10 October, 2007

my ship would leave the country, but I'd rather swim ashore

Not that I spend much time talking about my (minimal) design skills, but since I threw together enough stock to start Kartiny on SLX and ShopOnRez, I've noticed what's been selling...and what hasn't been.

My public has finally convinced me. I will concentrate my efforts in future on small picture frames and similar objet d'memorabile, and...bloodstained dresses.

*ghoulish smile*

Hey, it's not my fault if the bloodspatter sells!

MUAHAHAHA....I mean, well, anyway. Until the end of October, everything that's not crimson-spattered, or frame-shaped, or fractally designed...with few exceptions, has been drastically reduced in cost. Then at the end of October, the bulk of my inventory gets deleted.

Should be fun finding new designs. In that sense of tearing my hair out....and onward.

This is a random collection of scattered images. Most are from Octoberville. (We're still working our way through the sim.)

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Fawkes Allen in Octoberville. Before the boom.

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Just in case anyone had doubts about the GINORMOUS HUD Octoberville is giving out?

There you go. GINORMOUS HUD.

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Panjen is known--and well known--for innovative skin designs. This October? They might get known for this stirrable cauldron, complete with ingredients you can add to change the color!

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Back to Killtower. Sittable pumpkins. Hee. Just for photo ops?

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Eep! I walked through the curtains at the back of this theatre, only to face haunts and scarily alert floating eyes!

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I got too close to one and all of them turned to watch me. VERY unnerving.

Octoberville, I guess, is where CHED comes from, Miss Christine.

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Seven's Selections, in addition to wings, does offbeat little avatars. This one redefines the physics--it's an actual six inch pixie.

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Think I'm kidding? That's Miss Neome as her pixie-fied self, and me next to her. She is TINY.

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Me in Sleepy Hollow. Playing with angles, mostly.

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Me trying to figure out what all the pumpkins were staring at, in Sleepy Hollow.

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Finally, from a haunted-house tour I haven't yet posted...an interactive AI in whitespace. Really, she answers questions and everything. And they have her in the middle of a haunted house.



Melanippe of Themiscyra said...

Ooo, I came across things-that-all-stare. I was visiting with some Green Lanterns (they work with my elder-sister, Wonder Woman) in a sandbox and one of the builders working there had giant coin-like shapes with a bug-eyed man's face. Any time you moved, all the coins, floating in mid-air, would reposition and STARE at you. Fly up, walk sideways, no matter.

Incredibly creepy. Apparently he was going to use them to counter some obnoxious neighbours of his. Gah.

Emilly Orr said...

They must have been *very* obnoxious neighbors, indeed.

But yes, very eerie effect. I think the thing that got me more was not that the eyes moved to look at me, but how *fast* they moved!

Very creepy.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just found this page through a Google search. Glad you liked that pixie avatar I built, and thank you SO much for crediting our shop (Seven's Selections)!

Drop me an IM in-world and I'll freebie you up. ;)

Emilly Orr said...


Will be glad to. And back here, I didn't know how to create SLUrls, I should mention you again with a proper one. :)