30 June, 2018

it pulls you under and you just fall away

So, this one happened right after the adoption of jellydolls. And 90% of the time, I'd port somewhere, and all the avatars beyond my chosen complexity level would be some intermediate solid color.

Except for this one. And at first, I didn't even have a name tag. I just had the pixels, sort of...swaying.

And, as can be clearly seen, there's another jellied avatar behind this one. So other complex avatars were showing up correctly. Why did this happen? I have no idea.

29 June, 2018

28 June, 2018

it's lonely out in space

I don't even remember where I was for this one; I do know it wasn't anywhere recently, because it is a build platform from somewhere. I don't know if I was there building, if I was invited by someone...much is lost to memory and time.

I do know this isn't right:

I...I don't...I mean, okay, the body's okay. The missing head is disturbing. The hands are...really strange.

Like...really strange. Like, foundationally strange. Hands do not do that--or should not. Why are the hands doing that??

27 June, 2018

I'm a diplomat, I'm a subway rat, I like the unfamiliar

So, follow-up on the CeCe bodysuit issue from Vanilla Bae. Thanks to a customer service rep, I did track down the demo for the suit (it's tucked waaaay in the back). So, some before and after shots.

This is me, standard (with some additions) complexity of 46,675. That's a tad higher than me totally nekkid, but I am wearing a lingerie set from Big Beautiful Doll, heels from Essenz, an anklet, my collar, Truth Hair, makeup from Senzafine and nails from Dark Passions. Some of that definitely adds in.

With this bodysuit? The reports are right, I hit 350,155. BUT. Keep in mind that for that, I get a strippable bodysuit with materials, and mesh netting that is completely built-in, part of the mesh itself, not just a mesh texture on a solid surface.

Why is that important? Because of this:

(Granted, I had to take the bra of the lingerie set off to show this, because the lingerie layer can and frequently does occlude tattoo layers on mesh bodies.) You can see my tattoo through the back, clearly and easily, without my having to set the tattoo to mask.

This is the tattoo set to mask. See the difference? See how stark, patchy and drawn-on it looks when set to mask?

While I was searching around for CeCe, I found Beatrix, which is another mostly-transparent offering. There are two versions included in the package, one with materials, one without. This is the one with. This one also preserves the tattoo visibility on my back, with the addition of some cute hip chains. Total complexity? Raised me to 52,447.

So there are also options, if Miss B pulls her head back out of her nether regions and wants to explore them.

One last thing. This is a dress I found nearby to CeCe. It's called Mae, and is a simple ruffle dress with the strippable scripting. This dress raised me to 51,561. So I'm going to go out on that limb and say most of Vanill's designs are well within the 50K-75K that is at least my personal upper limit for wearables. And I know there are folks who walk around with less strict standards, because I frequently come across folks in the 80K-145K range.

Is 300K high? Yes, yes it is. Is that anything I'd wear to just wander around shopping in? Hell no. But that is mostly due to the fact that I do not shop in lingerie. I consider that before I consider the complexity.

The CeCe bodysuit seems unusual for most of Vanill's offerings, and I think that's entirely due to her wanting a 100% designed mesh bodysuit, not a textured one. I'm not the only one with a permanent tattoo, and I'm sure she's heard from many damsels who want that feature. And of course, when she offers something with that feature, she gets screamed at, so who knows when something like that will come along again?

In the end, I think the CeCe bodysuit isn't something I need, but I can see it being an amazing edition to an SL photographer's inventory, because I think pictures taken with this would be really stunning. And if Miss B can't see that, that is neither my nor Vanill's problem. After all, she didn't make it for Miss B; she made it for people who want to put it to good use. More power to them.

26 June, 2018

I see you good, you forced faker

[14:25] Kxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I love you, Caledon.
[14:25] Emilly Orr: We know you do. And Caledon likely loves you back. :)
[14:25] Cxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx: [Kxxx], you are Caledon!
That's kind of the problem.

More controversy at Vanilla Bae, in the meantime.
[23:19] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Gm all ! I'm totally shocked ! How can be , that Cece Bodysuit makes a Complexity to be over 300K , while every single other outfit is hecking much lower.? That's terrible complexity and must ABSOLUTELY to be lower , because it cause lag as hell ! Thank You ! And yes , not gonna use it,before its fixed !!!
Whoa, whoa whoa. First off, did you not think it would be a better idea to send a notecard with queries on this issue to the maker--or to one of her many, many, customer service representatives? Secondly, do you always use punctuation so haphazardly? I mean, it's just weirdly consistent enough to be intentional, so I'm just baffled.
[23:20] Cxxxxx Pxxxx: what is your complexity without it?
[23:20] Ixxxxx Sxxxxxxx: you sure its that causing it?
[23:20] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: 30K
[23:20] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: without totally 30.195
Okay, I'm tempted to leave this untouched and just mock you, but I'm fairly sure you meant 300K, with the 'without' wearing this piece the closer 30K figure. Instead of saying how horrified you are that it ends up reducing your total complexity by 195, which is what you've implied here by the typo.
[23:20] Cxxxxx Pxxxx: wow
[23:20] Txxxxx Mxxxxx: 0.o
[23:20] Ixxxxx Sxxxxxxx: I doubt its the bodysuit
[23:20] Emilly Orr: That's not possible.
Now, I want to go on record here--I'm wrong. Not in how silly Miss B is sounding by raving this strongly for zero reason in group chat, but in my understanding of mesh. I don't own a lot of mesh outfits with transparent, solid mesh--most of them feature a hem that's a transparent texture over a solid section of the mesh template, for instance. This is not that, and I was wrong. As Vanill points out below.
[23:20] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): Yes it is possible
(And let me further say, I am choosing to leave her comments unaonymized, both because she's on target, and because she does own the business.)
[23:20] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: And i'm not so idiot that i type here without knowing what's my complexity without
No, but you are so 'idiot' not to use proper grammar, punctuation and send off a courteously worded complaint to the maker in private, without just making a scene in group chat. That is pretty 'idiot' if you ask me.
[23:20] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Then you fix it Vanill
Oh, yeah, because she's going to just leap right on correcting an outfit you were so rude to her about.
[23:20] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): cause the net is made of mesh
[23:21] Sxxxxx Rxxxxxx: Sorry , i can confirm that [Bxxxxx] is right
[23:21] Ixxxxx Sxxxxxxx: nah it isnt and instead saying negative in here plz IM the right person for it
That, exactly. Instead, we get...
[23:21] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Vanill , pls fix it
...Miss B utterly ignoring sensible advice in favor of throwing a tantrum.
[23:21] Ixxxxx Sxxxxxxx: I rather not read it in a group
[23:21] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Its pretty detailed i mean it has to be to be that sexy ;)
[23:21] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: And Vanill already confirmed its possible
[23:21] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): I´ll fix it being texture only the next 2 weeks
[23:21] Emilly Orr: Hmm, as I haven't seen the Cece I was assuming it was a solid piece. Adding transparency, yeah...I hate it, but yeah, it could happen.
[23:21] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: with that hecking complexity.? O.o
[23:21] nxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: There is a reason there re demos [Bxxxxx], use them for the future it will help you.
[23:22] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Hell , i know there is demos , i'm not a f*cking idiot
I'm not so sure, but you go on believing that if it makes you feel better.
[23:22] Sxxxxx Rxxxxxx: Farrah , it's from the LB...
Later on, one of the customer service reps makes mention that it's in the store. I went by the day after this chat happened, but Vanill must have already removed the vendor for revision. Here's what I do have, though:

So this is the CeCe bodysuit. As with many of Vanilla Bae's outfits, clicking on them gives the option (if the wearer has chosen that) to allow that portion to be removed. So the cups over the breasts go from mesh-covered fabric to just mesh, for example.

With that much of the outfit being transparent mesh, and not just a texture overlaid on a solid mesh panel, yeah, the complexity would go through the roof. But by the same extension, any details on the body beneath wouldn't be hidden by the clashing that sometimes happens between transparent textures on mesh, and, say, tattoo or clothing layers worn via appliers on the mesh body underneath. An outfit like this, I know my tattoo (tattoo-layer applier) and my, ah, nether details? Let's say that (also tattoo-layer applier) will be preserved as I'd see them on myself, nude. Sometimes, that's a good thing. (Though I have become used to seeing the back tattoo go invisible when I wear lingerie.)
[23:22] Dxxxxxx Dxxxxxx: complexity only affects people running toasters potatoes and tomatoe computers i regularly see people in the high 6 digits low 7 and i have no issues and complexity has absolutely nothing to do with sim lag
Snarky li'l muffin, aren't you? Step aside, this isn't your fight. Also, not everyone a computer the size of the planet to work with.
[23:22] Sxxxxx Rxxxxxx: [Bxxxxx] no need for that.
Never was, but she doesn't care. And she's not done bitching about it.
[23:22] Bxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: But over 300K complexity...Afwul lagmaker
See? She can't just let this go and take the advice of folks who are telling her--in group chat and in private IMs--to take this to notecard.
[23:22] Emilly Orr: Even barring the alpha layers for a mesh body, any transparency in mesh ups the complexities.
[23:22] nxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It is also for sale [Sxxxxx], so there are demos available.
[23:22] Txxxxx Mxxxxx: ok no need to be rude about this just contact vanill and it will be sorted...
[23:23] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Gonna trash that complexity monster ! Its absolutely too high to be used ! Sadly , because its damn sexy !!
[23:23] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: She already said she'd fix it in the next two weeks. How about saying thank you and moving on :D
[23:23] Sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yes please in the future please send a notecard of suggestions.
[23:23] Emilly Orr: That would be helpful, yes.
All of that, yes.
[23:23] Sxxxxx Rxxxxxx: as example i wear now the Rayna Bodysuit with heels : 38.000 complexity
[23:23] Mxxxxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: Nah complexity effects everyone your computer can only handle so much even if your computers really good TBF. That said complexity has never been particularly accurate in it's numbers....
[23:23] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: and if you are going to photograph it use the original it photographs gorgeously
[23:24] Sxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: good idea, [Sxx]
[23:25] Dxxxxxx Dxxxxxx: i dont use a viewer thats misbuilt and kills itself if the complexity is to high V3 only Blobs high complexity to a bug thats inherent and cannot be fixed.. i have absolutely no issues in my sim of 80+ avis all in the 400k's ..
Yes, you're perfect and your computer can calculate universal time in 75 billion figures. Shut up, that's not the point.
[23:25] Cxxxxx Pxxxx: complexity doesn't affect me, I have it set at a certain number, higher than that and you are a jelly doll.
[23:25] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: Which is too hight , tbh !!
Let it go.
 [23:26] Cxxxxx Pxxxx: so I wouldn't see that pretty outfit
Well, not necessarily true. Say I have my complexity set at 45K (which I do at the moment, because I'm having computer issues.) This means I see, on average, about one avatar out of every thirty, these days. But, it is then my choice at any time to rez those cut-out figures in. Right-click } More } More } Render } Fully is the command chain for Firestorm, for instance. So would Miss C see the outfit right off the bat, if she had display complexity set as low as mine? Probably not. But could she choose to rez that avatar in and see it that way? Absolutely.

[23:26] Axxxxx Mxxxxxx: Everyone forgets, complexity only affects a viewer and not a sim. If the complexity is higher than your pc can handle then you turn down what is viewed or other people also have their complexity setting adjusted and the world moves on.
[23:26] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: pretty yes,but not even useable with soo high complexity
[23:26] Txxxxx Mxxxxx: moving on.......
[23:26] Bxxxxxx Wxxxxxxxx: trashed it anyways
Great, can we be done then? Move on. Holy gods, you're like a snapping turtle with a broom handle.
[23:26] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: She already said she would fix it, can you please move on
Yes, exactly. Thankfully, conversation drifted at that point, but a few moments later there was this:
[23:28] vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Bxxxxx], you asked me not to msg you in IM, I have asked you in the past to remain civil in group and not swear and you have yelled at me for providing you simple information. If you need help, please send a NC, the group is not to swear and complain in, we have customer support for issues. Have a great day.
So, great, Miss B's 'idiot' all the time then? Because what level of mental deficient screams about not getting what she wants, and then asks the people who could solve her issue NOT TO TALK TO HER??!? Wonderful...

[23:28] cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Anyone have a picture of this high complexity suit? I need an excuse to blow more money. :D
See above.
[23:28] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: it's in the lucky letter boards
Also that.
[23:38] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: is that body suit available in other colors or just the green? It's stunning and I want other colors lol [23:38] vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thank you hun, its available in all of our 21 colors for sale in the mainstore :)
[23:42] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): For all others, the Cece Bodysuit will be updated at some point being texture net instead of mesh net
[23:42] vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Honestly mesh net is super pretty
[23:42] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): I´ll have both versions for you in the pack so if you want to use mesh net for pics you can. Just saying
[23:42] Bxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: oh phew lol
[23:44] Lxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I like the mesh net. You did well with it and we don't have to worry about layers disappearing with it!
[23:44] Vanill A Honi (hopey.honi): Thank you LostToy
[23:45] vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yep for tats its perfect
[23:45] Emilly Orr: That is the best reason to use mesh net. Those of us who have permanent tattoos.
[23:46] sxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: haha i guess most of us can agree that mesh net is sexier ;) haha
Can be, sure. Until the original comes back with the new 'texture only' fix, I won't know what that actually looks like, but in the meantime, I think I'm going to be paying more attention to the lucky boards at Vanilla Bae, and see if I can win a copy of the CeCe. I'd love to know if Miss B's utter raving lunacy was based on anything with any logical tilt whatsoever, or if she was just having a bad day and decided to scream at everyone for no reason. Time will tell.

25 June, 2018

and all this science I don't understand

Wish I could remember more than this, but it was a fantasy shopping event. I remember there were windmills on the same sim...

But as for who ran it, what the theme was? Can't recall in the slightest. Several years ago and I think this is the only picture I took that survived in the archives.

Still. Pretty concept. Night lights...literally.

24 June, 2018

stop stalling, make a name for yourself

Sometimes, I take pictures because I can't believe how bad the avatar I'm seeing is. Sometimes, I take pictures because I've caught someone else shopping naked, and it's not just their mesh not rezzing in. And sometimes, I take pictures of pretty.

This is one of those.

I wish I knew who makes this avatar. I'm sure her base shape has much to do with it, but the shade, the shape, the glasses...she's adorable.

There's some angular action around the hips, which honestly may be less the mesh or underlying shape, and more my settings at the time--I tend to wander on shopping days with my graphics set very low.

But it's very well done. Kudos to this lady, whomever she may be. Great look.

22 June, 2018

21 June, 2018

I got a brand new chimney made on top, made out of a human skull

I'm just getting depressed doing this. I'll make this one march.

Oooh, no. This is BusenuR's "BK Rigged Mesh Head & Skin & Eyelashes Mesh". I'm just trying on the head. Moving on.

This is Akeruka's "Hanna" mesh head. Next.

GA.EG's "Adriana" mesh head. Next.

And this is "Barbara" from the same maker...

...and this is "Jennifer"...

...and this is "Kirsten". Cue aggrieved sigh. I don't think I can work with any of them.

20 June, 2018

I hope that I can find a place where it could be

So I had another head from SL CAT to try, but if the "Sweet" head couldn't be edited, I doubt the "Venus" head can be. So we skip.

Okay, I won't lie, this one will never be a daily look head. It's also designed to be a ToodleeDoo avatar head (though why toddler avatars want a cracked and broken doll's head, I have no idea. ToodleeDoo avatars are creepy enough on their own.)

But...it's cool. I may actually pick it up for a Hallows look.

This is an automatic no, though. This is Pure Hell's "Insane" demo. Of course it is.

This is Miss Canning's "Alexis" head, and honestly, they should just go ahead and rename her "Angelina". And no.

Much as I adore Miss Jolie, no.

This is the first Bento mesh head from Autumn Splendor, and it has the same problem I had with Utilizator's "Normie" head. Too square a jaw.

This is the "Bambi" head from Starlust. Hmm. She might have potential.

Never mind. Played about with the expressions hud a bit. Not for me.

19 June, 2018

I would have bled and cried for all the years

Here we go again...Had some time, was on a deleting spree, decided I'd go through some more mesh head demos.

Like this one, which out of the box, looks really irritated. This is the Melissa head from--I think--this store, but it's hard to tell, because the Melissa package doesn't have a landmark and there are three different maker names on the objects in the folder.

Unfortunately, this was the best I could get it to do with a bit of work, so...sorry, Melissa. You go bye-bye.


...I maan, so...this is Inaya's "Kaj" mesh head.

And no. Obviously.

This is the Mashenka mesh head from Kitties' Lair. And she's cute, I give her full points for not being a mutant on my shape out of the box. She's just nowhere like me. Which is fine, that's why I'm demoing all these heads to try to find something that is close to me.

This is the Havana head in, I think, Sunkissed? From LikeLi. Again, cute, but...no.

And this is SL CAT's "Sweet" mesh head. Hmm. Intriguing. Can I do anything with it...?

...and, that answer is no. It cannot be edited except to move the eyes by 0.00003%. Bother.

18 June, 2018

have you ever thrown a fistful of glitter in the air?

So, a bit from RL. No one panic; this won't happen that often.

The last Community Day for Pokemon Go happened on June 16th, but that was a very busy day, and the two following were no less busy, so I'm only getting to it now. I wanted to upload a few images, though.

When Pokemon Go launched, I had zero interest. I admit it. It didn't hook me. In fact, the iPod I had at the time couldn't even download the mobile program to run it, so why bother? I still don't know what changed, but about a month ago, the loves got me into it, and I fell hard.

The first Community Day I was part of was for Charizard, and I didn't understand all of the rules yet. I'm still surprised I managed to evolve two, one Shiny (which turned dark when fully evolved), and one normal. I did okay, basically, but I could have done better.

Two days ago, Niantic launched Larvitar for the Community Day festivities. This was the first one I caught:

I caught a few other things, and then my second roundboi, a Spheal:

and finally caught a wailmer:

We were sitting in a local park for this. (The iPod GPS is strange in that, generally, I can sit in one place while my Pokemon avatar runs around like a madwoman, so I get to hit all the PokeStops, and, occasionally, the gym. Others had to walk the park, back and forth, looking for the same things I got from sitting in one place. Yeah, it's kind of cheesy, but it's not a cheat--it's just the GPS interface for Apple products is fairly crap.)

This is the park:

And this is the tree we spent the three hours of the Community Day under:

It's a very pretty tree, and it only dropped one spider on me, and I can't really blame the tree for that. And the spider was pretty understanding about being relocated.

She was pretty. She was pale peach. Sadly, I have no picture of her.

Anyway, it was pretty fun. I ended up with (in addition to the other random Pokemon I caught) two pretty impressive Tyranitars, one fairly decent shiny Tyranitar, and one shiny Pupitar. Neat.

And...that's it, I just wanted a blog commemoration.

Oh, yeah, and this...

Yeah, okay. That's it.

14 June, 2018

13 June, 2018