10 June, 2011

slide to the left, slide to the right, reverse reverse

With great knitting power, comes great knitting responsibility. Or the power to knit dwarves. One of those.

Today in science news, the trapping of antimatter! (I seem to be saying this a lot, but no, not kidding.)

And if history were a television show, it so would've been canceled by now.

In other news...

(oh, of COURSE this is from the bizarre album)

[04:48 PM] StivRych Resident: (help me die)

The Lord my Stiv is back on the grid.

[04:49 PM] Emilly Orr: This is not going to win you friends and influence people
[04:49 PM] StivRych Resident: Yeah that might be out the window
[04:49 PM] StivRych Resident: Im sure I can find a fetish for this though

That's kind of what scares me.

(from the bizarre album)

[04:50 PM] StivRych Resident: I mean, its scary without my add ons
[04:50 PM] Emilly Orr: Probably
[04:50 PM] Emilly Orr: I don't even know how you MADE an avatar like that
[04:50 PM] StivRych Resident: It took time
[04:50 PM] StivRych Resident: and laughter
[04:50 PM] Emilly Orr: Only you

(from the bizarre album)

[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: I mean
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: look at this guy
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: look at him
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: This guy blows
>[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: I want tentacles
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: but not
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: IN YOUR FACE HOLE TENTACLES
[04:51 PM] StivRych Resident: casual tentacles

I may have to develop that as a product line. Just because.

(from the bizarre album)

[04:56 PM] StivRych Resident: WHAT ARE ALL THESE OUTFITS
[04:56 PM] Emilly Orr: They're the new library avatars
[04:56 PM] StivRych Resident: SWEET SASSY MOLASSY
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: Awesome
[04:57 PM] Emilly Orr: That one's from Adam and Eve, I think
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: HAhahah
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: THE HAIR
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: It flips!
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: weeee
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: weeee

(from the bizarre album)

[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: Welp
[04:57 PM] StivRych Resident: no need to go shopping
[04:58 PM] StivRych Resident: Im totally using a lady avatar
[04:59 PM] Emilly Orr: You don't think 'Stiv' would be a giveaway?
[04:59 PM] StivRych Resident: I changed it to what
[04:59 PM] StivRych Resident: thats
[04:59 PM] StivRych Resident: gender netural
[04:59 PM] StivRych Resident: right?

I believe what you mean, God, is "gender neutral", but...hey, sure, it's all good.

[05:02 PM] StivRych Resident: Ok
[05:02 PM] StivRych Resident: I think Im good
[05:02 PM] StivRych Resident: Ill be Sailor Trap in two weeks
[05:02 PM] StivRych Resident: Mark the day
[05:02 PM] Emilly Orr: Ooookay.
[05:03 PM] Emilly Orr backs away slowly

Then Hank came by, and...things got weirder.

(from the bizarre album)

[05:04 PM] StivRych Resident: trying to find my
[05:04 PM] StivRych Resident: old outfit
[05:04 PM] Hank Rucker: Lemme see if I have anything prettier.
[05:05 PM] StivRych Resident: HAH
[05:05 PM] StivRych Resident: Found part of it
[05:05 PM] StivRych Resident: HAHA
[05:05 PM] StivRych Resident: I cant stop giggling
[05:05 PM] Emilly Orr: AAAAAAH
[05:05 PM] Hank Rucker: Oh god. Not one of those.
[05:05 PM] Hank Rucker: I have nothing that looks good on that.
[05:05 PM] StivRych Resident: SAILOR HAMBURGER
[05:06 PM] Emilly Orr: You are deeply, deeply strange.
[05:06 PM] Hank Rucker: Wow, is that one of the new free sets?
[05:07 PM] Emilly Orr: You make me look normal at times, and I'm in therapy. You should realize that says a great deal.
[05:07 PM] Hank Rucker: Nah, you just have to allow that he is chaotic random.
[05:07 PM] Emilly Orr: True enough.
[05:07 PM] Hank Rucker: Life gets easier downhill from that.

But he was bemoaning the loss of his famed (or infamous) Desubomb, and the much-lamented-by-me bukkake gun (which, really, is better off OUT of the world, thank you), so...I dug around in the vast uncharted reaches of my inventory, and found something.

(from the bizarre album)

[05:09 PM] Emilly Orr: There, never say I never gave you a gun
[05:09 PM] StivRych Resident: w
[05:09 PM] Hank Rucker: Heeee
[05:09 PM] StivRych Resident: its
[05:09 PM] StivRych Resident: what
[05:09 PM] StivRych Resident: how
[05:09 PM] Emilly Orr: I figured it'd go with Sailor Hamburger
[05:09 PM] StivRych Resident: how do i shoot jesus

Hank having, of course, at this point rezzed out the Personal Jesus found last Easter on the Marketplace.

[05:10 PM] Emilly Orr: God gets a gun, the first thing God ponders is how to kill Jesus.
[05:10 PM] Emilly Orr: This is bizarrely appropriate.
[05:10 PM] Hank Rucker laughs
[05:11 PM] Hank Rucker: It's a pretty gun.
[05:11 PM] Hank Rucker: For a pretty, pretty princess.

(from the bizarre album)

[05:12 PM] Emilly Orr: Great, now Sailor Bwuh has tattoos
[05:12 PM] StivRych Resident: YEAH
[05:12 PM] StivRych Resident: FUCK YOU
[05:12 PM] StivRych Resident: LORD
[05:12 PM] StivRych Resident: GET SOME
[05:13 PM] Emilly Orr: I think I'm having a crisis of faith.

(from the bizarre album. Note presence of Jesus.)

[05:14 PM] StivRych Resident: I see danger
[05:14 PM] Hank Rucker: Indeed
[05:14 PM] Emilly Orr contemplates backing away again
[05:14 PM] StivRych Resident: I WILL SHOOT HER WITH FLOWERS
[05:15 PM] Hank Rucker laughs
[05:15 PM] StivRych Resident: IN THE EAR
[05:15 PM] Emilly Orr: Dude! Hiding behind me? Not cool!
[05:15 PM] StivRych Resident: Not cool, but practical
[05:15 PM] Emilly Orr: Well, practical I'll buy.
[05:15 PM] Hank Rucker cackles - I've totally forgotten how amusing it is to have a Stiv.

Stiv was deeply dismayed when, as he discovered through the new search system, people were now charging for what his griefing brethren once gave with an open heart. He pondered solutions.

[05:23 PM] StivRych Resident: hmm
[05:23 PM] StivRych Resident: Maybe I can use my clout
[05:23 PM] Emilly Orr: You have clout?
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: I could have clout
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: you never no
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: its like
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: in your heart and shit
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: right?
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: or thats hope
[05:24 PM] Alexandra Rucker: depends on if they remember you
[05:24 PM] Emilly Orr backs away again
[05:24 PM] StivRych Resident: or the allspark

And then Hank set him on fire.

(from the bizarre album)

[05:25 PM] StivRych Resident: FIRE
[05:25 PM] Hank Rucker: YES
[05:25 PM] Hank Rucker whispers: I still have FIRE!
[05:25 PM] Hank Rucker: Heee
[05:25 PM] StivRych Resident: Adding flowers to fire seems to help
[05:25 PM] Emilly Orr: Apparently.

He ran around for a bit, but it didn't seem to help much. All we could see were flames and pink pigtails.

[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: Well, I got to help my cousin in
[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: FL?
[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: RL?
[05:26 PM] Emilly Orr: Florida MIGHT be RL, yeah....we're still not sure.
[05:26 PM] Alexandra Rucker: they do seem to be off in their own little world
[05:26 PM] Alexandra Rucker: the sun fries their brains or somethin'
[05:26 PM] Emilly Orr: It's the lack of dirt. The lack of dirt makes them all crazy.
[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: Ill shall see you all at a later date, time
[05:26 PM] Alexandra Rucker: hee!
[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: Nice being
[05:26 PM] StivRych Resident: sailor man
[05:26 PM] Alexandra Rucker: lol
[05:26 PM] Emilly Orr: Or something.

Then a chill blew through the blasted wasteland...

(from the bizarre album)

[05:27 PM] StivRych Resident: ICE
[05:27 PM] StivRych Resident is Offline
[05:27 PM] Hank Rucker: I do love that toy

(from the bizarre album)

And Stiv was gone.

All in all, though I'm fairly sure nothing will happen...Should you happen across a pink-haired Sailor Moon variant with skinny arms and legs who suddenly starts singing strange Japanese songs...I would suggest running.

Very far away.

Just in case.