29 May, 2020

float like a butterfly, scream like a banshee

What IS it about the Pose Fair and being hassled by day-olds??
[20:49] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hola
[20:49] Emilly Orr: Hello there.
[20:50] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: How are you doing?
[20:50] Emilly Orr: Good so far.
I mean, beyond the screen it was a hot day, promising to lead into a hot next week, and there were some slight complications going out, resulting in some minor sunburn...but overall, okay.
[20:51] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Can I ask her mother tongue?
I'm assuming he means mine.
[20:51] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: What languages do you know?
[20:52] Emilly Orr: Smattering of Latin, a few words of Spanish and French, mostly English.
Even still says basically that on my profile.
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: De verdad
Oh, good gods. Off to Google Translate. Because seriously, I'm not bilingual in any functional way. If I had to take a stab at the above, I'd make it "The truth", which is wrong, as Google Translate says "For real".
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: muy bien (that one's easy, that's very good).
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yo sabes espamyol mil palabras ("I know Spanish a thousand words", says Google.)
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :D
[20:53] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oye ("hears"??)
[20:53] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Really glad that you can speak Spanish 
Really amazed you somehow missed I don't. And I need to figure out why moving from italics to regular text breaks Blogger's code so much.
[20:54] Emilly Orr: Right, so...I can say "No habla español", "Dónde está el baño", and "Yo soy un nombre Emilly". I really mean just a few words.
Then he tried to call me. I turned the call down.
[20:55] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm new. Why did you turn off voice search.
[20:56] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I just want to talk a little bit.
[20:56] Emilly Orr: My dear, I charge for voice. Highly. Ruinously so. I don't voice casually.
I'm not ever stepping away from that position. I do not want to voice with people I don't trust, or at least have some connection to, if it's not a hire. Period.
[20:56] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It would be nice to hear how much Spanish you speak
[20:57] Emilly Orr: You've heard how much Spanish I speak. That's it. I may be able to still count to fifteen, but really, it's limited.
Now, do I want to learn Spanish again? Absolutely, because in high school I was fluent. Am I fluent now? Hardly.
[20:58] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I never heard of counting up to 15.
[20:58] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Because you refused to call.
[21:00] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: where are you from?
[21:00] Emilly Orr: All right, what part of "I charge for voice" is unclear? I don't voice casually with anyone I don't know VERY well, who is related to me, or who is paying me specifically for voice work. Period.
Eh, hell, I'll toss him a general location. It's hardly a secret.
[21:00] Emilly Orr: West coast, USA.
But good gods, you're being pushy. Honey, that exhorbitant charge just went up by L$5000. I an not budging on this.
[21:02] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Well I understand How old are you?
[21:02] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if you don't mind, can i learn your age
[21:02] Emilly Orr: Old enough.
Really? Age questions now? When there is zero information of any kind on his own profile?!
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I. Charge.
Cue aggrieved sigh.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: Here's the thing.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I don't *want* to voice with anyone I don't know.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I really, really don't.
[21:04] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm new.
I don't care.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: So my rates start at L$10000 for the half hour, and for you, I'll go L$15000.
Listen, this is not ego talking. I don't think I'm that amazing at vocal work. Especially for sex work, I'm pretty useless, because I lose the ability to English alarmingly fast. My rates are insanely high NOT because I get hired for voice--though it's happened a few times in the past--but because I don't WANT to be hired for voice. So I am trying to pitch them to start at highway robbery, and go on up to buying that second yacht stage.
[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OK, I understand you very well.
[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You have to pay me to talk to me.
Then you understand not at all.

[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But I wouldn't charge you any fees[21:06] Emilly Orr: No. YOU would have to pay ME

[21:06] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If you want, we can give a free speech.
[21:06] Emilly Orr: We cannot.
[21:06] Emilly Orr: I do not want.
How much more clear can I make this?
[21:06] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No, I will not talk to you.
[21:07] Emilly Orr: Doesn't matter.
[21:07] Emilly Orr: I. Do. Not. Voice. With. Strangers. Unless. They. Pay. Me.
Or rather, don't pay me, because that is the price point I'm going for--the one that makes everyone shake their heads and back away at the sheer lunacy of it. But seriously, how much clearer do I have to be? He's literally centimetres from getting blocked.
[21:08] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I know it doesn't matter.
[21:08] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I just wanted to chat a little bit. Am i in a wrong room
[21:09] Emilly Orr: Well, first, SL is not a room. It's a series of 70,000+ connected and not-connected simulated land masses and private estates.
[21:10] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I wonder if we are on your private property right now
[21:10] Emilly Orr: No, this is...let me check.
[21:10] Emilly Orr: This is on Kendelwood, it's a private estate.
At least, I think that's what it was. I just glanced at the land info, but "Kendelwood" turns up nothing under search, so...

I left Pose Fair soon after that, though, having made notes on things to come back and buy later, and he stopped talking. Yay.

In other news, I have a new work studio.


The down side is, much of it is a rather alarming shade of pink. And since I don't own the furnishings, not much I can do about that. But I like the space, and wonder of wonders, it's on a sim that's not crashing twice a week, so it's much more stable for patrons. Double yay.

Plus, I won't lie, I really like the bathtub.