01 March, 2015

then again the same old story

[Zone] ExperMurdeR@apranax186: zen zen place to buy our man I did not have pulled back zener bought
[Zone] ExperMurdeR@apranax186: zen zen place to buy our man I did not have pulled back zener bought
[Zone] ExperMurdeR@apranax186: zen zen place to buy our man I did not have pulled back zener bought
[Zone] ExperMurdeR@apranax186: zen zen place to buy our man I did not have pulled back zener bought
[Zone] Evil She Demon@Badname86421: my god we get it someone taught you to cut and paste

Seriously, I'm used to this kind of nonsense happening in SL group chat, not Neverwinter.

[Zone] Renshai@therenshai: that's up and enter, same idea different keys
[Zone] Evil She Demon@Badname86421: lol only way to learn is to try
[Zone] Renshai@therenshai: his engrish gets a little more comprehendable each time, maybe eventually we'll be able to get wtf he means

I highly doubt it.

Then, a few minutes ago...

[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: the name moonshae druid doesnt make me picture a lepercon....js
[Zone] Phantasma@sheer13: Leprechaun ...gez
[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: what is gez?
[Zone] Phantasma@sheer13: lol thats geez
[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: which is short for?


[Zone] Phantasma@sheer13: jesus H christ
[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: so dont be givin me crap bout spellin mister

Why not? It's obvious you can't spell.

Of course, that is sort of like shooting fish in a barrel, in your case...

[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: its jes
[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: id accept jees

Why? "Geez" is an approximation of the sound said in a certain language; it's also commonly spelled "jeez" or, rarely, "geeze", and it's been in at least North American use since 1923.

"Jes", on the other hand...has not.

[Zone] Phantasma@sheer13: geez is a slang...leprechaun is not

Nope. Leprechaun comes from the Irish Gaelic, leipreachán, and has been in use since at least the fifteenth century, if not earlier.

[Zone] Phantasma@sheer13: and wasnt intending bad time

Though I will note, it is nice that Phantasma followed that up with graciously detaching from the conversation.

[Zone] Stacee Frostshield@quispeez21: me nirther

*twitch* You're not helping, Stacee. Just stop.