What fascinates the phouka eventually turns into the phouka. So I've been practicing the doll.
There are a lot of dolls, a lot of different styles of dolls, from innocent to disturbing, from cloth to porcelain, from papier-mache to carved wood. Some are jointed, some aren't, some have inset eyes, some have painted. I've spent the last few months studying all of them.
I've especially been concentrating on two styles: antique French fashion dolls, and more modern, ball-jointed dolls. |
Draconic Kiss recently opened a doll shop, which is pretty much, let's be honest, one-stop shopping. They have an excellent selection of doll hair, both flexi and not, and Draconic does not seem to be falling into the usual designer's trap--her hair looks good, yes, but also, carries that hint of the unreal, and her eyes follow the same pattern--gleaming, glassy, and in at least three cases, distinctly unhuman, being gleaming solid black, glassy frosted pink, or glassy frosted blue--the latter two both entirely pupilless. She has skins in a variety of makeup options for women, and miracle of miracles, doll skins for men.
My artist is looking towards a doll exhibition--SL's take on the doll phenomenon, what's done here with dolls, and how they interact with non-dolls--so she was willing to fund my transformation. I'm inordinately grateful to her for that.
I picked one with oxidized "tear" traces; it's long been understood that, on occasion, the interaction of cast clay with metal, long-term, can produce exudations from inset eyes, remarkably like tears, only dark red, dark brown, or black. It's not at all uncommon to see a doll with these traces down their face, prior to restoration.
Now, it's not uncommon to see such a doll in world. Yay for me.
hello, i love the first picture. I hope you dont mind if I use it as the header of my blog. let me know, ok?
It's not mine, I didn't take it. I found it wandering the net. How'ver, this seems to be the source of the image.
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