30 October, 2021

double-crossed, glossed over in my pathos

So, this is going to be another one of those store-name-preserved/other names anonymized, because there were just too many references to the actual owner of BRII Underground Wear to edit out.
[10:54] Txxxxx Yxxx: I bought 3 underground gift cards for prizes but can't transfer them to the winners?????
[10:56] Txxxxx Yxxx: I guess I just lost my money sigh
Meet today's hapless protagonist, Ms. T. This was how she opened up her question--by already deciding she'd been cheated.
[10:57] bxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you need to buy the cards as a gift foir each of the winners,
[10:57] Nxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: send a note card to Brianna , she will help you
[10:57] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: right
[10:57] Mxxxx Exxxxxxx: what happened?
[10:58] Mxxxx Exxxxxxx: just logged on
[10:58] Txxxxx Yxxx: that makes no sense
Why not? If there was only one single maker of all gift cards on the grid, then you'd expect them to behave the same way, always, but there are several manufacturers of gift cards, and they all have their own rules.
[10:58] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Drop a notecard to Brianna, yeah. She'll sort it.
[10:58] Txxxxx Yxxx: I don't know now the winners before hand
That's why you buy the cards after the winners are announced.
[10:58] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: well if you buy it for gift you have to send it to the person it is for not you
[10:58] Txxxxx Yxxx: I didn't buy as a gift
And there's your problem.
[10:59] bxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so you dont buy the cards until after you know who the winners are..
[10:59] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: right and that is why you cannot give them to the other peoople
[10:59] Txxxxx Yxxx: I don't buy gift cards for myself
[10:59] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): But that's why you buy them once you know
[10:59] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok but when you buy them for another person they get it not you
[10:59] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Right
[10:59] Txxxxx Yxxx: its a contest how do I know
I want to think she's kidding, she can't be this dim, but considering the rest of this conversation...
[10:59] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no transfer on it
[11:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You have to specify the person you're gifting the card to
[11:00] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you wait until they win
[11:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That
[11:00] Txxxxx Yxxx: well I have 3 gift cards I will never use so lost money
What is so difficult about "send a notecard to Brianna, she'll fix it"? Why can't she just calm down and wait a bit?
[11:00] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Drop a notecard to Brianna
[11:00] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: jot the names down when you know them and then get it for them
Yes. Exactly. THAT.
[11:00] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you don't wear Brii clothing ?
[11:01] Txxxxx Yxxx: if you were in a contest and won would you want to wait?
[11:01] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so, do you know who won ?
[11:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Yes, if it meant getting a card. Every contest I've ever entered that gives a gift card gives it after the winner's announced
[11:01] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: exactly
[11:01] Txxxxx Yxxx: no I do not know who won
[11:01] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Example: I won a minor prize in the Fallen Gods and Goddesses contest. I got it about a week after the contest closed.
(And let me just say, I have never won even a runners-up prize for Fallen, but this year...And that will tickle me completely for a good two or three years to come.)
[11:01] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i agree send a note
[11:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That was *fine*, because that's one guy sending out all the gifts.
[11:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): People will understand.
[11:02] Txxxxx Yxxx: but I get gift cards other place with no restrictions This also helps the owner
Where? Where do you buy these no-restriction gift cards? Citation needed.
[11:02] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ?
[11:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Well, not every place that sells gift cards is the same
[11:02] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): This is how Brianna runs hers. Contact her.
[11:02] txxxxxxxxx Rxxxdxxxx: what we talking about? Is there a GC contest?
[11:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Not as far as I know through the store
[11:03] Txxxxx Yxxx: I just found that out won't be back here at all
Again, don't assume you have no eggs for breakfast until you actually go out to the henhouse. Honestly.
[11:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) sighs
[11:03] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh dear
[11:03] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Okay, so you bought three gift cards, and, because you have to wait a few hours, you're not going to let the designer fix things?
[11:04] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Are your winners haranguing you in IMs?
[11:04] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it is your error Miss Traxx but if you contact Brii she may help you
[11:04] Txxxxx Yxxx: no
Then what IS the problem??
[11:04] Txxxxx Yxxx: I will contact her and yes it is my erroer
[11:04] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So, if they're not giving you grief, breathe, realize it will likely easily be solved, *if you contact Brianna Passiflora*.
I mean, how much more obvious do we have to make it?
[11:04] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she is great just explain
[11:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): That's all you need to do.
[11:05] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Sorry, I just read this all ... a gift card is pretty much bey definition "no copy" and "no modify" ... so I would also expect that it is "transfer" ... it makes no sense to me when it isn't ...
Outside of very specific instances, like gacha vouchers for fur mods? I've never seen a transferable gift card from go. Where are these people shopping?

Then I got an IM from another group member.
[11:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: do you think she understand it ?
[11:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I'm honestly not sure
[11:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: perhaps she is just upset
[11:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I don't know how much more clear we can be
[11:05] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Oh, we know she's upset
[11:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we do
[11:05] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we can't so getting Brii to explain is the best option
[11:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
[11:06] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: poor thing
And back to main:
[11:06] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you do not buy a gift card for yourself why would you so the person you want to have it must use their name to gift it
[11:06] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: simple as that
For the most part, correct.

IMs again:
[11:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): I'm just trying to figure out where she shops that gives transferable gift cards. There are places that make the cards transferable *once* you rez them from inventory, but not until then?
[11:06] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): So...lots of huh
[11:07] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no where

And main chat:
[11:08] Txxxxx Yxxx: I agree [Txxx]
[11:08] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): [Txxxx]: Some gift cards are. Some aren't. There's a lot of vouchers for furry avatars, for instance, that are no-trans in the box, but if you rez them out to unpack them, you get a no-copy/trans version from the box, and then that box is empty.
[11:08] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok [Txxx] and who would you "transfer" it to ?
[11:08] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: remember it is a gift ...card
[11:09] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: because I buy a gift card in rl also myself and then at the right moment and location I present it?
[11:09] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: sure especially if you were GIVEN IT
[11:09] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Because even if you got a no-copy/trans version, if you wanted to give it away for a prize, or a gift, or something, you would still lose that object.
[11:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): Not every system offers easily transferable cards.
[11:10] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: correct Emily
[11:10] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: okay, so it is more a technical problem?
[11:10] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: pretty much yes [Txxx]
[11:10] Txxxxx Yxxx: giving gift cards helps the merchat
[11:10] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): No, not really. BRII cards work in the system they're from.
[11:11] Txxxxx Yxxx: Brings other people to the store
[11:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): It's just a misunderstanding as to how that works.
[11:11] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: the technical part is that they were not sent to the person she wanted to get it , she got it
[11:11] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): The technical part is, she didn't specify a person to give the card to, she just bought it for herself
And from IMs again:
[11:12] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok......wow
[11:12] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: omg she has been in SL for 12 years !!!!
[11:12] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): This is baffling
[11:13] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: she is mad at herself but doesn't own it
[11:13] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: we told her how it is used so that is all we can do
[11:13] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i send gifts from there all the time
[11:13] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr) nods
And back to main, part trois:
[11:16] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok so that is the tricky part
It really is.

And the last bit from IMs:
[11:20] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh wow she has been in SL for 10 years
[11:20] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: no 12
[11:21] Emilly Shatner-Orr (emilly.orr): You'd think she would have picked up something in that amount of time.
[11:27] axxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: still no she continues to argue it so looks like Brii is her best bet
Yeah. No clue if she'll actually contact Brii. I hope she does. It sounds like a very silly thing to get that upset over.

But, big wide world, takes all kinds, maybe someone kicked her puppy before she logged in this morning. Who knows?