27 April, 2012

blue ribbons in the apple sky

Interested in the state of the web (spring 2012 edition)? So was the Oatmeal! (He also has editions out for summer 2011 [now with downloadable Tumbeasts!] and winter 2010, if you want to check them out as well and bask in the occasionally fetid glow of net nostalgia.)

(from the Minecrafting album)

Meanwhile, back in Calecraft...

(from the Minecrafting album)

While finishing the final few blocks of the tunnel, and making sure everything worked, Des came up with a four-block variant of the Caledon flag. That's it you see above, by the little temp storage/forge/crafting table section Des had thrown up during building of the sheep pens. (You can also see the pens for lavender and pink sheep to the right of this picture.)

Not all the work, of course, but most of the work on the sheep pens, and the layout of the tree farms, was done by Des. We'd mentioned that sheep persisted in color once dyed, and--with the latest update, sheep could eat grass again--the wool would grow back. I saw a quirky little detail of animal husbandry; Des saw an opportunity for industrial textile production.
(from the Minecrafting album)

It's going pretty well, too. It's lit enough by torches that no aggressive mobs spawn near the animals, and things are running pretty well. Above you see the pens for the lavender sheep, and the blue ship. Past this are a selection of tones of green, then a pen that holds cows.

(from the Minecrafting album)

Of course, with any major project, there can be glitches; in the case of mass sheep farming, occasionally there are too many sheep in the pen and they pop up to walk unsteadily along the rail for a bit. Rarely this results in an escape, which is why on occasion you'll find blue, or red, or orange sheep wandering in the wilds.

To the right of this picture you'll see the barn Des built. There are no horses in Minecraft, so on occasion it holds cows, overflow sheep, or pigs, when it doesn't stand empty.

(from the Minecrafting album)

Another view of the barn structure, and--at this point--the new watchtower guarding over the western desert.

Wandering back to the village, we noticed new things had been added.

(from the Minecrafting album)

Like this. The sign says Town Pool! Jump in! And yes, it was raining the day we wandered back.

So I peered in, and found myself feeling in equal measure appalled, confused, and baffled beyond all reason.

(from the Minecrafting album)

This is the so-called "Town Pool".

(from the Minecrafting album)

Just look at all that broken water. What on earth happened? Did a creeper blow up this section, and someone decided to make the best of it? Did someone start to dig out a real pool and gave up? Or dug too far down? Was this the leftover remnant that someone decided to fill in?

How does anyone break water that badly?!?

(from the Minecrafting album)

The village entrance again, with newly positioned flagstones. Well, I say "stones", but they're actually wool blocks.

More later!