07 May, 2007

poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe

Poceluj dlinoju v vechnost',
Stroju k tebe mosty,
Znaju, ty slyshish',
Hochu k tebe blizhe,
Gde ty?

I woke from a terrifying dream of cold and ice, far from any comforting arms, and it took a while to shake the vision off. It's deprivation, I tell myself, deprivation from the statue wandering so far, and I threw myself into tasks with a vengeance formerly unprecedented.

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First, I built a box. The box, I feel, is somewhat necessary, as I don't have a stable building place where eyes are not found. This lovely little sandbox is my new favorite place to build, but still, people do drop by, so...this convention. This is a simple ten-by-ten-by-ten cube, with a posing stand inside, for making clothes, and not being seen.

Poloviny chasti sveta,
Tak pohozhi na dve chasti luny,
Slozhno real'no,
Davaj virtual'no,

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The inside of the little box. I'm there for size reference, though I do make it look much bigger than it actually is, as I'm fairly little, all things considered, myself.

This was the Fire Ruby dress half-completed, btw, the one inspired by the Fire Ruby Neko eyes that Malkavyn Eldritch made for me. IM him or drop by his store, Treasured Visions, and see what he can do. Trust me, he's phenomenal.

Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit na kraj sveta snegom dekabrja.
Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit, lovi, hrani,
Ne zabyvaj chto ja,
S toboj ljubov' moja!

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And the Fire Ruby dress finished (and now posted on SLB, hee!), and on display. I like this design. I may recolor this one a LOT.

Right now, seems to take me about three hours on average to finish a gown, depending on the number of flexi details and the number of panels in the skirt. This one, for instance, had 24 panels in the skirt, and a two-part waistband, plus the two-prim flexi collar.

Poceluj dlinoju v vechnost',
Mezhdu osen'ju i vesnoj,
Tak mezhdu prochim,
V tri chasa nochi,
S toboj!

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Before that, of course, I made a green dress, playing around with some textures I'd downloaded paired with some 'free' textures found around the grid. This was a 22-panel skirt, as I recall.

Poloviny, chasti sveta,
Tvoi novosti mne b, tvoi sny,
Slozhno real'no,
Davaj virtual'no,

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I liked the outfit so much I actually packaged up the "catsuit" portion--the leggings, socks, gloves, and shirt--as a separate item. (Of course, anyone who buys the dress gets everything, but then, some people don't like dresses...)

Afterwards, I went dancing, and spent slightly over four hours encouraging the crowd at Dorian's to vote for the club, greeting people, dancing in the cage, dancing on the (now NON-rotating) center stage, and dancing up at the DJ station. Of the three, I still think I like the center stage best, but given my druthers--and a really hot DJ--I'll gladly leap on a DJ station pole. Gotta inspire great music somehow, right?

Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit na kraj sveta snegom dekabrja.
Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit, lovi, hrani,
Ne zabyvaj chto ja,
S toboj ljubov' moja!

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Afterwards, my neko lad called me to Rivula, to the former site of the club called Desolation, which is now gone--a very desolate thing indeed. Instead, I ported into a large wooden box, full of gigantic rubber balls of all shades, and spent a merry hour chasing around in them, bouncing off the walls, the balls, and other people.

I guess it was the Rivulan version of a wake? We loved that place. We used to hang out late at night, wandering through the fog, black roses in our hands, listening to the stream. I'm going to miss Desolation very much.

Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit na kraj sveta snegom dekabrja.
Snegom dekabrja!
Poceluj, poceluj moj k tebe,
Letit, lovi, hrani,
Ne zabyvaj chto ja,
S toboj ljubov' moja!
Ljubov' moja!
S toboj ljubov' moja!
Ljubov' moja!
S toboj ljubov' moja!

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Another view of the after-party, balls starting to clear away and vaporize.

And then the statue returned to me, and...it's going to be another long sleepless night.

But somehow, I truly doubt I mind...

(And, for those that are wondering...the song is by Vitas, and the English title is Kiss As Long As Eternity, and the English lyric translation follows:

Kiss as long as eternity
I am building bridges towards you
I know you can hear me
I want to come closer
Where could you be?

The world’s two halves
Resemble the halves of the moon
So complicated in reality
Let’s do it virtually

My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
To the other side of the world, as December’s snow
My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
Catch it and cherish it
Don’t forget that here I am
And my love is with you!

Kiss as long as eternity
Between autumn and spring
Just like that, in between
At three o’clock in the morning
Is with you!

Two halves of the world
If I had your news, your dreams
So complicated in reality
Let’s do it virtually

My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
To the other side of the world, as December’s snow
My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
Catch it and cherish it
Don’t forget that here I am
And my love is with you!

My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
To the other side of the world, as December’s snow
As December’s snow!
My kiss, my kiss is flying towards you
Catch it and cherish it
Don’t forget that here I am
And my love is with you!
My love,
And my love is with you!
My love,
And my love is with you!


Amber_Palowakski said...

I like your gown designs...when I return inworld, I think I'll buy some

Emilly Orr said...

Keep in mind, they're very simple yet--I'm just designing in-world, I'm not doing anything PhotoShop-based.

Though I'm hoping...

Seraph Nephilim said...

Shush, you! Your designs are beautiful. I love the purple stained glass gown I have of yours.

Emilly Orr said...

::grins wide::

Yes, my Queen. And thank you for being my second customer!