24 January, 2013

my ship is sinking, so watch me drown

Why does this maker not have this lip? Who makes this lip?!?

And there's a new heavy metal band on the scene--literally. Massing over a ton of solid working gears and metal, they're the heaviest thing around and then some. Give them a listen.

(from the loss album; the last of Armada Breakaway)

In the meantime, some sad news. I'm copying directly from the notecard received.
Sidney Arctor's Updates Group

22nd January 2013 Update.

Bad News Everybody :(

The Armada Breakaway Sim is going offline this weekend. :(

All has been done to save it, but there is just too much empty land.

So this will mean Arctor Ship Yards and Fabulous Contraptions will both be closed.

The most popular items from both shops are already on marketplace and will still be available, and I plan to reopen a shop somewhere eventually, but this could well the last chance to get certain items, such as individual sofas (marketplace only has sets) and most of the furniture, full perm sculpts, and dock decorations. Also, it could be a while before my cannons are available again.

As my subscribeomatic server is set up in Armada, this could well be the last update message too.

My marketplace Page is here:


This shan't be the end of old Siddy tho, nor the last you hear of Armada, new adventures be awaiting in Blake Bay where building is underway, there won't be any commercial ventures but those of you who appreciate creations by me and the rest of Armada builders, drop by in future as there's going to be various fun creations to check out.

Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone in future!

Sidney. ◕‿◕

There will be an end of Armada party on Saturday 26 from 7-9pm SLT and everyone is invited!

(from the loss album; the last of Armada Breakaway)

Personally, I thought Armada Breakaway was an amazing sim concept. In these harsh economic times, we must adapt or sink; and it's not news in the least to hear of another store closing, another sim disappearing. But this one is especially poignant, because it wasn't just another cookie-cutter mall plot. The entire sim was water-based, and every tenant and shopkeeper was parked on a boat, a ship, an airship, in a hot air balloon--the sense I always got was, whatever they could scavenge that could float or fly. And all of these myriad constructions were anchored one to another by rope bridges, wooden walkways, riveted planking, steel catwalks...There was a definite sense of craft, and by that, I mean, making what we have work for us, patching what we're missing, and never giving up.

(from the loss album; the last of Armada Breakaway)

This is pure economic necessity, yes, but I don't view this as giving up. I don't think Sidney does either. But it is a major setback, and another beautiful, irreplaceable thing gone from the grid.

Though it is a sadder, emptier place right now, I'd recommend people see it before it goes up in flames for good.