30 November, 2023

who by high ordeal, who by common trial

<i>(Obviously, this is going to be more RL than most blog posts.)</i><br />
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You want some solid, white-knuckle action? We're talking high stress, low coping, chewing fingernails to the elbows insanity?<br />
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Break a bone at the end of a holiday month. Extra points for the month following to be December. A <i>savage</i> amount of points additional if you're also an internet addict and nearly everything you like to <i>do</i> online involves the computer you no longer have access to.<br />
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Challenge rating impossible if all the advent calendars start tomorrow.<br />
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<img src="https://i.ibb.co/8rwm5gt/goddamn-it-intensifies-Danny.gif" alt="goddamn-it-intensifies-Danny" border="0"><br />
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So...<i>obviously</i>...I'm not going to be around in SL until this thing resolves. I'm on official hiatus from Vae Victis until net presence increases. I may have to reschedule a surgery because I'm stuck in physical rehabilitation.<br />
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I am just having <i><b>SO MUCH FUN Y'ALL</b></
I>...<br />
I'll post updates when I can, but "not a happy bitch" seems to be the steady state.<br />
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Ben Hoark said...

Agh, terrrrible! Big hugs, Em! (Or possibly gingerly careful hugs!)