01 July, 2022

crash and burn, all the stars explode tonight (part VI)

We're starting with FUNKYSTENCH, which...I can only assume is some reference to pot? (I apologize if that sounds weird. I don't partake, being allergic, so a lot of that entire scene is lost on me.)

'KOFFEE' from Funkystench

This is 'KOFFEE', and no color HUD was given.

'PINKI' from Funkystench

This is 'PINKI' (demo 1 variant).

'RIVAL' from Funkystench

This is 'RIVAL'.

'SPIKE' (Demo 1 variant) from Funkystench

This is 'SPIKE' (again, demo 1 variant).
'STARR' from Funkystench

This is 'STARR'--I had to move the camera angle to the side, because the red flash on the demo hair and the red ribbon in the photobox blended together too well.

'SUKI' (Demo 2 variant) from Funkystench

This is 'SUKI' (shown in demo variant 2).

'SUKI', showing the roller bills, from Funkystench

SUKI has the weirdest flex, though, with the thousand-dollar bills wrapped around the rollers. Why. Just why.

'TRIP' from Funkystench

And this is 'TRIP', looking for all the world like a patch of coral that managed to sprout on my skull.

You can find FUNKYSTENCH on the Brunette sim at Hair Fair.

Next up, part seven!