Sunday is well worth your time this season. Do check it out. After, find one of the many cuddle blankets or balcony nooks and you can sit and talk, and look over some creative sort's charming bit of macabre delight. It may not have much for actual scares, but it more than makes up for that in atmosphere.


turnerBroadcasting said...

ok i think I m getting scared. now this is something. I dont get scared.

lets see if I get scared if I go there. then that will be really scary.

Emilly Orr said...

Well, there's little to be actually *scared* of in Gloomy Sunday, but the atmosphere can't be beat.