An Instagram blogger has decided to take all her complaints and Photoshop them onto her pictures. The results are horrifying. But more relevant for this blog is this image:
That 'shopped image on the right? That was THE BIGGEST SHAPE on the grid for a while, may still be in some places. Fish-lipped, spraddle-hipped, twig-legged, wide-eyed, pouty, sullen women, prowling the grid. Largely, the ladies I ran into that had this shape? Also had things in their profile like "98% Bitch, 2% Angel, take your chances." Or "I say what I want, fu*k what you think." Or any other of a thousand other variations on "Hi, I'm a tiny emotional terrorist, I will wreck your life, LOVE ME".
What does everyone think so far of baked-on mesh?
Also, SmugMug just bought Flickr.
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