On the other hand, I have corrected the setting that prevented links from being underlined...so Edward, if you can stand the red, you should be able to see the links now. :)
So let me gush a bit on Clockwerk Klicker-Klack, our store mascot...who's now a wearable!
Clockwerk Klicker-Klack was a capable store and lab assistant, for those times when I had to sleep. (Shush...I do so sleep.) You can read the full story on the store blog, but in the meantime, we are now sharing the mascot version with anyone who so desires one, because--Clockwerk is the first in the line of Iron Tinies we'll be bringing out!
This is so cool. Mr. Allen has been slaving away for more than two months, testing and primming out an entire line of Iron Tinies. Clockwerk (and his female compatriot, the bookish and studious writer of the lab, Penny Featherwright) are now available in Penzance at the store.
We're planning on a line of 'accessory' packs--like the Godzilla tail, if enough people want it--for all the tinies, but most especially for Clockwerk, who seems to favor dressing up. (I'm pushing Mr. Allen to make a firefighter's hat!) Anyone can purchase the packs to add to the Iron Tinies, though some will (like the alternate for Penny's hair) be specific for certain ones. It should be grand fun.
In the meantime, a lot of existing Tiny attire--like this yukata and samurai sword from Tiny Tama--works wonderfully with them. So go look 'em over!
And there will be others coming out soon--I know of at least six, and four more planned, so trust me--there should be one for anyone who wants one. Huzzah for Iron Tinies!
*peers at background again*
Maybe I'll import out the poppy-square and tone it down, somewhat. On the other hand, can't say it's not appropriate some days...
*peers again and shrugs*
[Insert from the Editrix: I've pulled it out and darkened the tones, so it *should* be easier on the eyes, now, at least.]
Those are poppies? They looked like bullet holes...
Well, I grant, they looked more like flowers before I darkened the tile; and technically, they're not poppies, they're campanula flowers.
But in my head, they're opium poppies, and so. :)
Racing through a field of poppies; I'm feeling a little sleepy, maybe I'll just grab a quick kip here, and the flying monkeys descend!
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