02 May, 2017

from the slowly sinking ship

If you love dinosaurs, if you're rigged to see Bento and mesh, this is an amazing resource. While they do have some fantasy hide patterns, they also seem to have looked into serious dinosaur research for the rest. Very, very impressed.

Screw being a mermaid--I want to be a plesiosaur!

In the meantime....

[15:39] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: whats the isssue with fameshed
[15:41] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: fameshed? Sim is probably full
Event just opened. Sim's probably packed, wait a few days.
[15:41] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: map says 23
[15:41] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: besom chat says they just rebooted
Really? That's interesting.
[15:42] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: is it a full region or a homestead ?
[15:43] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: with all the gifts there, will likely be difficult to get in for some time
[15:44] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what kind of gifts?
[15:44] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mesh gifts since its a mesh event
[15:46] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: TP?
[15:46] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: hair gifts too...from Damselfly and Monso at least
[15:47] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: fameshed is at FaMESHed assuming you can get in
[15:47] Mxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: how long does it go for?
[15:48] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: Sim may be offline right now
[15:48] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: map says online and 17 people
Online and less people now? There's something wrong...
[15:48] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thx [Kxxxxxx]
[15:49] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but... if they dropped the max people to fight lag, and the new premium q thing is enabled, non premiums will find it almost impossible to get in
Wait, what?
[15:50] Fxxxxxxx Exx: [Kxxxxxx], what is the new premium q thing?
That was my question.
[15:51] hxxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: basically a granted ratio for access for the premiums
Say again?
[15:51] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LL are rolling out a 'new feature' basically, a few spaces 10 % will be reserved on event sims, for premium only people [15:51] Fxxxxxxx Exx: wow.
I second that wow...
[15:52] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: g r e e d
[15:52] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so in a busy event sim, as initial non premiums leave, they can only be replaced by premiums... and no nnon prems get in until capacity drops below 90 %
[15:52] Fxxxxxxx Exx: um, that stinks.
[15:53] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: agreed
Thirded. And I say that being back in the paying-premium game. That's a 'benefit' that feels wholly unfair.
[15:53] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: probably won't change much
[15:53] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if your non prem and have an old machine, and used to wait till the off peak end of events to get in, now you might not get in at all, ever
[15:54] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's evil
[15:54] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: its project stupid
[15:54] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LL are squeezing cash to pay for the money pit
[15:54] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mhm
[15:56] Fxxxxxxx Exx: well, instead of randomness, it gives preferential treatment to those with more disposable income
If true, this is quite dire.
[15:56] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: erm no
[15:56] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it gives preferential treatment to those who dispose of income to live on the mainland
[15:57] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: membership has its privileges, right?
[15:57] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: many non premiums pay a damn sight more than 72 bucks a year for their private parcels in the islands
[15:57] Fxxxxxxx Exx: agreed
[15:57] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mhm
[15:58] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: in fact since the rental of parcels on the islands makes up the bulk of sl, odds are that premium contributes very little to sal finances
So restrict membership just to landowners? That's no solution either.
[15:59] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: yeah, seriously, I think you are getting worked up over nothing... 10% of the spots at an event doesn't change anything...if I go to a full sim or event, I crash or it doesn't load...Would rather just avoid it
[16:00] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh it has other effects, non premium renting a parcel cant go home cos the club next door has premium guests
Does anyone know if this is accurate? And/or true, verifiable, et cetera? Because I haven't heard of any of this.
[16:01] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: even LL know its going to be unpopular, announcement was low key and its 'being rolled out gradually'
[16:01] Rxxxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: being a premium isn't worth it either unless you intend to buy land driectly from LL
[16:01] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah all this is about a new change that's coming?
[16:01] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: sounds more like a topic for the official forums than our chat
[16:03] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: what changes?
[16:03] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: and what forum do I find them on
Goooood question. Where do I find that forum?
[16:03] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: There are always multiple opinions on this issue and it can be debated ad nauseum.
[16:03] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: having more groups is kinda useful if you are premium
[16:04] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: especially for people who are required to have event groups.
[16:04] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: but seriously, if LL wanted to encourage people to go premium, they should put last names back as a premium benefit
We're never going to get last names back. I don't know why, we've certainly protested enough for them. But I seriously doubt it will happen.
[16:05] Dxxx Rxxxx: never understood why they took last names away
[16:05] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: Because people complained about having limited choices and wanted to be able to pick their own last name.
[16:06] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so 3rd wave lastnamers would have somebody to look down at ?
[16:06] Txxxx Sxxxxxxxx: there was talk about that at one point [Axxxxx], being able to pay to change to ..eg your husband/partners name, guess we will need SL lawyers then
[16:06] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: And then there were the people who wanted to be able to change their name everey time they partnered.
[16:06] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: lol...so the answer was to give one choice...lol...the LL way
Pretty much.
[16:06] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: wow
[16:06] Lxxxxxx Fxxxxx: .. seriously? Getting to pick a last name was part of joining SL. It was fun to try to get certain ones
[16:07] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: actually, LL always had the vanity name program, that is probably still around...but cost like $500
[16:07] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: I would prefer more group slots
[16:07] Dxxx Rxxxx: more slots for picks
[16:07] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: It really is one of those you can't please everyone topics.
[16:07] Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i would prefer more pics slots
Many of us would like more than nine picks, but that's a whole other software tangle.
[16:08] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If we had infinite pick slots...I'd have an individual 3 part biography for every character in my profile
[16:08] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: i don't think they pleased anyone by eliminating last names...it really hurt the platform compared to before
[16:08] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: call me old fashioned, i use place picks to pick places...
[16:08] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: There is a LL podcast somewhere on the issue of more groups. Apparently it can cause huge lag because every time you cross a sim boundary your groups are reviewed by the servers or something.
[16:09] Dxxxxxxxx Dxxx: I want more!! I need 30 just to keep up with my musicians and venues I work at
And that is a huge, other issue--people who manage musicians, dance troupes, DJs and artists really need a way to extend groups that the rest of us profoundly don't need. I have no solutions, but I recognize the problem.

I still want to know if premium-only entry is a thing, though.


Anonymous said...

Here is the official Linden post on extra avatar slot in a busy region. http://tinyurl.com/lrv78lc. Not hidden at all!

[15:49] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but... if they dropped the max people to fight lag, and the new premium q thing is enabled, non premiums will find it almost impossible to get in WRONG only *extra* slots are premium only

[15:52] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so in a busy event sim, as initial non premiums leave, they can only be replaced by premiums... and no nnon prems get in until capacity drops below 90 % WRONG "Once an avatar is in a region, whether they are Premium or not will not matter; they count the same as anyone else. It doesn't matter what the mix of Premium, Basic, or owner/managers in the region is: they all just each count as one occupant."

[15:53] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if your non prem and have an old machine, and used to wait till the off peak end of events to get in, now you might not get in at all, ever[ WRONG

16:01] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: even LL know its going to be unpopular, announcement was low key and its 'being rolled out gradually’ WRONG They are rolling slowly to be sure there are no bugs and to minimize impact on major events if they find things. You can’t test jammed events over time in a test situation- need real time tests.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for a K--- R---- so I can mute them .

Emilly Orr said...

The irony in muting all random K---- R---- persons, when you yourself are choosing to be faceless and nameless, does not escape me, but thank you for the link.