13 February, 2023

they never said that love is a twisted game and no one ever wins

So, I was working out details for covering the Pandora dagger from Vae Victis, when I suddenly realized it's the tenth, and that means Enchantment is open! Oh dear.

So, all those plans are thrown out the window. Yikes forever. But it's okay, my bedenimed self can do this. Day 165 and my head hasn't caved in, so that's also a plus!

Three days later...

Not so much a plus, and it's now the 13th. Ah, well. Day 166 of the headache was kind of crushing, Day 167 was far from ideal, and so far, Day 168 is wrecking all my plans for all the things. But I was able to put up a simple floating rock set on Gearhaven, and finish the little decorating I was planning for Valentine's, so I can do this too, damn it.

I ported to Mystery Hill, which I don't remember going to before, for pictures of the "Swansong" Bloodsworn Blade from /Vae Victis\.

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

I need to be taller. For a lot of my default poses, the tip of the blade's in the ground.

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

And now, standing on the very edge of a cliff to give an idea of the blade length. It's either as tall, or taller, than I am!

(I should add, while I changed the tints, I did not change the size. It does resize, and pretty efficiently, so it can go smaller--or larger.)

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

Then the Emilly forgot which way she was facing, and walked into the ocean. At least there was a boat there. Did I also mention this thing comes with nifty poses?

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

And a close-up of the detail work. There are several parts that can be individually tinted, you'll see that in the next image.

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

I heard chanting, so crawled out of the briny deep, and found myself near three cackling witches and a cottage. They seemed busy, so I went inside to look around. And this? This is just an appalling misuse of an oven.

You have to part the person into more easily sized bits for roasting, people. She will take FOREVER to cook with her legs sticking out! Not to mention the amount of heat that's going to escape that oven...

However, for the sword, there are sixteen different color/tint options until you get to the animated energy channels in the blade, and the inset gems. But even in those two areas, it's still fifteen different tones.

The 'Swansong' Bloodsworn Blade from Vae Victis

Anyway, it's been something of a tiring week, so I'm just going to sleep for a bit. Check out how many different poses you'll get with this one, though, while I'm getting my less-than-forty-winks.

This sword will run you L$550, and it's worth every Linden if you like pretty stabby things. Also slightly of the stabby: the booth's L$75 offering, which is the "Baphomet" Lapel Chain and Ring set, so if you don't have that, you can pick up those pointy details there. (Or, just hit the landing circle at Enchantment and wander two booths to the left.)