15 August, 2022

down by the sea is where you drown your scars

Why am I in Mount Campion National Forest? I have no idea. But it's pretty, so here's where I'm going to show off something from /Vae Victis\.

Dracul Regalia Magma Aether horns in blue

These are the "'Dracul Regalia' Magma Aether Horns". Tinted in this lovely shade of blue, and just look at that gleam.

Dracul Regalia Magma Aether horns, still in blue

So it took a bit for me to figure out the HUD. It's not complicated, at all, it's just specific. The center moving color paths are for the magma in the horns; the upper colors (two sets of three, so the upper row of either set) are presets, and the lower colors (again, two sets of three, so the lower row of either set) will independently tint the horns exclusive of the magma channel.

Dracul Regalia Magma Aether horns, in teal and pink

So if you just want to grab and go, pick a shade you like and you're off; if you want more personalized control, he's designed for that too.

Dracul Regalia Magma Aether horns, in red and ice white

As far as adjusting--these will go smaller, or larger. I shrunk them a bit, and adjusted the horns back a tad--they're unrigged. Some people like horns that flow up from the skin of the forehead--I tend to bury mine in my hair. There's no one 'right' style.

Dracul Regalia Magma Aether horns, in green and gold

I may try them out more 'smallenized', but for now, I like the sense of weight and presence they bring. I'm primarily an antlers girl, but I really like these.

There are eleven color presets, eleven horn shades, and thirteen flowing magma shades for the horns. They're on the wall now at the Curemore location for L$450. Check them out!