25 May, 2020

so why care for these petty obsessions?

Got a notecard out of the blue this morning:
Hi Emilly!
Well, hello there!
Sorry for my absence for so long. I don't know if you already know, but due to COVID-19, I was forced to stop my live DJ broadcasts.
I had noticed he didn't seem to be playing of his usual Saturdays, and, being my perky pessimistic self, I had been assuming the worst.
We put an announcement out about this at the time. Here it is in case you haven't seen it:

DeanT's original announcement
So, I first happened across DeanT in an all-ages club a patron had brought me to. I haven't been to his sets often since then--I always have this feeling that my current shape is just a wee bit too adult for a dance club with SL kids, plus, I'm usually busy with various and sundry--but the sets I have made, I've very much enjoyed. DeanT is a DJ in SL and RL, and quite the talented one at that, both remixing songs from other artists and recording his own. I'm happy I'm on his notification list, and happier to know that he's still around.
Anyway, just a quick note to let you know that I'm still OK, and still focusing on music productions.

I haven't forgotten about SL, and I still think about you guys.
Stay safe, and we'll see each other again down the road somewhere.
Keep on Trancing!
So I'll watch for when the sets resume. Now that...that is probably going to be a party.