02 May, 2023

if I'm past reversing, minds will keep rehearsing

All right, take two, this time actually from Frostweald: the 'Dionysus' petal Chalice from Arkivet.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

Straight out of the box, it's already gothically pretty--jet black with purple flower petals.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice, closer shot at changeable liquid.

There are fourteen different liquid options. This is the second to last one from row two.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

There's a dark blue option on the Liquid section of the HUD, so I went with that--made the Chalice silver, the upper and mid petals blue, and the lower petals silver.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

Of course there's an option for pinks--which I did on every option but the middle petals, and I tinted those purple.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

This, I was thinking, would be a perfect mead tone, but...it looks more like mulled cider, or tawny port. Still, it goes well with the gold and orange tinting options.

Keep in mind this is just a held object--if you want a drinking animation, it's moddable so you can add one. That will change the hand position, though, so keep that in mind.
Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

Of course there's a red option. For your necessary blood draughts.

Arkivet's Dionysus Chalice

And of course, winter white.

I forgot to snap a pic of the HUD for this one, and for the last entry--sorry, trying to rush these out, I fergit things.

There are five areas for tinting--twelve individual shades, and a dark metal/light metal option below each one, and as I mentioned, fourteen different liquids available. You'll find Arkivet on the Nysaris sim at Fantasy Faire, and the Chalice is going for L$250 on a 100% donation vendor for SLRFL.