08 April, 2010

she will never learn your tranquility, she will never learn to let things slide off her

Zombie haiku!

Though some of the best ones are found in the comments. Among my favorites:

From Micheal0559:

Nothing hurts me now
Normally the screwdriver
wouldn't have gone there

You are so lucky
I cannot remember
How to use doorknobs

From IrmaCerrutti:

To express oneself
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffic.

From goverlord:

Recent fallen dead
Should not climb escalators
Zombies are clumsy

From Garth432 (seriously, what IS it with people with numbers in their names??) comes a triptych:

Endless Zombie hoard
groping hands and soulless eyes
We've run out of shells

Hiding in alley
Flare gun goes off by mistake
Oh no they see us

Hurughwhua Grawwaghurugh
Blam Blam Blam Blam Dead

From technologysucks:

I stagger as they run
But beating hearts grow tired
I will never stop

And finally, from notanotherwizkid:

my dentist is dead
he was proud when I ate him
with my strong white teeth

Much, much fun.

In the meantime, in preparation for Thursday night hijinks, there is now a little crystal orb one can touch anytime at der Hut des Jaeger to find out Thursday's poetry theme:

Jager,Jaeger,Winterfell,Absinthe,Second Life
(That's Mr. Liam Bean to the left in the top hat; proprietress Frau Annechen Lowey behind the bar; Mr. Zaltman Romanas in the dark suit, and new lady Jager Rozas Gartner to the right in the big picture, and Mad Lab Ale--green, on the left; Wolf Creek Feteasca Neagra in the middle; and WCW's Dominacynthe Absinthe in the darker green bottle to the right below the crystal orb in the small version.)

It is located behind the bar, on the upper shelf, right-hand side. (When standing in front of the bar.) Just touch it, or mouse over it, even, and you'll find out what next week's topic will be. Lovely little invention.

Finally, a brief mention of a new find: the Painted Lily. Womens' and mens' medieval fashions, plus flower wreathes, jewelry, and some period-appropriate hair. And this little gem in five colors:

Persian,castle,medieval,fashion,Second Life

It's L$500, and I wouldn't have purchased it before today, had I not sold that lovely little secondary bit of Morgaine. This is my celebratory impulse buy, and I will not lie to you, I used to have outfits very, very close to this RL (and am determined to have again!), only they were green and brown.

Persian,castle,medieval,fashion,Second Life

The Persian coat comes with jacket, pants, sculpted prim pants bits, flexible coat 'skirt' with flexible sash, flexible sleeves, turban with flexible ends, a face mask (to keep out those desert winds), and sculpted traditional shoes. A total of thirteen items.

Persian,castle,medieval,fashion,Second Life

I may even break my struggling-to-save-Lindens habits, and buy at least the purple, if not the purple and the cream. They really are amazingly well done, and they're the only styles like this I've found in recent travels.

Persian,castle,medieval,fashion,Second Life

And the face mask doesn't kill my whiskers! Yay!

It comes in blue, brown, buff, purple, and the grey I showed off, which Miss Meriman actually terms 'black'. They're very, very traditional in appearance, perfect for medieval and desert-land roleplay sims. Also jaunting about anywhere, I would assume...Don't be surprised if those of you who see me, see me around in this over the next week.