08 October, 2023

We've been eating Gameraaaaa! (part two)

Picking up from part one...

Snowy carnage!

Oh, yipe, what happened here? Those poor li'l Yetis...hope they recover.

Back into the bathtub, and the next room is a village of...heart trees??

Heart-shaped carnage in the Valentine village.

Oh my. Site of another massacre. All those dead cherubs...poor things.

Like Soilfiends with an hourglass, so go the days of our lives...

Another sploshy, curvy trip into the tunnel...and we've reached the sands of time? Now with added Soilfiends!

Welcome to Eggland! How many chocolate eggs can you eat?

I fit right in with the rest of Eggland. (Though I will note, if you stand in certain places for too long, the sky rains chocolate eggs down by the...ah...dozen.)

Eggland's bunny looks HUNGRY.

Nope, I don't fit in after all--I better scamper before the bunny eats me!

Instructions for the haunt.

And if you find all the jars, you can get prizes at the end stop. (And if you don't, there's a room between the last one, and the end coffins, where you can return to any zone you missed.)

All in all, this is a very enjoyable haunt. The hunt aspect isn't super difficult, the concept is sound, and I adore the whimsy of the bathtub rides from land to land. Five out of five skulls, do go if you can.