31 May, 2017

she has hairy legs, and she eats raw meat

OH, man. This is the weirdest thing that's happened in a while. So, there's an event called Kink(y) Monthly, and usually, there's a lot of interesting Adult-themed items--common features are lingerie, collars, leashes, spanking benches...you get the idea. It's occasionally laggy, because many folks (I'm ashamed to admit, I'm among them) go in full mesh with scripted HUDS on, and y'know, that increases the lag at busy shopping events.

There are many ways to deal with this problem. The most common include lowering your graphics settings, or setting everyone but you to impostor status. Recently, there's been a couple advancements, including jellydolls (Firestorm allows you to set how complex the avatars you're trying to render are), friends only (another Firestorm setting which renders only people on your friendslist), and derendering all avatars temporarily. While some of these are less well known, they are all useful techniques for events with lots of active scripts, vendors, and people.

Now, by the time this occurred, I had left due to lag. I'd seen all the offerings, picked up a few demos for outfits to try on later, and poofed away to a far less laggier locale. But my friends stayed, and...that's when this happened:
[23:39] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: fawkes you better get the [f*ck] away from me
[23:39] Fawkes Allen: I can't even see you! I have Avatars disabled due to lag
[23:39] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i will harass you if you keep bumping me
Keep in mind, this is not in IM. She is saying this IN OPEN CHAT.
[23:40] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I don't giva [shh*t]
[23:40] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: poof away, nothing here for you
[23:40] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You are here just to bother others
[23:40]Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so just log off or tp out
[23:40] Fawkes Allen: I am here to shop, same as you.
The arrogant assumptions in her statements are galling. Mm. Allen, due to having derendered everyone, had, near as we can figure, bumped this aggressive little trash fire ONCE. After that SINGLE bump--to which all that was really required was "Hey! Don't bump me!" followed by an apology from Mm. Allen--she made it her mission in life to ruin everyones' night.
[23:40] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Oh yeah? Shopping for female panties you idiot?
[23:41] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you are standing in the wrong spot
Yeah, so...it's known that Mm. Allen--and many others in SL--are genderfluid. Sometimes he's male, sometime's she's female, sometimes it's a robot--because Mm. Allen frequently roleplays in various communities. Shopping for panties is not at all uncommon, but more than that, what's wrong with any male-identified avatar shopping for lingerie? They could have a wife, a girlfriend, a mistress. Maybe they're shopping for a friend who can't make the event. Maybe there's a birthday or anniversary coming up, and they're wondering if their partner(s) or friend(s) would like something like it. Or maybe, just maybe, they want to wear it themselves.
[23:41] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I saw you bumping everyone here and standing on that girl's head
The phrase "standing on that girl's head" is especially telling here. I won't lie, we often shop in a clump, and when we do, we generally select one person to port us places. Which she does by standing in place and sending out ports. This often results in us arriving before the last person has moved off the port point, so it's not at all uncommon that we will--briefly--find ourselves standing on someone's head.

But--and this is key--this happens in general outside the venues, or if inside, to the side of where the most people might aggregate. This tells me that this rampaging loony was considering Mm. Allen bumping us while getting untangled from the teleport clump as "bumping everyone here".

Thanks for being offended on our behalf, you knuckle-dragging Visigoth, but really, we're fine. Ask first before assuming someone else is completely in the wrong.
[23:41] Fawkes Allen: Yes? Beyond the fact I have multiple characters, It's nice to see what might be interesting to suggest to people I know.
[23:41] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: So go [F*CK] YOURSELF
[23:41] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You are not that clever lol
[23:41] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: leave
[23:42] Fawkes Allen: No, now stop being so rude, I'll stand still if that'll make you happier and Cam
[23:42] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok,
And then she did--something--which shotput Fawkes out of the building and near the edge of the sim. After Mm. Allen flew back, confused, the conversation continued. Again, IN MAIN CHAT:
[23:44] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you want more?
[23:45] Fawkes Allen: You're the one Griefing me?
[23:45] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah so?
Open admission of griefing tactics used on another SL avatar in main chat. Abuse reports began to be filed. From IMs in a group conference we were using:
[23:46] Fawkes Allen: Assault or Harassment?
[23:47] Fawkes Allen: What's the category for Griefing?
[23:47] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Hmm, I don't know actually, I've never reported anyone before, I thought Griefing was it's own thing
[23:48] Emilly Orr: Assault.
[23:48] Emilly Orr: Bumping, pushing, or shoving someone--deliberately--in a safe area
[23:49] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Yah, I'm glad I walked over, this is great
[23:50] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Wish I had popcorn
[23:50] Emilly Orr: It went on?
[23:50] Emilly Orr: Oh dear gods, she's saying all this in OPEN CHAT??
[23:50] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: It's still going, and yep
Another friend had walked over at this point, trying to keep the peace.
[23:47] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You're not making any sense, [Jxxx]. He's clearly just trying to shop like the rest of us.
[23:47] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Shut up idiot, no one is talking to you
[23:47] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what are you his alt?
[23:47] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [f*ck] off
[23:47] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: What a pleasant personality.
Yeah, really. And apparently she's proud of being her objectionable little self:
[23:47] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah, I am not so shut the [f*ck] up ok?
[23:47] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No one is talking or dealing with you
[23:48] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i am talking to fawkes not you
[23:48] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And did he get to choose to talk to you or not?
[23:48] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You want to suck his lil [d*ck] go right ahead, but I am not talking to you at all
[23:48] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Why would you get to choose who to talk to at will, but other people don't get to choose to talk to you if they want to?
[23:48] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: He bumped me and everyone else if you have to know lol
Yeah, at this point I'm calling shenanigans on this assertion. I know I wasn't there, personally, but I have verification of three other people who were there with Mm. Allen, and they saw him bump her once, period. Once. Only.
[23:48] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Ok you are his alt I get it
[23:48] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: This is a lagfest.
[23:49] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Lotsa people will bump into people.
As is the nature of many large shopping events. Decent people apologize when we can--when we catch it--and if not, for most people, it's a momentary flare of irritation, and then, guess what, they go on with their day. Like rational adults do. Instead of spoiled children, like Ms. [Jxxx] here:
[23:49] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: fawkes, your computer is getting hot isn't it with 2 avatars?
[23:49] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lol
[23:49] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's not like we get physically hurt by it.
[23:49] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: at least make a real "woman" as an alt ffs
[23:49] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: not a monkey
I don't understand the "monkey" thing at all. [Txxxxxxxx] is an elemental female, with ears that are roughly cat-shaped, and a tail made of bubbles. She is alternately composed of water, earth, air or lava, depending on her mood. How does that equate to "monkey"?
[23:50] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I'm nobody's alt. I am his friend though. See, people with decent personalities get to have friends.
[23:50] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's kind've a neat perk.
[23:51] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: blah blah blah......take ur monkey tail and your friend elsewhere then
[23:51] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: No.
[23:51] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: We're shopping.
[23:51] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Which I'm gonna get back to doing now.
[23:51] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Cheers!
And when this particular elemental decides to walk away from a peacekeeping effort, you have definitely done something wrong, because she's just about the calmest, most peaceful person I know.
[23:51] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
[23:51] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: "sheds a tear"
Normally--or at least, these days--I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she had a bad day. Maybe she's under a lot of work or relationship stress. But all that changed when I pulled up her profile.

Turns out she's all of five months old. This is her SL bio:
All I gotta say is play cool with me and we'll be cool! Be a [f*cking] bitch and I will be a bigger [f*cking] bitch....;)...test me! I will own you, so back the [f*ck] off unless you're willing to look stupid ;)
Ooookay. Though I'm fairly sure the only one looking stupid here is her.

Her first life bio?
Only people with a "need to know" criteria will know, otherwise all you need to know is that I don't know what to tell ya!
So she's not smart enough to come up with a bio, she's barely smart enough to spell simple words in main chat at a highly populated event, and she has no picks.

What a total waste of oxygen.

But that wasn't the end of things. She was still ranting, only now, she'd moved to IMing Mm. Allen directly:
[00:04] [00:04] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so that's ur alt?
[00:04] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: monkey tailed chick lol
[00:04] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: that is the best you got for me?
[00:04] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: A noobish looking avatar talking big in local?
What's "talking big" in local? Seriously, I want to know how trying to mediate equates to a threatening gesture. Does she view any form of conversation as verbal assault?
[00:05] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That is the best you got?
[00:05] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 3713 days and that is the best you got for me huh?
[00:05] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: You do need better friends you know? Lol
[00:05] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: That [sh*t] is no help to you lol
[00:06] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I can help her look half way decent if you need, let me know lol
[00:06] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: As of now, she looks like death lol
Given the choice between my friend's elemental structure, which is original and fascinating, and Ms. [Jxxx]'s spraddle hips, spray-tanned skin, and a thigh gap you could drive a tank through...well, I know which one I'd pick for fashion advice.
[00:06] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I mean wtf is with the tail and the ears? Lol
[00:06] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Is she a monkey?
[00:07] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: tell her to go get a body, a head, and a skin
[00:07] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: and get rid of that tail shit deal lol
She's never seen any neko on the grid? She's associated solely with humans her entire five months of experience?

Oh, who am I kidding, she probably has. Probably has no idea that the grid is larger than her filth-filled head.
[00:08] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I won't tell ehr that so I won't be too rude
No, of course not, because you're respectful of other avatars' feelings. Cue my massive, nigh crushing sensation of disbelief.
[00:08] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but you know better with all the years you got here
[00:08] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: And next time you want to come and [f*ck] around with people, make sure you look at the avatars and read their profiles ok?
[00:09] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Some of us know a lot actually
Some people, sure. Not you, clearly. You're stone-stick stupid, and it looks like you won't be improving any time soon.
[00:14] Fawkes Allen: I do like her 'I don't want to be rude'
[00:14] Fawkes Allen: Like...no
Yeah. Because she passed rude a long time back.
[00:15] Txxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Yeah, do not engage with toxic personalities, generally.
Yeah. Ever. It never turns out well.
[00:16] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Honestly, I don't think she would care, it didn't really seem like she was reading what you were saying
[00:18] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: People like her are why I hate people
[00:19] Emilly Orr nodnods
[00:20] Axxxxxxxx Axxxxx: Ah well, at least her stupidity was hilarious

And saved. More than willing on this one, to give the name to anyone who asks. Just in case y'all want to ban the stupid from your lands or events. I know I'm preemptively banning her from any lands that I own.

And after that lovely bit of strangeness, have some religious nightmare fuel. I don't even. Also, I don't want to be glared at by a robot in diamond-plate armor speaking about God. Thanks, but no.

30 May, 2017

ever wonder about what he's doing?

Rising from the deeps under the Firth...

I knew there was mining going on in Port Caledon, and Gearhaven beyond it, how could I not? I'm told there were rich deposits of both cavorite and an odd, new mineral called Aetherium. I don't know much about it, though I've heard somewhere, there's a crystal organ that uses the Aetherium ore to make music.

But when the drills started excavating below the Firth, well...this popped up. I can't make heads or tails of it. There are gears, there is exposed machinery that, beyond some oxidation here and there, is seemingly unaffected by the Firth's mix of fresh and sea water, which is not how metal should react. Plus, there are glowing circles of power, one the color of Aetherium ore, one...radiating a very dark energy and an intense heat. (That, again, should have some effect on the gears beneath it, and yet...)

And what on any earth is this?? Whirlpools forming and dissipating beneath the geared structure. What on earth is going on??

There is an observation platform if you're curious about the anomaly. Myself, I don't plan on getting too close.

25 May, 2017

you have no scars on your face, and you cannot handle pressure

Huh. So tonight's moment of brainlessness comes from a weekly event shopping group.
[22:15] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: where is the url for this place
[22:16] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: [The sale] takes place at the mainstores of its participants. a notecard with their LMs is in the notices
[22:16] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: cant find the tp for the place
[22:16] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyone has it?
[22:16] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: lm
Are you not listening? It's not one place, it's a whole bunch of places.
[22:16] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: [The sale] takes place at the mainstores of its participants. a notecard with their LMs is in the notices
[22:17] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: why cant someone just send the lm
[22:17] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: Because there is not just ONE LM.
[22:17] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: please read what i have said, there is not one central LM
[22:17] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: [Nxxxx] has answered you twice.
[22:17] Emilly Orr: Serious. You gotta go to all the individual shops.
[22:17] exxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: dense
Very. Simple question asked, sure, but simple question answered more than once, is she just ignoring people?
[22:17] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ir shows [the sales] group with 33,000 members
[22:17] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you must be dense
Look again, sweetheart, we're not the ones not listening.
[22:17] Emilly Orr: That's okay, she asks again, [Nxxxx] will just light her on fire.
[22:17] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: i do not light people on fire
[22:18] Emilly Orr: No? Awwww.
[22:18] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: Not often.
Aww. Does that mean she doesn't nail people to wood anymore, either? So sad.
[22:18] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: why are you all so bitchy
[22:18] sxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: [Cxxxxx], it's a store hop event.
[22:18] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: war nice lothes and act so stupid
[22:18] exxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: see my point :P
[22:18] cxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: bye
[22:18] Emilly Orr: Oh, honey. This is not bitchy.
[22:18] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: bye
[22:18] Cxx Sxxxxxxxxx: wow.
Yeah, really. So sorry we don't meet your high standards, even though we "war" nice "lothes"...I can't even.
[22:18] mxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Is Reign's item out yet?
[22:18] Emilly Orr: For some nights, this is polite.
[22:18] sxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anyone have the blog to preview items? forgot what it was
[22:19] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: seraphimsl.com
[22:19] sxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ty
[22:19] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: but their new post won't be out till after midnight slt
[22:19] Emilly Orr: Well, Seraphim previews, but usually, not until midnight
[22:19] exxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I went to Reign, but the items is set to 200l, I wonder if tomorrow will be 50
[22:19] sxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh i know that, i forgot to bookmark it lol
[22:20] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: [cxxxxx] would like you all to know that i am a freak looking person lol
[22:20] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: the best kind of freak. <3 b="">
[22:20] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: guess she wasn't happy with the ban hammer to the face
[22:20] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: LOL!
[22:20] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: it's not a thursday night until someone gets banned.
[22:22] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: i want another one to message my partner lol
[22:22] exxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: to dense to read what you said twice :P

Then, not even a minute after that had happened...
[22:23] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: anybody looking to buy mainland 4096 1401 prim by the water
[22:23] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: please do not advertise, [lxxxxx].
[22:23] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: please don't advertise in this group
[22:23] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: oops double moderated
[22:23] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok
[22:25] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: there is a pretty awesome group for land sales though.. i think its still around, called land buyers and sellers.
Not sure if that's the group she meant, but that's the group I found, so that's the group I'm linking.

[22:26] pxxxx Vxxxx: Hello...Can anyone recall the name of the 7prim skybox that was sold a couple of weeks ago? :)
[22:26] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: oh! i have that
[22:26] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: really
[22:26] pxxxx Vxxxx: I wanted to use is for something but for the life if me...forget what it was called lol
[22:27] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: you are selling advertising
[22:27] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: do what?
Say what now?
[22:27] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: this is not a rent land this land that will be yours
[22:28] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: i think you're chatting in the wrong box [lxxxxx]
[22:28] Sxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: [Lxxxxx].........
[22:28] Sxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: wow
[22:28] Cxx Sxxxxxxxxx: is it clueless night in [the group]?
I'm beginning to wonder.
[22:28] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: nah box mixups happen
[22:28] Mxxxxx Vxxxxxx: I'm always clueless
[22:28] pxxxx Vxxxx: Im clueless also
[22:29] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: 7431 lindens
[22:29] Sxxxxx Mxxxxxxx: gotta wonder how some people dont constantly hurt themselves
[22:29] exxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ban please
[22:29] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: [pxxxx] that skybox was called [TMK] skyroom
[22:29] Axxxxx Cxxxxxx: [lxxxxx], you're chatting in the wrong group.
[22:29] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ok, sorry
[22:29] lxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: wrong window
[22:30] pxxxx Vxxxx: Your the best!!!! Thank-you so much, [Nxxxx] :)
[22:30] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: my hoarder inventory says you're welcome
[22:30] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx: it also says please clean me please... she never-
[22:30] Nxxxx Bxxxxxxxx coughs
[22:30] pxxxx Vxxxx: laughs
[22:30] Pxxxxxxx Kxxxxx: lol
So what's the takeaway from all this? Don't be stupid, stupid. Basically. Or listen when people tell you things. One of those.

16 May, 2017

heard a bump, and somebody screamed

[13:20] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: if any of you have ozimals bunnies in your inventory, get to the store now and get the free timepiece and convert it if you want to keep it. ozimals is no more because of a court order
This is addressed further in the notecard post.

[13:21] Dxxxxx Fxxxxxxx: :0
[13:21] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: :O
[13:21] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: pufflings too
[13:21] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: i dont know exactly who the beef was with but they sent a notecard sayng they have a cease and desist order they cant fight
[13:22] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: wow
[13:22] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: theyve been here forever seems like
[13:22] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: 7 years
[13:24] Zxxxx Hxxx: Amaretto i believe had the case against them
[13:25] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: they have been fightng with amaretto for years yes, but at one point they won against them
[13:26] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: im not sure if its them or someone else
[13:26] Zxxxxx Hxxx: I could be wrong but remember hearing of something between them a while back
[13:26] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: the notecard names the people but rl names
[13:26] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: name and shame i say
[13:27] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: "At 8:00 am on Monday, May 15, 2017, I received a Cease and Desist letter from legal counsel representing [Exxxxx Dxxxxxxxxxx] and Akimeta Ltd. This letter demands that I cease all use of Ozimals intellectual property."
[13:27] Kxx Hxxxxxxxx: Lm to Ozimals, please [Pxxxxx]
[13:27] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: did they sound like dutch names?
[13:27] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: Magic of Oz
[13:29] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: they do, dont they?
[13:29] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: wonder if its sion chickens
[13:33] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: hiya evyerone
[13:33] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: posting breedables is not allowed in group chat
[13:33] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: hi [Axxxx]
[13:33] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: if its sion, i'd expect all the breedables to vanish.
[13:34] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: sorry [Axxxx]. this isnt exactly posting breedables. its announcing the death of one
[13:34] Axxxxxxxxxxxx Sxxxxxxx: oh I see
[13:34] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Eh what happened? I just logged on
[13:34] Zxxxxx Hxxx: Feel like posting the lm was more of the issue
[13:34] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: although i DID post the link to the store for the timepieces to save your favorites
[13:34] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: mea culpa
[13:35] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Which ones?
[13:35] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: [Jxxxxxxx], Ozimals got a cease and desist order from the court, theyre shutting down
[13:35] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: but there is a box full of copyable treats, grow potion, time pieces etc in the store
[13:35] Dxxxxx Fxxxxxxx: wonder if it would work on the babies
[13:35] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: it will
[13:35] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: you can also make any of them big or tiny
[13:36] Kxx Hxxxxxxxx: So how does this timepiece work [Pxxxxx]?
[13:36] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i found there address :P shall i get the heavys in? lol
[13:36] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Ah. Only ones I marginally care about are Kittycats xD I am curious about this legal issue though
[13:36] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: ill send you the notecard i got
[13:37] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: if its someone like sion chickens behind it, they can shut down all the breedables if they shut down ozimals
[13:38] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: yeah and thats bad ...
[13:39] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: reason i wondered if its them is because i thought back to the oldest breeder, and something rings a bell but i cant remember..
[13:39] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: i think they were. or maybe turtles before them?
[13:40] Rxxxxx Sxxxxxxxxx: turtles came after
[13:42] kxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so the idea is that someone says breedables are their own copyright idea and no one else should be able to do it, [Pxxxxx]?
[13:43] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: well, someone says ozimals was their own at any rate
[13:43] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: i don't know if other breedables are effected,I was just speculating there
[13:44] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: im just going to take and convert all my special ones so i can keep them. i have. LOTS
[13:44] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: I think someone would have a really difficult idea arguing that in court against a business with some actual backing, such as Kittycats or that other large one I can't recall the name of
[13:45] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: you think ozimals didnt have backing? lol
[13:45] axxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i found a post about akimeta saying about ozimals but that was back in 2009
[13:45] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: they were the first really big one. amaretto came next and they fought in court for a couple years
[13:45] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: theyve been here 7 years, id been breeding them since the first week
[13:46] Kxx Hxxxxxxxx: How does this time peice work, [Pxxxxx]. No instructions came with it
[13:46] Jxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: They're not the most widespread though. The other one is that horses group. Regardless it's still an interesting issue. *goes off to google the briefs*
[13:46] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: first, make sure the bunny isnt hibernating. the sun in the folder will fix that. then just rez it beside the bunny you want and youll get a popup
[13:47] Kxx Hxxxxxxxx: They are all in hibernation lol
[13:47] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: mine too! first rez a sun beside each one
[13:47] Kxx Hxxxxxxxx: Ok
[13:48] kxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: hmmm, I just saw a new store go up with tons of breedables, not kittycats at good prices today, lol
[13:48] kxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: maybe will not be such good prices later, then, huh
[13:49] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: if you see a 'collectable' bunny someplace, id buy it
[13:49] kxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: maybe plenty of "bargains" people hedging their bets then
[13:49] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: if i were you
[13:50] Pxxxxx Pxxxxxxxx: a mutant or an elite
So...that seems to be that.

Now, it's well known I have issues with the very concept of breedables, but they've gotten much better in both script usage and prim counts over the years. It's still a case where I land on a sim that has a significant amount of breedables rezzed out, or even shelves full of the boxes of breedable animals to buy, that I experience pretty significant lag. That's a common issue, not just something I experience.

But this goes a bit deeper for me. I first met Malkavyn when he had a tiny shop for eyes, eyes I instantly fell in love with. He and I talked a bit over the next few months, when I stopped by his store, and when he bought his own sim, Magic of Oz, he told me and others about it. I thought it was an amazing venture, but admittedly, he had a bit of a problem funding it.

Then, a few years after sim launch, he and his partner invented Ozimals. And they were massively popular. The problems of owning a sim disappeared, so much so that they bought another sim just for the Ozimals line.

With Ozimals now shut down, what's going to happen to Magic of Oz?

tombstone hand and a graveyard mine

Well, this is upsetting.
ello, friends.

At 8:00 am on Monday, May 15, 2017, I received a Cease and Desist letter from legal counsel representing [Exxxxx Dxxxxxxxxxx and Akimeta Ltd. This letter demands that I cease all use of Ozimals intellectual property.

I don’t personally agree with this claim, but I do not have the means to fight this in court, therefore I have no choice but to comply.

As of the morning of Wednesday, May 17, 2017, my products and their associated games will cease to function.

This means:
All databases supporting the bunnies and Pufflings will be offline.
Support, both inworld and through the ticket portal, will cease.
All Ozimals inworld groups will be closed.
Pufflings will cease to function.
Any bunny who is Everlasting will continue to function, as he or she does now: without cost.
Any bunny who is not Everlasting will be unable to eat and will hibernate within 72 hours.

This really [fxxking] sucks, and I’m sorry. It was never my intention for the time we’ve all spent with the bunnies and the Pufflings to end like this. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the support this community has given me over the last seven years. I wish there was more I could say.

Malkavyn Eldritch
In the meantime, there's coverage of Steelhead Bay by the SL Newser, and by New World Notes. I'm proud that Gearhaven has their small mooring station there to support the cause. May Steelhead Bay thrive.

05 May, 2017

a tale of several mesh heads (part one)

Heard from a friend about a steampunk coffeshop in Cape Town, South Africa. It's called Truth. They use an Edwardian-era coffee roaster in a Victorian-era warehouse, with much of the original pipe work for the business preserved. They roast their own coffee beans daily. If anyone's near Cape Town, or plans to be, do check them out. They sound wonderful.

In the meantime, the rest of this entry is the story of my ongoing, (mostly) fruitless search for a mesh head to go with the Maitreya mesh body. The Maitreya is mostly functional (there are still some alpha cuts that could be divided further for better adaptability), and in general, I've been happy with it.

The same cannot be said for mesh heads, from anyone.

So, this is my basic look these days. The lipstick changes, but in general, the skin, eyes, hair and face doesn't. (This is weird for me, I'm still getting used to it.) But there is a pretty clear demarcation line between where my system head ends, and where the Maitreya mesh begins. I have a couple chokers I like that I wear, but most of the time I just grit my teeth and accept there's going to be a line.

Still, friends of mine were talking about Lightstar mesh heads. I was, as with any mesh head, dubious, but I picked the one with the fullest lips (Lin, their so-called 'Asian' head), and spent many hours tweaking it into useability.

I don't think it worked. But at least, doing all that work may have given me a baseline on what to change, to make things look like "me". Ish.

Though I still don't think I look like me in any mesh head.

Then I tried the same head, untweaked, on my normal shape. Oh.

Catwa's "Catya" head is undiluted nightmare fuel.

This is Kathy.

This is Kimberly. I had high hopes for Kimberly.

This is Lilo. She looks like she's in mid-sneeze.

And this is Lona, their newest release. It's like the attack of the fish-lipped women.

All right, so...wearing the LightStar modified shape for me won't work for Catwa. Maybe that was irrational of me, to think it would, but however it goes, it doesn't work.

So later, I pore over the face changes, setting by setting, and see if I can get past the fish lips and into a mesh head, yeah?


(continued in part two)

02 May, 2017

from the slowly sinking ship

If you love dinosaurs, if you're rigged to see Bento and mesh, this is an amazing resource. While they do have some fantasy hide patterns, they also seem to have looked into serious dinosaur research for the rest. Very, very impressed.

Screw being a mermaid--I want to be a plesiosaur!

In the meantime....

[15:39] ixxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: whats the isssue with fameshed
[15:41] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: fameshed? Sim is probably full
Event just opened. Sim's probably packed, wait a few days.
[15:41] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: map says 23
[15:41] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: besom chat says they just rebooted
Really? That's interesting.
[15:42] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: is it a full region or a homestead ?
[15:43] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: with all the gifts there, will likely be difficult to get in for some time
[15:44] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: what kind of gifts?
[15:44] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mesh gifts since its a mesh event
[15:46] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: TP?
[15:46] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: hair gifts too...from Damselfly and Monso at least
[15:47] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: fameshed is at FaMESHed assuming you can get in
[15:47] Mxxxxx Cxxxxxxxxxx: how long does it go for?
[15:48] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: Sim may be offline right now
[15:48] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: map says online and 17 people
Online and less people now? There's something wrong...
[15:48] Sxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: Thx [Kxxxxxx]
[15:49] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: but... if they dropped the max people to fight lag, and the new premium q thing is enabled, non premiums will find it almost impossible to get in
Wait, what?
[15:50] Fxxxxxxx Exx: [Kxxxxxx], what is the new premium q thing?
That was my question.
[15:51] hxxxxxx Dxxxxxxx: basically a granted ratio for access for the premiums
Say again?
[15:51] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LL are rolling out a 'new feature' basically, a few spaces 10 % will be reserved on event sims, for premium only people [15:51] Fxxxxxxx Exx: wow.
I second that wow...
[15:52] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: g r e e d
[15:52] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so in a busy event sim, as initial non premiums leave, they can only be replaced by premiums... and no nnon prems get in until capacity drops below 90 %
[15:52] Fxxxxxxx Exx: um, that stinks.
[15:53] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: agreed
Thirded. And I say that being back in the paying-premium game. That's a 'benefit' that feels wholly unfair.
[15:53] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: probably won't change much
[15:53] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: if your non prem and have an old machine, and used to wait till the off peak end of events to get in, now you might not get in at all, ever
[15:54] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: It's evil
[15:54] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: its project stupid
[15:54] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: LL are squeezing cash to pay for the money pit
[15:54] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mhm
[15:56] Fxxxxxxx Exx: well, instead of randomness, it gives preferential treatment to those with more disposable income
If true, this is quite dire.
[15:56] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: erm no
[15:56] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: it gives preferential treatment to those who dispose of income to live on the mainland
[15:57] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: membership has its privileges, right?
[15:57] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: many non premiums pay a damn sight more than 72 bucks a year for their private parcels in the islands
[15:57] Fxxxxxxx Exx: agreed
[15:57] jxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: mhm
[15:58] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: in fact since the rental of parcels on the islands makes up the bulk of sl, odds are that premium contributes very little to sal finances
So restrict membership just to landowners? That's no solution either.
[15:59] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: yeah, seriously, I think you are getting worked up over nothing... 10% of the spots at an event doesn't change anything...if I go to a full sim or event, I crash or it doesn't load...Would rather just avoid it
[16:00] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: oh it has other effects, non premium renting a parcel cant go home cos the club next door has premium guests
Does anyone know if this is accurate? And/or true, verifiable, et cetera? Because I haven't heard of any of this.
[16:01] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: even LL know its going to be unpopular, announcement was low key and its 'being rolled out gradually'
[16:01] Rxxxxxx Bxxxxxxxxx: being a premium isn't worth it either unless you intend to buy land driectly from LL
[16:01] cxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: ah all this is about a new change that's coming?
[16:01] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: sounds more like a topic for the official forums than our chat
[16:03] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: what changes?
[16:03] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: and what forum do I find them on
Goooood question. Where do I find that forum?
[16:03] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: There are always multiple opinions on this issue and it can be debated ad nauseum.
[16:03] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: having more groups is kinda useful if you are premium
[16:04] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: especially for people who are required to have event groups.
[16:04] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: but seriously, if LL wanted to encourage people to go premium, they should put last names back as a premium benefit
We're never going to get last names back. I don't know why, we've certainly protested enough for them. But I seriously doubt it will happen.
[16:05] Dxxx Rxxxx: never understood why they took last names away
[16:05] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: Because people complained about having limited choices and wanted to be able to pick their own last name.
[16:06] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: so 3rd wave lastnamers would have somebody to look down at ?
[16:06] Txxxx Sxxxxxxxx: there was talk about that at one point [Axxxxx], being able to pay to change to ..eg your husband/partners name, guess we will need SL lawyers then
[16:06] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: And then there were the people who wanted to be able to change their name everey time they partnered.
[16:06] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: lol...so the answer was to give one choice...lol...the LL way
Pretty much.
[16:06] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: wow
[16:06] Lxxxxxx Fxxxxx: .. seriously? Getting to pick a last name was part of joining SL. It was fun to try to get certain ones
[16:07] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: actually, LL always had the vanity name program, that is probably still around...but cost like $500
[16:07] Gxxxxxxxx Pxxx: I would prefer more group slots
[16:07] Dxxx Rxxxx: more slots for picks
[16:07] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: It really is one of those you can't please everyone topics.
[16:07] Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: i would prefer more pics slots
Many of us would like more than nine picks, but that's a whole other software tangle.
[16:08] axxxxxxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: If we had infinite pick slots...I'd have an individual 3 part biography for every character in my profile
[16:08] Axxxxx Vxxxxxxxx: i don't think they pleased anyone by eliminating last names...it really hurt the platform compared to before
[16:08] Kxxxxxx Rxxxxxxx: call me old fashioned, i use place picks to pick places...
[16:08] dxxxxxxxx Exxxxxxx: There is a LL podcast somewhere on the issue of more groups. Apparently it can cause huge lag because every time you cross a sim boundary your groups are reviewed by the servers or something.
[16:09] Dxxxxxxxx Dxxx: I want more!! I need 30 just to keep up with my musicians and venues I work at
And that is a huge, other issue--people who manage musicians, dance troupes, DJs and artists really need a way to extend groups that the rest of us profoundly don't need. I have no solutions, but I recognize the problem.

I still want to know if premium-only entry is a thing, though.

01 May, 2017

what are you waiting for?

New month, more tales of abandonment....eventually I'll work this blog back into my daily round of coffee, collation and SLife.

In the meantime...Steelhead is coming back? Well...sort of. It will only be one sim to start, and won't be for a few months. But it sounds promising.

In a similar vein of nostalgic return, Armada Breakaway may be returning...not under the same ownership, and I can't say much more than that currently, as it's not being openly advertised. But there is a builder--who never saw or experienced the original set of sims--working on bringing the writings of China Miéville back to the grid. And from what I've seen so far, it feels, startlingly, like the Armada build already. I wish him the greatest of luck and hope to see more as it develops.

in the still of the night

"You are, and always will be, the conductor of the train-wreck love life."
Something's on the horizon.

"You need to stop doing this...at some point, it stops being cluelessness, and starts being choice."
It's getting closer.

"This will hurt me. Understand, doing this, what you have already done, has and will hurt me."
Very close now.

"You need to figure out how to stop doing these things, before you've already done them...because it just causes more drama for everyone."
Oh. There it is.

We're here again.

Guess all that's left to do is go home...
