09 July, 2010

waiting for the pen to move

Sometimes, I get spam on this blog, and it's annoying, and it gets deleted. I don't even bother doing the polite thing and answering back anymore--just blip and it's gone.

One of the comments here was weirdly, too lyrical to delete.

Search and you will understand why the lava lamps were in the heart of generations.

So fine, their actual address included leads to a marketing site for website development; on that point, they fail. But they did get me to look up manufacturers of lava lamps, so now I'm giggling over the Planet Lava listings, and lava lamp mods for actual black light use. And--again from Oozing Goo--how to make lava lamps at home. Whee!

So, getting back to Operation Squeegee.

Obsidian Desires released a set of spools of vintage thread with poses that are nothing short of phenomenal.

Second Life,vintage furniture,poses,thread,sewing

Each of the items comes with embedded poses, they're all copiable, so if you wreck something in positioning, you can just delete and start with a fresh copy.

Second Life,vintage  furniture,poses,thread,sewing

Admittedly, I bought these because I loved the concept--giant vintage spools of thread, a giant thimble, all with poses changeable at a click (there's a drop-down menu for each piece, or the set as a whole).

Second Life,vintage  furniture,poses,thread,sewing

They don't work out in Winterfell as well on the ground, but nothing stops me from putting them somewhere else. And even with that, the thimble's out at Luctus Isle; it's such a lovely little set of two poses, I couldn't take it back.

Second Life,vintage  furniture,poses,thread,sewing

From contemplation to acrobatics, this set has you covered. It comes with four pieces--one independent thimble; one independent single spool of thread; one paired set of two spools; and one ten-prim unit that contains all four pieces as a set grouping.

Second Life,vintage  furniture,poses,thread,sewing

You can find them until July 15th at the Operation Squeegee event site in world. They'll cost you just L$100, and for that price, the rich sheen of the thread coloration, and the accuracy of the vintage logos on the spools become even more amazing. Highly recommended.