Don't get me wrong, I practically live in Maddy and Milli some days. But some of their stuph alphas in the extreme now, and just looks unflattering. It's a case by case basis whether they're my beloved, or I want them to die on fire covered in irritated scorpions.
[06:50 PM] Sphynx Soleil: oh wau... flexi demo box!
[06:51 PM] Emilly Orr: Weiiiird
I'm kind of using that as an intro to my photographer for the next dozen-plus entries, Sphynx Soliel. Because taking intensive pics on the netbook is the definition of no fun.
I swear, if I ever get into making hair, I am soooo cribbing that and making my demo sign flexi.
(Actually, that's not so much idea-stealing--my product boxes used to be flexi. Boxes. That were flexi. It was like staring at a Yule gift made of Jell-O.)
This is BAM! in Cocoa. She's either making it in much brighter colors, somewhere, or she's been watching waaaay too much Emeril.
[06:52 PM] Emilly Orr: This is just...mental
And then...Bliss. This is Bliss in copper, and...I'm weirdly tempted to get this one. I could do nothing in it but hang out underwater or upside-down in trees,'s just too damned strange not to own.
This is it from the front, and...
...this is Bliss from the back. Where it is just as strange.
And then we hit Seraphena. For some reason, this year is HUGE on two-part hair. (No, I have no idea why.) This was another one.
This is Seraphena (with the Sera Shoulder addition) in Mahogany, from the back.
And then things start getting odd. This is a shot from the side...
And a shot of the chin-clipping. I'd say this is a great pic hair, still photography hair, but it doesn't handle movement at ALL. Still, it doesn't--even when clipping through the chin--clip through the shoulder, which is actually good.
Don't move, and you'll look posh. Move, and you look wonky. There's a lesson in that...
They can be found on Hair Fair 4.
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