Way too much glow. WAY TOO MUCH GLOW. It's supposed to add shimmer, not sunburn potential! GAH!
Nekomama in Alice has the most amusing mouse-attached-to-wristbands set for free right now, as well as a cat to hold and some tops. Yay for the mouse set, though.
Did I mention the Japanese are very odd? Now if you're neko, you can get a little kitten to hold in your mouth?
Is this cannibalism or motherhood?
Another terrible use of glow. This is sort of eternally fountaining out of the center of the room. It's rather bizarre.
Apparently they're a particle effects shop? And they have a TON of particle freebies currently. Though many of them are either surreal, or don't make much sense...but hey, they're free. Some of 'em might be useful somehow...
And some free bloody ephemera comes to us from Dead End Hospital. It's a lovely, lovely decrepit build, full of the sound of hissing, wind and falling water. Wrecked start to finish, and in a very small area, so it's interesting. And it has a very specific target audience--damaged people who are in the wrong hospital.
To that end, they're offering a bunch of bloody things in one box, and a bunch of surreal gestures in the other, for free. There's also a dead-black skin, and a dead-white skin, L$200 per. Lovely face work on the skins. Past that there's another store with stained medical beds, IVs, privacy screens and the like.
There's one of the Rezzable chain of sims that's called Crimson Shadows, run by someone named Tox1c Camel. I don't have a SLUrl--I'll try to get one--but this has got to be one of the most innovative displays for eyes I've ever seen. The eyes are on spikes. Even better? They rotate to follow you.
Best of all? They talk. Marvelous display.
I'm beginning to think we need to start angling towards talking someone into donating sim space to us. But I'd much rather just relocate. Mm. Allen favors Caledon Southend; Miss Neome favors anywhere-but-Penzance; and me, I'm just trying to keep an eye on the sales, see what we can afford.
But oh, it would be lovely. Autogenic in its own sim. It's quite the grand dream.
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