10 September, 2010

imagine a girl, with long flowing hair, and her body all trouble, perfection and truth

We've reached Curious Kitties:

HUD hair always confuses me. True, one can change the hair color, then detach the HUD, and be fine--save for the HUD-responsive scripts still in the hair--but it's still odd. It does save space in inventory, though.

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

Here are Akina, a chunky, choppy short style;

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

Arakonia, a wildly inventive quadruple-pony anime hairpiece, from the front...

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

...and from the back;

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

Bessie, a random, off-centered gathering of loops and swirls;

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

Fusako, a flower-adorned shoulder-length style;

Hair Fair,hair,Second Life,Wigs for Kids,charity

And Hinlye, the only one with any movement (in the ribbons on the hair ornaments), a casual, gathered, messy updo.

There are likely better pictures on their blog. Curious Kitties does do a logical thing with their hair, at least: once you buy a HUD for a certain color range it will work for every hair of that style. So if you stick with hair from that style group, your existing HUD will work to dye it.

Still, if you want dark green or black hair, and you only have the special silver/platinum/grey shine HUD, f'rinstance, you're still out of luck.

You can find their booth in Hair Fair 1.

Eyes: SN@TCH Gloss Eyes, Blue/Brown
Skin: [42] SLL Inspiration, 03 Goth White
Outfit: Silentsparrow's "Quietus", without the jacket and the cuffs.


Serenity Semple said...

I really like how unique Curious Kitties hair is done but the only problem is that it rarely works with my ears and comes out looking odd. ^^;

Emilly Orr said...

I actually really like Arakonia. I'm currently trying to balance wanting it, against where I would wear it (where WOULD I wear it??) and that I'd have to have at least one HUD to tint it (and I think she still sells HUDs by color batches, not one HUD for all).