31 May, 2020

something's hiding in the pantry, but I can't find it, so would you please

All right. This one will of necessity verge on the political. I'm not here to discuss that, precisely? But the behavior of one person in specific in that one freebie group. Okay? That being said, I do have definite opinions, and they will creep in. (Though I doubt any long-term reader won't know them already...)
[11:00] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Petit Mort has a Black Lives Matter cop tank top gift as well as a compassion tapestry. In the group gift section, but NGN.
To be fair, they're not the only one. There's also a couple over at a protest event--I still don't know what it's called, though, because only half of it ever rezzes in when I port there. There are some really confrontative works there, though--art, sculpture, and of course, some pointed freebies. But again, that's not the point.
[11:00] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *crop tank top, not cop tank top. unfortunate typo
[11:01] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *giggles* (although BLM is actually a terrorist political group) typos happen heart-balloon
Yeah, no, try again. This is our first problem child, Ms. [Sxxw] (giving that much of her name due to having another Ms. S below).
[11:01] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow
[11:01] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: shame on you
[11:01] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sad but true noo noyt shame on me
[11:02] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok, run along little fascist wanna be troll
I think she meant "not", and this was the first little blow-up; in a lot of my groups, there've been these little spats that the group mods have tried to quash. Sometimes that works. Sometimes it doesn't. It's a heated time, on the grid and off.

But more importantly, now they're both escalating the drama.
[11:02] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No no no no no.
[11:02] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We will not do this in this group.
[11:02] Exxxxxxxxx Gxxxxxxx: [Sxxx] and [axxxxxx], please peace
[11:03] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no peace with racist trash
[11:03] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sorry, but we all need to stand up for decency
[11:03] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: or WE are the problem
I do tend to agree, to a point, at least in RL. We can no longer stand by when we see something that's manifestly wrong. We NEED to stand up, make others aware. Stop it if we can, but at the least acknowledge the harm that happened.

But in SL, there are different cultural expectations. One is, don't just randomly be political, racist, bigoted, homophobic or transphobic, misogynistic or misandrist, et cetera, in places that aren't desiring that level of confrontation. Especially in groups where a) they're going to tell you not to say anything about X anyway, and b, have nothing to do with the politics of the day, it's fairly useless bringing up the topics at hand. Mods will just jump down your throat, and if none are online, you'll just end up with a bunch of offended yelling people.

(And yes, I realize I'm viewing this through my own lens, because I believe tolerance is very important. But my beliefs aren't everyones', and I understand that. All I try to do in world is ask for civility, if respect and understanding can't happen.)

(I also occasionally fail at civility.)
[11:04] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *not shame on me I think what happened to Mr. Floyd was terrible police brutality but raciaisling and groups taking advantage for political opportunism is shameful.
"Racializing" is not only misspelled there, but it's also a terrible word usually used to indicate specific opinions. Which Ms. [Sxxw] seems to have.

But more to the point, Antifa and people in BLM seem, largely, to be protesting peacefully, as is legal and allowable. Most of the people stomping around shooting people are white supremacists looking for their coveted 'race war'. Tell me again how that's the fault of non-whites.
[11:04] Exxxxxxxxx Gxxxxxxx: we are not going to talk about it here [Sxxw]
As I'm trying not to talk about it (and also, failing). But it's context for what's coming up.
[11:05] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We already said no, not in here.
[11:05] Sxxxxxx Hxxxxxxxx: good to be able to spend some time here and find awesome things..thanks to all.
Now, I was still getting dressed at this point, and hadn't read back, but I do laud Ms. H for trying to sway the chat back to center.
[11:05] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ANtifa and BLM are not good things they are terrorists who stir up raciial issues on purpose. and YOu start name calling to me calling names I am not, shame on YUO!
"Racial", and "you". And again, no, I think you're more the issue, [Sxxw].
[11:05] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I only mentioned it because BLM was mentioned.
[11:05] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: YOU
[11:06] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ppeaceful protests not rioting...
[11:06] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: chat lag causingtypos lol
Blaming the chat lag? Really? And for the most part, in most cities, it is peaceful protests. When night falls and the guns come out--again, largely owned by white instigators pushing for racial genocide--that's when the problems are happening.
[11:06] Exxxxxxxxx Gxxxxxxx: next warn is a ban
Oh, I hope so.
[11:06] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wow
[11:06] fxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx Oh: When people can't follow the rules they need to be dismiss from the group.... when they have no reguard for others feelings
[11:06] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: smh
[11:07] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I HAVE plenty of loving feelings just stating a fact. I am not the problem
She is, actually. Very much part of the problem. One person mentioned BLM, it could have stopped there. She had to spout off about terrorists. So yes, she is the problem.
[11:07] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I was not the one who brought politics in to the dicussion actually heart-balloon
Actually, no, Ms. [Sxxw], all Ms. A mentioned was the name. Just that. YOU brought politics into it. YOU escalated it further by naming them terrorists, then even LATER used the dog whistle term "racializing". It's not on Ms A., this one. It's on YOU.
[11:07] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: omg [sxxw] is still talking?

[11:07] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: u no ppl feeling wont be hurt is yall will stop taking
And meet Ms. I. And her inability to spell. She definitely is also part of the problem.
[11:07] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: drop it already
[11:08] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: talkin*
Remembering you dropped an L from 'talking' doesn't correct the "u" for "you" and the "no" for "know", and does nothing for the "ppl" for people. Do better.
[11:08] Exxx Cxxxxxxx: eyerolls in solidarity with [Rxxx]
[11:08] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: like not cause yall in a roup tat makes yall get stuff yall have to talk
"Group", "chat", you really need to drop different letters if you want to be understood.
[11:08] Rxxxxxxxx Rxxxx: Ever ! Hugs
[11:08] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: abd constantly be disturbing other
It's "and", actually. And other...what? People? Groups? Small yellow plastic soap dishes? What?
[11:08] Sxxxxxx Hxxxxxxxx blocks the things I don't want to hear
Probably wise. I'm contemplating it for Ms. [Sxxw].
[11:08] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: amyway...moving on
[11:09] Jxxxxxxx Nxxx: Ooooh where can I get an eyeroll ani for Lelutka?
Interesting question. I went to look. I found this one, but it's pre-Bento, and just causes the eyes to roll independently. They also have this one, but again, it's pre-Bento, and spendier.

Maybe there are more specific search terms than "eye roll animation" or "Bento eye roll", though.
[11:09] Exxx Cxxxxxxx: LMAO
[11:09] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lol
[11:09] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: like jeez stfu and take the free [s**t] yall get u wanna talk add the person and im them
Can you not, Ms. I? Now you're the one causing drama.
[11:09] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: *anyway*
You caught that, great.
[11:09] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yall jus love to chat o [f*k] man
[11:09] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Language, please.
Yeah, even misspelled, it's still against the rules.
[11:09] Jxxxxxxx Nxxx: That would get a lot of use. Bonus if it's discounted!
[11:10] Gxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Indeed.
[11:10] Exxx Cxxxxxxx: mine would stick that way
[11:10] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: O no, I said languange please.
"Languange"? Really?
[11:10] Exxx Cxxxxxxx: permanently lol
[11:10] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I use genus.. anyone? with the eyeroll thingy
[11:10] sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[11:11] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no cussing in group please
[11:11] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: chat lag agaion lol
[11:11] Txxxxx Rxxxxx: black olives matter
A poor, but I think earnest, attempt at levity at this point.
[11:11] pxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oh my gosh ...
[11:12] Mxxx Fxxxxxxxx: lo i saw eye roll animations on mp
[11:12] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh sorry, i must have it all wrong. i guess black lives DON'T matter here?
No, you're not wrong, but yes, you are wrong in persisting. The mods are attempting to redirect, and you, Ms. [Sxxw], Ms. I, and Ms. S are having none of it.
[11:12] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Excellent, [Jxxxx]!
[11:12] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: @[Txxxxx] black olives matter really
[11:12] Mxxx Fxxxxxxxx: all lives matter
It was a single toss-off comment to attempt to lighten the mood, which failed, but come on, that's not the hill Ms. T is attempting to die on, okay? Relax.

But, more importantly, the entire reason it's "Black Lives Matter" and not "All Lives" or just "Lives" is to point out the disparity between how white people suspected of criminal activity are treated, and how black people are. There is a disproportionate number of blacks to whites in prison; a very disproportionate number of blacks getting shot by cops, whether they were committing a crime or not. The point was to push that realization that blacks in this country are historically considered more dangerous, lesser, less intelligent, less thoughtful, and are treated as that by a large bulk of cops. Shoot first, don't bother to ask questions has always been the order of the day.
[11:12] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it was just info on a freebie that i appreciate, not anything that anyone needs to argue on
Truth. It was a single mention, and it spawned all of this.
[11:12] Gxxxxxxx Axxxxx: It's SL. no life matters. :-p
[11:12] Sxxxxxx Rxxxx: whoa. what di dI log into?
"Did I", and drama. As usual.
[11:12] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Axxxxxx].
Mmhmm. Ms. A., Ms. I, Ms. S., and Ms. other S, in short.
[11:12] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: u no what let me leave this
Feel free.
[11:12] ixxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: group before i cuss t* out u
Door's over there.
[11:13] Txxxxx Rxxxxx: lol
[11:14] Jxxxxx Dxxxxx: OK I have had enough for today so closing chat sorry
Probably wise.

Then, later:
[11:36] hxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I want everyone to remember to be respectful of one another. We will have differing views on matters of great import and matters of little import. We MUST be respectful of that. We are living in difficult times for a cornucopia of reasons. The typists behind the avatars are real, live, human beings. [11:36] sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: heart-balloon yes
[11:38] Emilly Orr: Thank you, [Dxxxxx].
But I won't lie, that's where I blocked the little pipsqueak. Her whole "I love everyone but genuinely upset black people are bad" attitude? Not one I'm going to deal with now. Take your "Live, Love, Laugh" poster and your likely frosted hair away, Karen, I'm in no mood.

29 May, 2020

float like a butterfly, scream like a banshee

What IS it about the Pose Fair and being hassled by day-olds??
[20:49] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hola
[20:49] Emilly Orr: Hello there.
[20:50] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: How are you doing?
[20:50] Emilly Orr: Good so far.
I mean, beyond the screen it was a hot day, promising to lead into a hot next week, and there were some slight complications going out, resulting in some minor sunburn...but overall, okay.
[20:51] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Can I ask her mother tongue?
I'm assuming he means mine.
[20:51] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: What languages do you know?
[20:52] Emilly Orr: Smattering of Latin, a few words of Spanish and French, mostly English.
Even still says basically that on my profile.
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: De verdad
Oh, good gods. Off to Google Translate. Because seriously, I'm not bilingual in any functional way. If I had to take a stab at the above, I'd make it "The truth", which is wrong, as Google Translate says "For real".
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: muy bien (that one's easy, that's very good).
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yo sabes espamyol mil palabras ("I know Spanish a thousand words", says Google.)
[20:52] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: :D
[20:53] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oye ("hears"??)
[20:53] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Really glad that you can speak Spanish 
Really amazed you somehow missed I don't. And I need to figure out why moving from italics to regular text breaks Blogger's code so much.
[20:54] Emilly Orr: Right, so...I can say "No habla español", "Dónde está el baño", and "Yo soy un nombre Emilly". I really mean just a few words.
Then he tried to call me. I turned the call down.
[20:55] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm new. Why did you turn off voice search.
[20:56] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I just want to talk a little bit.
[20:56] Emilly Orr: My dear, I charge for voice. Highly. Ruinously so. I don't voice casually.
I'm not ever stepping away from that position. I do not want to voice with people I don't trust, or at least have some connection to, if it's not a hire. Period.
[20:56] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It would be nice to hear how much Spanish you speak
[20:57] Emilly Orr: You've heard how much Spanish I speak. That's it. I may be able to still count to fifteen, but really, it's limited.
Now, do I want to learn Spanish again? Absolutely, because in high school I was fluent. Am I fluent now? Hardly.
[20:58] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I never heard of counting up to 15.
[20:58] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Because you refused to call.
[21:00] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: where are you from?
[21:00] Emilly Orr: All right, what part of "I charge for voice" is unclear? I don't voice casually with anyone I don't know VERY well, who is related to me, or who is paying me specifically for voice work. Period.
Eh, hell, I'll toss him a general location. It's hardly a secret.
[21:00] Emilly Orr: West coast, USA.
But good gods, you're being pushy. Honey, that exhorbitant charge just went up by L$5000. I an not budging on this.
[21:02] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Well I understand How old are you?
[21:02] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if you don't mind, can i learn your age
[21:02] Emilly Orr: Old enough.
Really? Age questions now? When there is zero information of any kind on his own profile?!
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I. Charge.
Cue aggrieved sigh.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: Here's the thing.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I don't *want* to voice with anyone I don't know.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: I really, really don't.
[21:04] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm new.
I don't care.
[21:04] Emilly Orr: So my rates start at L$10000 for the half hour, and for you, I'll go L$15000.
Listen, this is not ego talking. I don't think I'm that amazing at vocal work. Especially for sex work, I'm pretty useless, because I lose the ability to English alarmingly fast. My rates are insanely high NOT because I get hired for voice--though it's happened a few times in the past--but because I don't WANT to be hired for voice. So I am trying to pitch them to start at highway robbery, and go on up to buying that second yacht stage.
[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: OK, I understand you very well.
[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You have to pay me to talk to me.
Then you understand not at all.

[21:05] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: But I wouldn't charge you any fees[21:06] Emilly Orr: No. YOU would have to pay ME

[21:06] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If you want, we can give a free speech.
[21:06] Emilly Orr: We cannot.
[21:06] Emilly Orr: I do not want.
How much more clear can I make this?
[21:06] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No, I will not talk to you.
[21:07] Emilly Orr: Doesn't matter.
[21:07] Emilly Orr: I. Do. Not. Voice. With. Strangers. Unless. They. Pay. Me.
Or rather, don't pay me, because that is the price point I'm going for--the one that makes everyone shake their heads and back away at the sheer lunacy of it. But seriously, how much clearer do I have to be? He's literally centimetres from getting blocked.
[21:08] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I know it doesn't matter.
[21:08] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I just wanted to chat a little bit. Am i in a wrong room
[21:09] Emilly Orr: Well, first, SL is not a room. It's a series of 70,000+ connected and not-connected simulated land masses and private estates.
[21:10] bxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I wonder if we are on your private property right now
[21:10] Emilly Orr: No, this is...let me check.
[21:10] Emilly Orr: This is on Kendelwood, it's a private estate.
At least, I think that's what it was. I just glanced at the land info, but "Kendelwood" turns up nothing under search, so...

I left Pose Fair soon after that, though, having made notes on things to come back and buy later, and he stopped talking. Yay.

In other news, I have a new work studio.


The down side is, much of it is a rather alarming shade of pink. And since I don't own the furnishings, not much I can do about that. But I like the space, and wonder of wonders, it's on a sim that's not crashing twice a week, so it's much more stable for patrons. Double yay.

Plus, I won't lie, I really like the bathtub.

28 May, 2020

dynasty decapitated, you just might see a ghost tonight

Another link post, but I think some fun links to edify and amuse.

First, we know of the purported Victorian "flower code", for which there is a plethora of contradicting information, but what about Victorian book flirtation? I didn't even know this was a thing, and as the article explains, current scholarship says it likely wasn't? But the concept is entertaining, for all it makes my inner librarian cringe at the thought of biting books.

Next, apparently there were exercise manuals for Victorian ladies, but very few of them advised strenuous exercise, just very mild stretching movements. What I find fascinating is that many dances of the time were good cardiovascular exercise, and womens' fencing clubs required strength and agility, and that required an elevated heart rate. So on the one hand, women weren't supposed to exercise, because men felt it was bad for their delicate bodies, while on the other, they were required to exercise, so they'd have the stamina to fence, dance, ride, and other supposedly strenuous activities. Odd.

And finally, though it comes with a mild warning for language, portable toilets used to be shaped like books. Why? When did it start? How did I not know this sooner?

There is a lot going on in this article covering a debate between Sam Harris and Ben Shapiro. Neither are particularly admirable people, and both of them get things wrong in the debate, but I'm linking the article because it looks deeply at the many presuppositions of our 'modern' belief set in Galileo having been tortured for his scientific knowledge. Which, we know now, is simply not the case. Yet men who went to college and proudly list their degrees in their introductions still get this fundametal fact wron. Why? Why do they never go back and verify that what they're saying is accurate? Especially if they've been that wrong, that many times.

Second Life's in the news again, and this time around, it's not a huge scandal. It actually is fairly complimentary. Yay for that.

26 May, 2020

through my window. I can see the world from there

Dropped sidewise into an extended conversation elsewhere was this little gem--a minor ton of Finnish silent films that have been subtitled into English. So, if you're a speaker of English OR Finnish, you're covered. And even if you speak neither, it will likely be enjoyable. So enjoy.

Meanwhile, why does Disqus think I'm Slovakian?
Ahoj emilly,

Nedávno sme od vás obdržali požiadavku o obnovu hesla. Prosím nasledujte tento link : {{link omitted on the off chance it's spam}}
(V prípade, že kliknutie na odkaz nefunguje, skúste ho skopírovať a vložiť do vášho prehliadača.)

V prípade, že ste nepožiadali o obnovu hesla, považujte toto hlásenie za nepodstatné. Platnosť tohto linku automaticky vyprší za 72 hodín.
This (roughly) translates to:
Hi emilly,

We recently received a password reset request from you. Please follow this link: {{again omitted}}
(If clicking the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it into your browser.)

If you did not request a password reset, please disregard this message. This line will automatically expire in 72 hours.
Since I didn't request one, and wouldn't have because I haven't commented on a Disqus-engine blog post in a good six months, easily, I'm just going to ignore it. Because even if it does seem to be a notice sent directly from Disqus itself, it could be spoofed, and I'd have no way to know for sure. But why Slovakian? I'm nearly nine thousand kilometers from there. It's baffling.

Heir of meanwhile...
[23:17] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: i am reading about books being taken off the curriculum in an alaska school. And...while it is stupid..I am not sure how that is a book ban. The story even notes that the books are still available..
[23:17] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Just not going to be taught as part of the curriculum.
[23:17] Emilly Orr: What sort of books are they?
[23:17] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: classics..
[23:18] Emilly Orr: If they're standard textbooks, that are available elsewhere, what are they being replaced with?
[23:18] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: great gatsby..etc
[23:18] Emilly Orr: Hmm. So no longer teaching the classics of American (and some British) literature, because...?
[23:19] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: i am just not seeing a book ban here..no one seems to be saying you can't read them..just that they won't be on the curriculum.
[23:19] Emilly Orr: No, in fact, they seem to be saying that if a student or parent requests it, they will buy the book requested so the student can read it.
[23:20] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: well..that is Portugal the Man.
[23:20] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: A cool move
[23:20] Emilly Orr: That's not a ban, that's more of a...civilized restriction. The school saying, we realize these issues are harmful un society, but we don't want to be the ones insisting everyone reads about incest, rape and murder.
[23:20] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Yes
[23:21] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: I don't agree with it , but..it isn't prelude to book burning.
[23:21] Emilly Orr nods
[23:21] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Catch 22 is a wonderful book.
[23:21] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: The great Gatsby, too
[23:21] Emilly Orr: I don't agree with it either, but I would much rather have something like that, then a total ban that means any student caught with X book gets expelled.
[23:22] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: yea
[23:22] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: I feel like the people commenting..and the title of the article..didn't read the article
[23:22] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: or..just read the title..
[23:23] Emilly Orr: While I see a HUGE problem with not teaching teens about their bodies, so that they actually know enough to make decent informed choices about sex, there are other places to read books. Libraries. Bookstores. Online in some cases.
[23:24] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: yes.
[23:24] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: And..i maintain it is the role of the parents.
[23:24] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Not old ms mcgillicudy putting a condom on a zucchini
[23:26] Emilly Orr: I'd agree, but...the problem is, the rise of that certain stripe of fundamentalism that says, if we remove knowledge from children, they will remain innocent and never engage with sex, drugs, acting out, foul language--that is an entire branch of religion essentially going LA LA LA YOU'RE WRONG THEY'RE PERFECT ANGELS LA LA LA LA
[23:26] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Still.
[23:26] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: their children
[23:27] Emilly Orr: So...if you have parents that understand that kids will get hormonal, and are kind of dense at times, and is willing to honestly explain things, great. But if your parents are more the "abstinence is the only solution", then...you're going to get pregnant kids and young fathers and the next generation with STDs, because no one just talked with them.
[23:27] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Theirs to lose.
[23:27] Emilly Orr: I guess. It just seems like such a waste.
[23:27] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Yes.
[23:27] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: But..that is life, sometimes
[23:27] Emilly Orr nods.
[23:28] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Unless we want to just say we know better, so parents should shut up
[23:28] Emilly Orr: Marion Zimmer Bradley said it best: "The world goes as it will, and not as you or I would have it."
[23:28] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: i....would not trust her on child rearing..
[23:28] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: or anything..
[23:28] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: she abused her kids
[23:28] Emilly Orr: Amusingly, she raised...what was it, six? Of course, not all of them were hers.
I know two were related to her, the rest sort of cycled in and out of the house.
[23:28] Emilly Orr nods
[23:29] Emilly Orr: So often, people we admire for other reasons are problematic in the main.
[23:29] Emilly Orr: It's a struggle.
[23:30] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: Well...when it veers into criminality..there is an issue.
[23:30] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: A world of difference between being an asshole and diddling your kids.
[23:30] Emilly Orr: I think of it as the John Denver effect. Brilliant songwriter. Great voice. Very talented musician. Beat his wife.
[23:30] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx: yea.
[23:31] Emilly Orr: So...yes, the songs are timeless, and beautiful, but...the other side of that is criminally bad.
[23:31] Mxxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxxx nods
There are no answers. Sometimes, there never are with conversations on these topics. But it's good that the school is providing the option to get the 'banned' books into student hands. That's something, at least.

25 May, 2020

so why care for these petty obsessions?

Got a notecard out of the blue this morning:
Hi Emilly!
Well, hello there!
Sorry for my absence for so long. I don't know if you already know, but due to COVID-19, I was forced to stop my live DJ broadcasts.
I had noticed he didn't seem to be playing of his usual Saturdays, and, being my perky pessimistic self, I had been assuming the worst.
We put an announcement out about this at the time. Here it is in case you haven't seen it:

DeanT's original announcement
So, I first happened across DeanT in an all-ages club a patron had brought me to. I haven't been to his sets often since then--I always have this feeling that my current shape is just a wee bit too adult for a dance club with SL kids, plus, I'm usually busy with various and sundry--but the sets I have made, I've very much enjoyed. DeanT is a DJ in SL and RL, and quite the talented one at that, both remixing songs from other artists and recording his own. I'm happy I'm on his notification list, and happier to know that he's still around.
Anyway, just a quick note to let you know that I'm still OK, and still focusing on music productions.

I haven't forgotten about SL, and I still think about you guys.
Stay safe, and we'll see each other again down the road somewhere.
Keep on Trancing!
So I'll watch for when the sets resume. Now that...that is probably going to be a party.

16 May, 2020

if you're bad, you'll die when you die

Well, this is new, and inordinately troubling:
[10:09] fruitloopsofical: FIRE STORM ZOOPHILE [Cxxxxx Zxxx] IS IDENTIFY
→ [Kxxxx "Fxxxx" Exxxxxxxx]
→ {link to website}
→ {home street address}
→ {town, state, country}
PHOTO {link to an actual photo}
{link to his Facebook page}
{mobile phone number}
{home number}
PAIS FATHER {aooarently user's father's Facebook page}
MAES MOTHER {aooarently user's mother's Facebook page}
[10:10] Pxxxxxxxx Cxxxxx: closes chat
I don't blame you. This is appalling. And yes, I'm leaving Ms. F's name unredacted, because this is a very dangerous game she's playing. People deserve the warning.
[10:10] Bxxxx Dxxxxxxx: bann that [f*cker]
Okay, now, wait. I am not going to play bestiality advocate here, and claim they have a place in things, because there are ingrained consent issues throughout that particular community. BUT. All we have to go on is Ms. F's statement that this fellow is a zoophile. We don't know if he actually is or not, we don't have proof, and moreover, anything done with an animal avatar, an animesh animal, or even an old-school prim animal is not bestiality in the same sense, because said animal is either manned by an actual person, or just pixels. Flat out. Even in countries where bestiality is an actual, on-the-books crime, this would not be considered a crime by their own statutes, because nothing is happening to an RL animal on the grid.
[10:10] Exxx Vxxxxx calling all mods
Oh, yeah. This is DEFINITELY a mod issue.
[10:12] zxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol wish i was a mod for this group
Yeah, really.

But she wasn't close to done:
[10:09] fruitloopsofical: FIRE STORM ZOOPHILE [Cxxxxx Zxxx] IS IDENTIFY
→ [Kxxxx "Fxxxx" Exxxxxxxx]
→ {link to website}
→ {home street address}
→ {town, state, country}
PHOTO {link to an actual photo}
{link to his Facebook page}
{mobile phone number}
{home number}
PAIS FATHER {aooarently user's father's Facebook page}
MAES MOTHER {aooarently user's mother's Facebook page}
Because she DID IT AGAIN. Need I remind people that this is doxxing of personal information? Which is against SL's ToS? It's against a lot of RL laws, too. Plus, this comes from a group that's about hair. Not politics, not sexuality--HAIR.

On top of that, this avatar is all of a day old. What...even. Personal grudge? She burned her toast this morning and had to lash out? Just had a mental breakdown of a sudden? No clue.
[10:14] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: I saw this last night before I logged off
[10:15] zxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well wish I was a mod for this group lol...
[10:15] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: all we can do as concerned "citizens" is report abuse on [fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Which I, and others, have done.
[10:15] Cxxxxx Mxxxxx: citizenship ?
Well, of the grid, I'm assuming.
[10:15] Bxxxx Dxxxxxxx: oh i am going to the live support
You...why? Why not just an abuse report?
[10:15] Cxxxxx Mxxxxx: TRUMP!
[10:16] Cxxxxx Mxxxxx: get ya Dark ass over the Horizon...
Again...why? What does Trump have to do with any of this?
[10:22] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: Ok so I pulled up fruitloopsofical 's profile and reported abuse on their profile using screen shot of this chat as proof
I did the same thing.
[10:23] zxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: good idea TY
[10:23] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: we all need to do our part ... just like RL
[10:23] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: easier to do it in sl than rl sometimes
Hey, if RL ever invents a one-push 'abuse report' button, I am so there.
[10:24] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: that's why our world is in the mess that it is... cuz nobody wanted to do their part... Ok I know this isn't a place for topics like that... but.. too late... no "undo" in chat.
So, err...why did you say it, then?
[10:25] Mxxxxxx Bxxxx: actually we do have someone right now who is doing their part!!! got my vote!
I didn't ask. I was afraid of her answer. But in pulling her profile, there's a pick that says "TRUMP IS THE GREATEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME!", so...that does appear to be her answer. Which is a shame, because I do have several of her store's products, and now I feel I need to delete them.

And I'm sorry if you're still on the other side of the fence, but...if you can honestly, openly look at the horrendous job Trump's done at protecting Americans from COVID-19, and still think he's still doing a good job? There's really nothing more I can say.

14 May, 2020

I'm not supposed to talk to strangers

"They keep saying that beautiful is something a girl needs to be. But honestly? Forget that. Don’t be beautiful. Be angry, be intelligent, be witty, be klutzy, be interesting, be funny, be adventurous, be crazy, be talented - there are an eternity of other things to be other than beautiful. And what is beautiful anyway but a set of letters strung together to make a word? Be your own definition of amazing, always. That is so much more important than anything beautiful, ever."
~Nikita Gill
I tend to agree.
4:32 PM] Mxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Remember to brush your teeth people!
6:34 PM] jxxxxxx: I don't have teeth people.
[6:41 PM] Xxxxx: but if you did, you'd have to brush them. Proper pet care is important.
[6:43 PM] jxxxxxx: Fair.
Why yes, I have weird friends. They go well with weird me.

Ye gods, this is dark. (Also political, so, y'know, fair warning before you click.)

In less dark news, KittyCats doesn't seem to be part of the Stay at Home Club offerings, but they are offering a free (random girl or boy) CareKitty, which is a non-breedable pet that does not need to be fed. One per avatar.

And out of the blue, this hit tonight:
[20:53] gxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyone who ants to have sex with 2 hot girls and has interested parties sends MASSAGE IN PRIVATE
[20:54] Emilly Orr: Are you kidding?
[20:54] Axx Lxxxxxx: well thats a ban LOL
[20:54] Emilly Orr: I know, right?
I pulled her profile. Seems Ms. G has no SL pic, no info, is only two weeks old, has no picks, no FL bio or pic...she reads exactly like a clueless bot account. And outside of the "Needs a Sugar Daddy" group, all her groups are store-based.
[20:54] exxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: blinks
[20:54] Txxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx: Hey, what if I want a massage in private? :p
[20:54] Emilly Orr: Then you know how to IM her, but she's still ridiculous for posting that here.
Like, this is weirdly the most PG a sales group can get, barring actual, I don't know, daycare centers or something.
[20:54] kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: smdh
[20:54] kxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: laughs
[20:54] Axx Lxxxxxx sips her tea like baby yoda drinkin bone broth
[21:01] exxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: shields baby yoda from the dark side

But yeah. I have no idea why people seem to treat this particular sales/freebie group as an open meat market for sex. They get banned every time. You'd think they'd know better by now.

10 May, 2020

for every market, a sub-market grows

Would this be "Here we go again" part two? Man, this guy whines a lot.
[21:36] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Hey this Stay sexy event.... where is the stuff for guys? We like to freaking be sexy as well..... SL is so sexiest when it comes to shopping. smirks
Meet our whining man-child protagonist.
[21:36] sxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: yeh right. u gonna have to design & build some
[21:37] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok i will
[21:37] Sxxxxxxxxxx Fxxxxx: what ? an Event ? what have I missed :)
[21:37] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: some sexytime event
It's actually the Stay Sexy event, part of the Redeux line of semi-monthly sales events, and yes, it is substantially weighted for women, but there are some male items there too. Also, it's more modern, so complaining (as he does below) on wanting more "Viking Norse" stuff? Dude, it's not going to happen at this event. Get over it already. There are other themed medieval events coming up.
[21:37] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: design and build, im learning blender now
[21:37] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[21:40] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: most male stuff you have to want to look like a college dude with a man bun.... or stuff that makes you like your in a Justin Beiber biker club
[21:41] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Me want Viking Norse stuff!
[21:41] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: awwwww nobodys perfect their buddy
"There", but yeah.
[21:49] Emilly Orr: Y'know...if you're going to keep complaining, [Dxxxx], at least change it up now and again. You've been saying the same things, over and over, for months now.
[21:49] Emilly Orr: There's no guy stuff on the list, no, there is, but only soyboys in man buns would want them, no, I actually own everything on the list, why won't people make new things?
[21:49] Emilly Orr: Come on now.
I really doubt he'll respond, but honestly, I'm so sick of his attitude. It's a group for extraordinarily discounted weekly sales items. You want more guy stuff? Talk to the merchants. You want stuff they're not making? Talk to people who know Blender. Or here's a revolutionary idea, GO EXPLORE DIFFERENT STORES. Yeesh.