09 November, 2007

there's nothing wrong with going nowhere, baby, but we should be going nowhere fast

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Today was a day of much celebration. Today was a celebration of half of everyone over at Caledon Carntaigh, the Novemberists' Rez Day Multi-Bash!

It was decided to make it a Robot Rez day, and we did the best we could. Robots, cyborgs, clockwork girls, and those in sympathy all crammed into the ballroom at the Riel estate, steel-plated especially for the occasion.

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Can't recall who brought out their weather system for fine-tuning, but either it was miscalibrated, or the drag on the grid resulted in oddity--for some time we had blazing fires burning on the dance floor...and SNOW!

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Then...the BOX PLAGUE broke out! It was horrifying!

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It got worse. Dancer after dancer fell to the evil cubed ailment.

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Then I fell to its vicious square grasp! The horror!

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Then the box plague spread beyond boxes.

Still, we managed to have fun, and that's the important part, yes? That, even in the midst of lag and illness, that rejoicing is still possible.

Some of the lovely metal men and women seen at the Robot Rez Day:

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(Gotta love that smile.)

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(Sir Edward "Iron Man" Pearse spinning a lovely and deranged mix for the collected bots on the floor.)

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(Mr. Iason Hassanov plays Big Brother.)

I'd have more, but sadly, I crashed and my cam stopped working!

After leaving, and crashing several more times, I decided I--and the grid--were both potentially stable enough to set up shop--and house. I now present to you the abode that will be terrorizing Caledon Penzance, for at least a bit:

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Kaleidecopia House exists!

Now, I'll be the first to admit, it's not Victorian. For all I was considering the 'painted ladies' of San Francisco for the colors, it's closer to the 1910 New England saltbox than anything. Does it need work? Desperately. Are there mistakes? Absolutely. Heck, at this point? There aren't even doors!

But it's up! I made it! Took me three days of stubborn building, but it's done!

It's not the only thing...

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Kartiny now exists in Caledon Penzance. It's not just a place on SL Exchange any more.

And once Mr. Allen decides what he wants, we'll have more. In the meantime, we have some places to sit and talk, a vendor on the floor (until we decide where it's going), and some clockwork oranges.

What? The grid needed clockwork oranges.

By and large, it's been a very good day.


Baron K. Wulfenbach said...

I think it's quite an eyecatching construction - it looks like it's made of all art glass.

Hmmm... I'd like to see internal illumination of it at night. *grin*


Klaus Wulfenbach

Emilly Orr said...

Hmm, for that, I might have to make more of the windows transparent, or at least translucent...

Still. Might be entertaining.


Qlippothic said...

*gasp!* That smiling robot is one of Dr. Steel's drones!

Emilly Orr said...

No, really?

He must have snuck in when we weren't looking!