I may, in fact, have too much color for the ShuǐMò Gallery, but they're very inviting:
[21:37] Shui Mo Entrance: Welcome to ShuǐMò Gallery! This space is an art installation created in the style of Chinese ink brush (ShuǐMò) painting by FionaFei. Initially designed as a stand-alone art installation is now also used to house Fiona's other artworks. Follow the scrolls to the giant red double doors to head inside! Please feel free to roam around the space and sit on the artwork. :-) Enjoy your visit Emilly Orr!
And then six days pass...(Also the above was written six days ago...)
Four of those days were spent unpacking shoe demos. I wish I was kidding, that's how many I pulled down. (Never let it be said I don't commit fully to the bit.) One day was spent starting to pick the best ones to compare with the geta set, so I wouldn't have to stand around at the gallery forever going through things.
And yesterday...all hell broke loose.
And then today, I find out that essay is under "official review" for violation of the site's rules. Which strikes me as shutting the office after the whistle-blower's gone...
Unfortunately, the problem's not going to just disappear, and while I fully grant, fracturing a leg--after passing the year mark on the Never-Ending Headache--distracted me enough not to notice last November that this was starting to become known, and folks were scrambling to invent stopgaps to prevent child avatars from accessing their adult sims...
The mere fact that I have to type that should be enough to give us all pause. Because...why would a child avatar want access to adult sims? But also, at least one of the SL children I know--and for the other three, one's deceased and one's mentioned in that article and one went to Zindra opening day...only spends part of time in SL as a child, and the other part as an adult avatar. So--how do we deal with those cases?
Plus, the Gearhaven estate comprising sims who want to fully lean in to that adult branding...discussion arose on the essay, and what we, as an estate, wanted to do, and Hiro said--at least for a while--zero tolerance. If it's even slightly iffy, bounce.
Considering the Duchess of Gearhaven had the habit of running around as a Dinkie, or in the Kemono avatar, to build or landscape...that zero tolerance policy means I can't. Which means we have to give severe side-eye looks to Tinies who wander in, or anyone wearing the Tweenster avatar...it's going to be a mess. It already is a mess, considering the Linden accused was responsible for firing a well-known security specialist...and the optics on that are so, so bad. Because even holding the assumption that that particular Linden is innocent of all charges, he did, essentially, fire a security specialist for asking questions. AKA, you know, doing her job.
Ooh, yeah. Get ready for forty-seven miles of barbed wire. Soooo much fun.
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