Had to wait a bit for things to load, before I could...start in.
Why is there a monkey with a chainsaw atop the gallows?
Already the house makes no sense, and I haven't even gone inside yet.
The bone chimes are a nice touch.
Then I walked in the door, looked around...and crashed.
I logged back in, crashed again, and when I came back in for the second time, I landed at home deliberately, stripped off all mesh, dug up a flexi skirt to go with some system layers, and stalked back to the damned house because I will be turned into a pickled chicken if I will let a haunt beat me.
Of course, I did return drunk, so...there's that.
It does appear to be the left hand, but...it's not lit. What use is a Hand of Glory if it's not lit? Unless it's not a Hand at all, but some sort of alchemical notation tool, or a palmistry model. Maybe that's it?
AAAAAAH what IS that?? Never mind, I don't want to know.
(More in part two.)
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