23 June, 2023

thought she was fragile like a flower, but she's fragile like a bomb (part three)

Dang, skipped right past 300 days for the Eternal Headache, and we're now at 302!

Not a number I ever wanted to reach...but here we are.

So! Getting back to Hair Fair coverage, because the clock is running down. Also, I am in no condition to muck about trying on Evo-X layers and hoping they work.

Next one's a set of photographic hair by Argrace.

Argrace 'KANNA' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

This is their "KANNA", in the second to last shade from the B and W color HUD.

Argrace 'REIKA' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

And this is "REIKA". Both styles feature four different 'set' styles, to allow for more lifelike wind in photos. You can find them on the Brunette sim, and each color pack goes for L$300, with the fatpack of all the shades for L$1000.

Next, Monso Hair with a mid-level confusing selection of sizes:

Monso's 'Kuromi' hair and the size menu.
I sort of just made my best guess.

Monso's 'Kuromi' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

But the style itself, "Kuromi", is very pretty.

Analog Dog's 'Aki' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

Next is Analog Dog. This is "Aki", and while I do like the style, the demo basically just shows what colors can be altered; it doesn't allow changing of the hair colors.

Analog Dog's 'Mer' hair for Hair Fair 2023.

"Mer", on the other hand, does work--I picked the 'Mix' hair color hud, and changed it to the last option on the 'blondes' section.

You can find both of these styles on the Redhead sim. Each shade will set you back L$300, the Mix pack is L$400, and the fatpack of everything is L$1200.

Next up: well, more? More is good.

21 June, 2023

she was the last one in this town we would've thought would snap

Wait, SABBATH is open today? So the horns set from /Vae Victis\ is live?

And the two-day migraine having (with any luck) not surfaced for day three...it might be a good time for some honkin' heavy horns.

So, I'm currently standing in the Ancient Ruins of Emerald Bay...where it seems to be raining.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis, on the marble girl.

Straight out of the box, these are quite lorge (at least on me). Perfect minotaur horns, otherwise.

So let's muck with them a bit.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis, on the marble girl, adjusted forward and resized.

Hit the wrong thing first--MIN SIZE--don't do that, btw, it was HELL prying them out of my hair--but we're now at my favored forward tilt and about -30 on the size. That's better.

Basic color-tone reversal--pewter instead of gold cuffs, gold instead of black horns, still goes with the outfit and the avatar.

Amusingly, I've only worn this form twice before--once when I was following my errant daughter through a rift in reality, and once when I got shunted through the hull of a spaceship when we hit a patch of drifting aetherium meteorites. Marble not needing to breathe much, you ken. Or at all...

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis, red horns, white cuffs.

There are ten shades for the horns--this is showing the red--and ten shades for the cuffs (which can also be removed with a click), this one being the white.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis, green horns, blue cuffs.

There's a very interesting green on this set--it's not the usual bright lime or dark-toned forest shade. This is more of a gentle fern. I'm showing it with the blue-turqoise cuffs.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis in orange and purple.

There's a heathered pumpkin orange on the HUD, too. I paired it with the purple for the cuffs here.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis, from the back, in blue and pink.

What's visible from the front matches from the back--but it's still some lovely texture work. This time it's blue horns to match pink metal cuffs.

The 'Siannah' Cuffed Horns from Vae Victis with included HUD.

For the last shot I couldn't really fit both HUD and horns in the lotus frame...which, honestly, is fine, because that thing was bugging me trying to carve out the petals. So, HUD with the color options, and cuffs on or off, included with the price of purchase!

You'll find these at the newly opened SABBATH, at /Vae Victis\' booth (linked above), for L$400. If nothing else, it's a lovely layout to wander.

A bit of housekeeping. From here, things are going to get briefly uneven. Not that they haven't been, to date, but our beloved Void Mother Mesmer has decided to fold her brand up, and work with her partner Grim. Which is good, because we were keeping her either way.

But it does mean that my brand dealing with Arkivet has come to an end. And, much as I want to support some of the friend brands that have set up shop on Eldritch, it...honestly may be better for me to pace to one brand's releases. At least until we figure out the medical whys beyond the screen.

Then it's Vae loveliness all the way!

19 June, 2023

thought she was fragile like a flower, but she's fragile like a bomb (part two)

Vanity Hair 56, front profile.

This is the goddess braids style from Vanity Hair, "56". I might actually pick up this one, at least in the Happy color pack or the Must Have color pack shades. You can find them on the Blonde region, and a note enclosed with the demo said that BOM baby-hair layers are included with purchase.

Vanity Hair 56, side profile and clipping.

How'ver, I had to take two pictures for two reasons. First, yes, this style will clip through your boobages, as shown. It's not constant, it's just something to be aware of for the bustier set.

Second is more irritating. The sole reason to have a five minute demo is because the designer wants someone to have an unedited look at the end product. But if a designer is doing a five minute demo, WITH a huge demo wheel behind the hair? There's no reason for that.

Plus my personal issue of having to pull down the demo box for this style three times from the Hair Fair group because I was trying to get proper angles on the pictures and the five minutes of the demo kept expiring. I finally just gave up.

Moving on.

...or--not. This is awkward.

In the midst of an incipient migraine off the screen, Em still wanted to get another blog entry out, because Em is very, very bad at self-care. (I'm working on it. It's a process.)

But on a whim, I decided to go pick up style "56". I hadn't yet decided if I wanted the Candy pack or the Must Haves pack. Ported to Blonde, tracked down Vanity's booth, and...

The packs on Vanity Hair's table at Hair Fair.

So, each pack is going for L$390, with the fatpack of all colors for L$1,399. First problem: in the demo pack, the HUDs are listed as Music Lovers, Must Haves, Ombres Naturals, Rainbows, Basics-All Black and Whites, Basics-All Blonds, Basics-All Browns, Basics-All Reds, and Basics-Happy. The two I was most interested in were the Must Haves and the Happy, remember.

On the table at Hair Fair? (Barring the grey demo pack box.) The fatpack, the Must Haves, Rainbows, Ombres Naturals, and the last box simply labeled Basics.

I could have bought the Must Haves, but I wanted more color to play with, so reluctantly, bought the Rainbows, because the Happy pack is not there.

The Rainbow hair i ended up with.

Second problem: The BOM baby-hair layer. Second problem part one: the actual curls of baby hair do not change color. At. All. Second problem part two: It's tintable via the HUD, but it's going to be a damned picky process picking one color to try to match one of the braids (as seen above), and then ignore the colors on the rest.

Not thrilled with this, honestly.

More demos to come.

18 June, 2023

thought she was fragile like a flower, but she's fragile like a bomb (part one)

It has become painfully clear, if that's not too on the nose, that I am not as effective in a great many things as I used to be. 295 days into the Eternal Headache, with no end in sight--with it never getting better, but it occasionally getting worse. And it's starting to feel like that set off a chain reaction effect of cascade failures, which I get a front-row seat at experiencing.

Lucky me.

So, this year is going to be...different. I'm still going to cover (some of) the styles, but unless I really like the brand, if the brand didn't include a picture first, I'm not going to cover them. Jury's still out whether I'll track down the links for anything I do decide to cover, when they're not already in the demo box.

Am I resentful about this? At times, incredibly. Do I hate the fact that energy runs out completely in a strange, draining rush, at wholly random times? Absolutely. Have we reached the shaking-fists-at-the-uncaring-sky stage? Yeah, probably two hundred days ago, even.

So. Hair stuph.

KMH Hair F231

We're starting with KMH, on the Streaks region. Their F231 take on the razor bob is fairly standard from the front, but it's interesting from the back--a series of leveled chops from crown to ends. I'm showing it in a shade from the Colorful Color Pack, because the two-tone shading made the razor work pop.

ONE Creations Kiana hair

Next up is ONE Creations, with Kiana, a styled combination of scarf wrap and dreadlocs. There's a nice amount of wrap options--I chose the red--and twelve hair shades total on the HUD--I picked the bottom row left, the mid-grey. Seemed to go well with the dead-girl look.

You can find ONE on the Brunette region.

And I was going to do a third, but...that's all for my energy levels just now, so...I'll get back to that later.

It's a grumpy birthday.
Bah humbirthday.

03 June, 2023

like puzzle pieces, and now we're here at a standstill

Additional Revenant explanation! Because why not?

The 'Invisible' disintegrating head statue.

First, someone's made art of my current state. Fantastic. And such a deal at two thousand Lindens.

Second, I really tried to make a pretty frame and turn these images out proper, and...the head is not having it at this point. I'm currently huddled around the jar of candied ginger eating rice cakes with cream cheese, because it has the best chance of staying down. Love this for me.

The standard ZHAO II animation drop-down controls.

So, something I only noticed when I logged in today--as I mentioned in the previous entry, I changed zero settings, just captured it as is. It uses the standard ZHAO II framework, so you can edit the notecard inside and add in new poses, et cetera.

The pose length settings notecard.

But this is the one I really wanted to track down. So, when I'm feeling better, I'm going to look at changing some of the times, but it's a very straightforward notecard. I would definitely make a copy if you're not used to working with interior scripting, but there is a handy help button on the HUD that will toss you a general ZHAO II help card.

Hope that clears up some things!

Have a shot of adorable Xiu blep:

Xiu looking cute

And to tie this up, I can't even get the kids to behave when it's just trace shadows of their adult selves:

The shadows of the heirs in space.

They are exceptionally stubborn. I blame the parents, really.

And that's all for this! Seeya!

02 June, 2023

you might make everyone happy but you're dead, just like me

Day 280 of the Eternal Headache has dawned, and I'm beginning to think I'm going to 'celebrate' a full year of this thing. Y a y . Ah, well.

To other things: have you ever had one of those feelings where you almost grasp the shape of something, but you're not sure how to execute it?

Well, I'm still there, but this is what I came up with for the moment.

I have a few zombie AO sets--some bought as one whole item, some that had a few poses and I added some of my own. I grabbed the one from RC Cluster (which is now an outlet/heavily discounted skybox store, as the actual RC main store no longer exists), and it's MUCH more in-your-face in its approach.

I'm currently at Deeproot Manor, it seemed appropriate. And I'm not going to show off all the moves of either of these, but this is a snippet of...I guess my main dead-thing default, at this point?

I like it. It's fun, it's unnerving, it goes over well at parties. But it is very extreme.

Now this one. This one is gloriously subtle, and I mean that as a compliment. It's like the difference between a ghost standing and screaming at you, versus slowly rising up from the floor and just...watching.

{{Note from the Editrix, post-publishing: All I did was unbox this and put it on. Which is why there's a fair bit of repeating moves. Took me a bit, because of tired and ow, to find the thing, but I finally did. I'll link to the next entry to explain that.}}

The Revenant Animation Override from Vae Victis and Aten-Ka.

But there's something even better, that the video doesn't really go into, which is why I took three stills. The hand work.

The Revenant Animation Override from Vae Victis and Aten-Ka, first hand close-up.

Believe me, it looks better on Grim, he has these great spindly hands with spidery fingers, but even on me, there's just enough distortion in the animation of the fingers to visually imply claws. It's brilliant.

The Revenant Animation Override from Vae Victis and Aten-Ka, second hand close-up.

And that attention to detail, what the eye notices, but doesn't completely register, is why this is so good. There's a great little head-bobble, which is about the most obvious pose in this entire thing. The rest...I mean, it's ideal for haunted characters--wraiths, phantoms, spectres, anything that has a need to float. I have a wasp-winged Unseelie lass I pull on from time to time (it's the one seen here, with the horns), and I'm thinking the Revenant AO? Is going to be just perfect for her.

Finally, a note from Grimoire Hexem I want to pass on:
The animations in this AO were created by llweyndwell resident (the designer behind Aten-Ka), as a member of the Vae Victis team. Please contact him for inquiries.
It's available at the Warehouse event, specifically at the /Vae Victis\ booth. If you want to try a demo, that's at the booth too, or you can drop by the /Vae Victis\ main store. It's on discount, down to L$630. And the Warehouse will be open until the bir....I mean, the 18th. Go see it! And see what it can do to you!