11 March, 2018

Until we get it, forget it, let it all disappear

Prim limits, how I loathe thee...

Okay, to be fair, I'm usually fine on prim limits, but I had a very frustrating day about a week and a half ago, and spontaneously decided to change homes. It's not perfect, and I may change it again, but I'd also thrown down some furnishings I like that I thought might fit the space, and...then discovered I was over my prim limits. So I started checking things out.

Wasn't the house. It's Salome's small Byzantine house, and outside of some alpha issues on the upper level, it's an open, breezy layout for twenty-six prims total. That is tiny for a house. All that it lacks is a good mantel for the fire, and well, the Byzantines weren't given to that sort of architectural distinction.

The bed had to go. Trompe Loeil's "Reverie" bed in Stargazer? Thirty-five prims. Pretty. But had to go. Which means this one:

which is another lovely Reverie bed, in Nightcall? Also had to go. Damn.

Well, how about this one? Storax Tree made it, and it goes pretty well with the colors I have going at present...

Twenty-eight prims. Nope. Gotta go too.

Fine, then. How about this one? Mistique builds pretty tightly, right? But...even it's fourteen...and it only has couples' poses. ARGH!

Fine. The daybed it is. Culprit made it for six prims, it has singles and couples, I can sleep on it...FINE. Now for the rest of the place...why is this so hard?

...oh, right, because I'm trying to make the ground level more natural. Mrph. Okay. So there is a reason to delete all these.
