19 June, 2011

I've got skeletons in my closet, they're rattling tonight

"Well I wasn’t about to draw a nonopus. That's just unnatural."

Well said.

So mesh is back to being on its way to Second Life, and there are already videos that make it sound like anyone can do this, as easy as rezzing out a prim. Which is far from the case, and as Axi pointed out in the original linked article, that's the main problem. Will we see more creators, more designers leaving Second Life once mesh arrives on the scene? I'd have to say probably. But, aside from that bit of pessimism, I am really curious about what the mesh designers are going to bring to grid.

In better news, Ruina Kessel has revamped more of her older horn sets, and she's doing Moody Monday with them again. Go to her store before Monday is over, and score one of five specially-tinted packs for L$55 each. A deal at twice the price (considering the full color packs themselves are only L$150).

And finally a video with nearly everything--furries, current memes and old school arcade gaming. You're welcome?


Serenity Semple said...

Would love to get that arcade system but it's pretty complicated. :S

They require you to sign up on their stores website and make some account or something EVEN before trying to play the game. The game itself costs L$250 and you still need to sign up. I would've gotten it if it weren't so complex. You can find it here if you want to check it out.

Also I've seen a really amazing dragon head that June's (BareRose owner) made with Mesh so I'm utterly excited to see what she'll be making. Dunno about the rest of the grid tho. ^^;

Emilly Orr said...

Yeah, now that (many months later) it's out, still not that excited about mesh. :p