22 April, 2010

drown out the confusing noise, shake free the gazes that have grown apathetic

The copyright wars have many front lines, but one of the most interesting has been the fight over fair use regarding the Hitler film Downfall. For a while there, the critical scene in the bunker was the digital dartboard for many social satirists, from Disney's acquisition of Marvel to the takedown process itself. Now, according to Ars Technica, most of them have been pulled. Under a DMCA filing to prevent unlawful use?

No, and that's the interesting part.

According to YouTube's own page on ContentID, the program they offer will:
"Identify user-uploaded videos comprised entirely OR partially of their content, and

"Choose, in advance, what they want to happen when those videos are found. Make money from them. Get stats on them. Or block them from YouTube altogether.

"How do Audio ID and Video ID work?

"Rights holders deliver YouTube reference files (audio-only or video) of content they own, metadata describing that content, and policies on what they want YouTube to do when we find a match.

"We compare videos uploaded to YouTube against those reference files.

"Our technology automatically identifies your content and applies your preferred policy: monetize, track, or block."
Which is good, if the laws of fair use are taken into consideration. But YouTube doesn't bother. They set out the full toolset so that content owners can strip all of a video's content away; just the soundtrack; or just the visuals. There are zero prohibitions. Ironically, because this process doesn't go through DMCA claims and counterclaims, it takes a far shorter period of time, and it takes a far longer time to get content back, whether it falls under fair use for parody and satire, or not.

Which is why we've been seeing what we've been seeing for months now, on YouTube: live performances (which fall under artist content, and most artists don't care if people make home movies, essentially, of their art); artist-uploaded videos and performances; and 'covers' of songs sung by other people, which are perfectly legal to film and upload.

Everything else? Could be stripped away in an instant, and most of it has, in fact--because YouTube set it up that way.

Runes of Magic is coming out with their third chapter officially in May--but, because it's such a graphics-intensive game, they're starting the process now--and the first patch for it went live last night. If you're interested in an interview with one of the game's creators on what Chapter III will entail, have at--all I know for sure is that it involves a child king, more quests (less kill-oriented, more roleplay/story oriented, yay!), more levels, more skills, new abilities, and a potential new race.

What's the new race? No one's really sure. But the rumors are painting them blue.

If they look like Avatar knock-offs...I will be really disappointed.

Many people are seeing Lang Lang's recent concert performance to be either mean-spirited or simply unnecessary spoofing--but if you listen carefully, the tones do change when he moves his fingers around the iPad, stop when he lifts his fingers from it, and change when he turns it over to the conductor. He may have programmed that particular selection, but he was playing it "live"--at least, after a fashion.

Lastly, a very odd tip:

[18:11] Bahi Pudless: are transactions down in sl?
[18:11] Manda Silverweb: mines working
[18:11] Tesa Carrasco: not down but acting funky
[18:12] Tesa Carrasco: you have to log out and log back in for them to show up
[18:12] Tesa Carrasco: or at least that is how it's been for me the past week

[18:17] Joehard Darkfold: heard a little trick the other day, rez a prim and make it for sale for a dollar and buy it from yourself, it will [force] an update of your account.
[18:17] Tesa Carrasco: good idea :-)
[18:18] Joehard Darkfold: cant take credit for that just passing info along

Interesting. I'll have to see if this works.


turnerBroadcasting said...

Emily - I have finally responded to your comment that I have a "thing" for Bettie Page.


* raises eyebrow *

* swirls a brandy around in its snifter *

strictly between us, I must say I have put up a rather strong argument in my favor. You may wish to respond....


PS. YouTube is totally out of control. Agree. We will have to do something about them.

Emilly Orr said...

The thing is, technically, YouTube is in the clear, tacitly. They aren't making judgement calls on anything that's uploaded to their servers--and they continue getting hits (and thus sell advertising) for both good and bad publicity.

Sadly, it's their no-restrictions/come-one-come-all content owner policy that should be changed. Will it be? I highly doubt it. Should it be? Without a doubt, they have gone overboard to ensure content creators' happiness with their service.

It's a thorn-stabbed tangle, to be sure.