uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmOkay then. (Yes, that's a quote.)
Also, note to self: even on an island sim it might not be appropriate to wear a bikini top in the workplace:
Taina Dorben--all of one day old--came by and asked if I'd give him a massage. He asked me to use voice, which I did (and shouldn't have). He (and whatever woman was in the background) laughed at what I typed in main chat because I was "sexy" and I wasn't talking about sex. They seemed perplexed that--standing in the Solace Beach sales office--my first priority wasn't to screw the avatar's pixels against the nearest wall, but (shocking, I know) sales.
It gives me even less confidence in the process that anyone can bypass Orientation Island--if Second Life even has such a thing, these days--and just dump themselves, whole and dripping, onto the main grid.
Me, honestly, I was wearing the Alaysia skin I got at Skin Within's half off sale, with the fAkE oilslick bikini top and broomstick skirt I got from Operation Squeegee. It's comfortable, it's cool, it goes with many things, and how often do I get to wear pure island get-ups?
Not past today, I'm sure of that. Or at least not in the sales office.
Jolie O'Dell goes into the difference between journalists and bloggers, after touching on the topic a few days prior to that entry. I am absolutely clear on my position in the spectrum--I am a blogger, first and foremost; I am not a journalist. (In point of fact, the closest I've gotten to actual claiming of journalistic status is to name myself a "muckraker".)
To that end, I am frequently biased, highly opinionated, slanted, impassioned, slipshod, and dare I say it, inaccurate--never by intent, but I have made mistakes in the past, and not all of them I retract. Still, I'm interested in her conclusions, and I'm not offended by her dividing points between those of us who blog, and those of who report the news as it happens.
Darrius Gothly presents a plan to save Second Life...and he may have a point, there. It does seem like a simple enough fix, and I've been trying to think it through; I just don't see a problem with such a proposal.
Even with the fringe cases, they can easily be gotten around. Escorting off a residential parcel? Stop doing that, or arrange it purely as a gift-from-resident transaction, entirely by IM. Or even better--have a whole group of escorts, services, camgirls, voicegirls, whatever, chip in on a single unified 'pay station'--and have that be the first pay stop. After that, they can do the escorting on any grade of land they want--money's not trading on residential property.
The other fringe case I can think of is folks keeping a donation jar in their homes. I still don't understand why one would want to, but I've seen it a few times, and the easy way around that is also to move the action to a commercial parcel--because if it's a social club, it's a club, innit?--or to locate the donations off-site or off-parcel--either at a nearby community center rated for commercial use, or again, by way of person-to-person 'gift' transactions.
Either way, it might work, and it might work quite well. Let's see if the Lindens perk up and put it into practice.
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