07 July, 2012

in portents of fate, you foolishly place trust

Why does this even exist?

On the other hand, I know exactly why this exists...but man, it's like putting the internet in a blender then downloading it to your phone. Surreal.

The biggest problem with the summer blockbuster event in City of Heroes has been the level lock of the enhancements--considering that going through the two-part event is currently the only way to get these enhancements, and they're given out randomly even there--if I take in my level 50 psychic, say, then I get enhancements that cannot be used by anyone under level 47. I'm glad the developers behind the game realize this is a problem, and are addressing it.

Speaking of City of Heroes...

[Help] Vanessa Minami: ok im confused. people told me Ms.liberty died during the story arc. why is she still in atlas?
[Help] Posedeia: that was the first Ms. Liberty
[Help] Assault Battery: That's a zombie
[Help] Posedeia: Miss Liberty's mom
[Help] Verdantress: Miss Liberty died. Her daughter Ms. Liberty is still alive.
[Help] Vanessa Minami: oh ok.
[Help] Posedeia: I can't keep these names straight
[Help] Posedeia: too many liberties
[Help] Verdantress: Could be worse. Hero 1 and Hero One are two separate characters in the lore.
[Help] Vanessa Minami: So how did Libertys mom buy the farm?
[Help] Verdantress: You shoot her.
[Help] Vanessa Minami: thats what Darrin did?! just shoot her?
[Help] Verdantress: Well she kidnapped her first, but yeah, then you just shoot her

Pretty much, yes. Your heroes try to save Miss Liberty (and fail); your villains work with a couple different bad guys to kidnap her and shoot her. No glory in her end...in the end. But sometimes, that's how life works...even for fictional heroes.

There's a new student film on the future of books (and printmaking); while the film itself is well worth watching, I tend to agree with Maria Popova:
There is practically no exploration of how the love of printed books can, and does, live and thrive online — this isn't a world in which our only choice is how to read, pitting analog vs. digital; it's a world in which the more urgent and important choice is the one we've always faced: what to read and, above all, why to read.
There's a street artist named "Jilly Ballistic"; beyond the name (and the appearances around NYC--in fact, there's a whole Tumblr dedicated to documenting the art when it pops up), not much is known, beyond the fact that she/he/they are wickedly witty and get technology in a basic, impressively amusing way.

And apparently the difference between the old Phantasy Star Online and the new game? Better underwear.

Seriously, developers? That--plus the incredibly pointy boobs--is what you decided to change? Seriously?!?


Icterus Dagger said...

Regarding Jilly Ballistic, I like how there seems to be two distinct types of expression: the faux menus and dialog boxes and then the militaristic (especially the chemical and nuclear warfare masks and etc). I'm not sure if and how they are related, beyond the Jilly Ballistic name, but when I first saw some of these popping up on Tumblr, I really identified with the sentiment (of both the menus and the vintage hazmat folks).


Emilly Orr said...

I will admit, I like the faux dialog boxes better, they seem infinitely more clever...but also consider the places Ballistic seems to be mostly leaving the vintage guardians: subways, stairways, bus stations...anywhere folks are likely to be waiting around.

One wonders if the message behind them is to take care in these spaces, or to subtly reinforce that someone is always watching...whether we know or not.