29 November, 2007

if I lay here, if I just lay here...

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Suppose I can't blame anyone but myself, this time. After all, I thought I'd figured out, what could be so bad, really, once I figured out the settings....and no one will see me one moment, whilst I disappear the next...

How bad could Windlight be, after all?

Oh, I found out. All over again.

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(Incongruent Truths? You'd better believe it.)

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(Red sky at night, sailor's delight...but that looks like midday.)

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(I've eaten sherbet this color. I've never seen a sky that shade.)

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(There was literally no way to get away from blinding banana-glitter yellow, it seemed...)

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(I think I've seen this sky, actually...in Yellow Submarine...)

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(It's getting worse! Where do I HIIIIDE...)

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(*begins to twitch in the corner, rocking back and forth*)

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(Now, this is just RIDICULOUS! This was the setting my friends ADVISED me to have! Burning flat gold atmosphere with roiling soot-colored clouds that move like tentacled gang members across the sky....DO NOT WANT!)

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FINALLY! Something RATIONAL! A sky I can LIVE with!

The only one with not a speck of yellow to be found. "Blizzard".

...and, as I'm finding out now? It only works on midnight....GAH!

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Well, at least I'm...not...fluorescing....


(If anyone needs me, I'll be hiding under this rock here. Where it's niiiiice and dark.)

(Lyrics at top from Snow Patrol's "Chasing Cars".)