20 May, 2007

I'm really a cat, you see, and it's not my last life at all

What does it mean, to be a doll? What does it mean to be human?

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Is this the image of a child?

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Is this a child's figure?

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Is it the hair that makes the doll a child image?

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If we change the hair of the doll, is it then an adult image?

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Do we ignore all other signs? Is she a child because she is a doll? Are we ignoring the obvious features of the doll to suit the ideal of the representation?

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Is it the outfit, then? If we take her out of Lolita dresses, and the hairbows, change the outfit, put her in high heels, not Mary Janes...does the doll become an adult image? Or is the doll still a child?

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Is it the shape of the doll, then? If we make her taller, if we change the shape of her face, if we give her a definite adult woman's figure...does she become an adult? Where is the dividing line? How much do we need to change to perceive the doll as adult, not child?

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Or perhaps the answer you want is...do not be the doll.

"Loli" and "Lolita" are no longer working search terms in the Second Life search engine. They will turn up no shops that make witty GothLoli gear, for all that Lolita has to do with established Japanese fashion, and less than nothing to do with the writings of Nabokov.

Additional: I have removed both "Loli" and "Lolita" from my SLB account listing, on the one outfit that's quasi-Loli, but I've added EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita in short) and EGA (Elegant Gothic Aristocrat) instead. Also, a very helpful dolly informed me that EGL still brings up Loli shops.


Alexandra Rucker said...

Any word on the Neko issue?