26 April, 2018

and I think it's gonna be a long long time

The Social Injustice Warrior takes on the Gamer From Mars' reaction to JewWario in an old retrospective video.

An Instagram blogger has decided to take all her complaints and Photoshop them onto her pictures. The results are horrifying. But more relevant for this blog is this image:

That 'shopped image on the right? That was THE BIGGEST SHAPE on the grid for a while, may still be in some places. Fish-lipped, spraddle-hipped, twig-legged, wide-eyed, pouty, sullen women, prowling the grid. Largely, the ladies I ran into that had this shape? Also had things in their profile like "98% Bitch, 2% Angel, take your chances." Or "I say what I want, fu*k what you think." Or any other of a thousand other variations on "Hi, I'm a tiny emotional terrorist, I will wreck your life, LOVE ME".


What does everyone think so far of baked-on mesh?

Also, SmugMug just bought Flickr.