19 June, 2023

thought she was fragile like a flower, but she's fragile like a bomb (part two)

Vanity Hair 56, front profile.

This is the goddess braids style from Vanity Hair, "56". I might actually pick up this one, at least in the Happy color pack or the Must Have color pack shades. You can find them on the Blonde region, and a note enclosed with the demo said that BOM baby-hair layers are included with purchase.

Vanity Hair 56, side profile and clipping.

How'ver, I had to take two pictures for two reasons. First, yes, this style will clip through your boobages, as shown. It's not constant, it's just something to be aware of for the bustier set.

Second is more irritating. The sole reason to have a five minute demo is because the designer wants someone to have an unedited look at the end product. But if a designer is doing a five minute demo, WITH a huge demo wheel behind the hair? There's no reason for that.

Plus my personal issue of having to pull down the demo box for this style three times from the Hair Fair group because I was trying to get proper angles on the pictures and the five minutes of the demo kept expiring. I finally just gave up.

Moving on.

...or--not. This is awkward.

In the midst of an incipient migraine off the screen, Em still wanted to get another blog entry out, because Em is very, very bad at self-care. (I'm working on it. It's a process.)

But on a whim, I decided to go pick up style "56". I hadn't yet decided if I wanted the Candy pack or the Must Haves pack. Ported to Blonde, tracked down Vanity's booth, and...

The packs on Vanity Hair's table at Hair Fair.

So, each pack is going for L$390, with the fatpack of all colors for L$1,399. First problem: in the demo pack, the HUDs are listed as Music Lovers, Must Haves, Ombres Naturals, Rainbows, Basics-All Black and Whites, Basics-All Blonds, Basics-All Browns, Basics-All Reds, and Basics-Happy. The two I was most interested in were the Must Haves and the Happy, remember.

On the table at Hair Fair? (Barring the grey demo pack box.) The fatpack, the Must Haves, Rainbows, Ombres Naturals, and the last box simply labeled Basics.

I could have bought the Must Haves, but I wanted more color to play with, so reluctantly, bought the Rainbows, because the Happy pack is not there.

The Rainbow hair i ended up with.

Second problem: The BOM baby-hair layer. Second problem part one: the actual curls of baby hair do not change color. At. All. Second problem part two: It's tintable via the HUD, but it's going to be a damned picky process picking one color to try to match one of the braids (as seen above), and then ignore the colors on the rest.

Not thrilled with this, honestly.

More demos to come.